228 Topics

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Member Avatar for Whoever90

Hi, I try to convert a tuple into binary number but I keep getting the error like"ord() expected string of length 1 but tuple found" Can anyone help me in this?

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for Dhanika

Greetings everyone! I hope to learn and become better in programming. But honestly, my heart fails me everytime I face a new assignment. This one is just another heartache. Thing is, the question wants me to print out n-bit strings in lexicographical order ( meaning increasing order ). And I …

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Member Avatar for mistercow.pnoy

Okay, I know this is really really simple, but for the life of me, my brother and I cannot get this to work properly. [LIST] [*]We have a number in Cell D4(and down). [*]In E5 is the binary conversion of D4. [*][*]In F2-N2 we want to have the individual numbers …

Member Avatar for mistercow.pnoy
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Convert a decimal (denary) integer to a binary string. An exercise in do ... while and while loops.

Member Avatar for arun26
Member Avatar for jagan605

i recently started typing the code for the program to convert a binary number to its decimal form and i got stuck when my compiler reported this error. this is what i have typed till now. [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<math.h> main() { int n,s=0,k=0,a,b,c; cout<<"\n\n\tPROGRAM TO CONVERT BINARY TO …

Member Avatar for jagan605
Member Avatar for evilsweeps

Hi, this is my first post on here so forgive me if my question or code is unclear. I'm coding a binary search tree and I'm stuck on the overloaded ==operator. [CODE] //BSTCLASS.CPP template <class ItemType> void BstClass<ItemType>::rFindNode(node<ItemType>* trav,ItemType& item,node<ItemType>* rtTrav, ItemType& rtItem, bool& equal)const { rFindNode(trav->left, trav->left->data, rtTrav->left, rtTrav->left->data, …

Member Avatar for evilsweeps
Member Avatar for Xamas

I'm going to put the text information to "data.bin" file in binary mode. Then i'm goint to read that information from file. I did by using "FileOutputStream", then "ObjectOutputStream" class and his "writeObject();" method, but this one just puts serialized object data to file, and as I understand - that's …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for BigTito89

Hi, I'm having a problem wrapping my head around a problem. Here is the problem: Develop a program that will input a binary string and then, using bitwise operations, do a two's complement on the string and display it. Use UNSIGNED data types for the bit strings. So far, I …

Member Avatar for r.stiltskin
Member Avatar for DarthPJB

Howdy, those of you who remember me may be happy to know my 2D game engine was finished and I'm now working on a 3D engine. My engine has been going rather spiffingly well, after some battles with DirectX and OpenGL i managed to get them working side-by-side. Wrote a …

Member Avatar for DarthPJB
Member Avatar for Kennych

Hey can anyone tell me whats wrong with my code? I'm getting a program freeze. [url]http://i47.tinypic.com/wh1ez5.png[/url] I'm doing a binary search tree, BST.CPP [url]http://pastebin.org/57667[/url] Person.CPP [url]http://pastebin.org/57669[/url] TreeNode.CPP [url]http://pastebin.org/57670[/url] Main---Where I call the searchTreeInsert function [url]http://pastebin.org/57674[/url]

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for big_guy_bri

We are working on a header file for a template class called TreeNode. My class definition is as follows: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class BSTree; class TreeNode<T>; { friend classBSTree<T>; public: //constructor TreeNode( T = T(), TreeNode<T>* = 0, TreeNode<T>* = 0 ); private: T data; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for codewalkz

Anyone who knows how to apply this in php scripting? the scripts in this site can be xecuted in mysql console but I can't get it working in php script in the website im studying. I want to create a tree like this: [URL="http://sitepointstatic.com/graphics/sitepoint_numbering.gif"]http://sitepointstatic.com/graphics/sitepoint_numbering.gif[/URL]

Member Avatar for codewalkz
Member Avatar for simonsayz27

Hey everyone. I first post and I couldn't figure out how to encase my code, sorry. Let me know and I'll do it next post. Anyways, I've built binary tree using recursion and included a function to print out the sum of the level of the tree of a given …

Member Avatar for codewalkz
Member Avatar for jakethesnake86

I got the following code out of Carrano's Walls & Mirrors. I made a few changes but have tested it and it works. I'm really confused by line 19 in the .h file. Why is it structured like "void (*FunctionType)"? Why not (void*) FunctionType? or void* FunctionType? What is the …

Member Avatar for ross42111
Member Avatar for TigerGirl

Hi. I have a recursive public static method search that takes a Tree node (any arbitrary binary tree, not necessarily a search tree) and returns whether or not that tree satisfies the order property for a binary search tree. So, my method is [CODE]public static boolean search(TN t) { if …

Member Avatar for TigerGirl
Member Avatar for seo2005

To convert 1310 to binary, the steps are as follows: 13/2 = 6 remainder 1 6/2 = 3 remainder 0 3/2 = 1 remainder 1 1/2 = 0 remainder 1 I didn't understand the last step. How can 1/2=0 . It should be 0.5 And how can remainder be 1. …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for hny_lyn

To begin, we were asked to make a TREE... It says that we should traverse the left subtree of the ROOT/NODE in postorder and then make a copy of it... Next is to traverse the right subtree of the ROOT/NODE in postorder and then make a copy of it... Lastly, …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for NiGhtMarEs0nWax

Hi, i've just taken higher computing in college and need to know a couple of things before i can proceed further with the course. The first is how to represent floating point numbers in binary. i have a good grasp of binary & data types etc. there are a few …

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The End.