19 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for Bryan_5

I'm trying to store some information in a binary file. However, i met with a problem that i can't rectify. For example, if the first order comes in, there is a struct of information that includes orderNo 1, which will be stored into the binary file. When there's a second …

Member Avatar for muhammadnasiri

would any one give me idea or code about how to make a binary search tree of apple Ltd products prices. suppose products are: macbook i3, macbook i5, macbook i7, iphone 3g, iphone 3gs, iphone 4, iphone 4s, iphone 5, iphone 5s, iphone 5c, ipand 2, ipad mini.

Member Avatar for fyra

Hi people. I have a remove function that should set a hide member of a node to 1 instead of actually remove the node. The function works well when I insert and remove top and tap respectively (both nodes have their hide member set to 1) but when I insert …

Member Avatar for gtkesh

Hello everybody. Here is my remove method for bst. As you all know, there are 3 cases to consider while removing a node from bst. For the last case, when a node (which is to be removed) has 2 children, I want to use predecessor instead of successor to change …

Member Avatar for somjit{}

i was searching for a code to perform binary XOR addition. Exams coming up, and needed to a quick way to create and verify standard array tables. However, i didnt find anything substantial on the internet, so made my own version of it. can anyone take a look and tell …

Member Avatar for meda.gharib

Hi everyone I'm stuck on a school project. The Following is the prompt: > Write an assembly language program that prompts the user to enter a string to be interpreted as an 8-digit hexadecimal number. Your program must convert the ASCII string representation of this hexadecimal number into a 32-bit …

Member Avatar for sandz24

Can anyone discuss how to convert a jpeg color image into binary using OpenCv and C++. I find it hard understanding it on my own. I found sample programs but that really doesn't help much if I don't understand the meaning of every line of code. At least a step …

Member Avatar for nyuszi

im making a program which uses binarys so convert decimal numbers, characters, strings to binary numbers and work with them. but i got stucked because i want to divide Bin with Bin. something like this: 11010110110000 / 10011 = 01001110110000 so the new number will the 1001110110000 / 10011... until …

Member Avatar for nyuszi

Hello, i want a program which convert Dec,Char,String to Bin. but i got stucked in Char because i want to do 8 bit long list and if its not 8 long i put zeros in the front but something always wrong. import Data.Char (ord) toBinary :: Int -> [Int] toBinary …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have a difficult function to write and I have no idea where to begin. Here is the definition of what I need to write: "A function f(x,y) which returns true if the binary number formed by concatenating the bits of x, 8*y-1 zeroes and a one is prime, false …

Member Avatar for aizen92

Hello, I would like to know how can I put a binary number such as 110 in a register in MIPS? Thanks,

Member Avatar for Curtisq

So my problem is writing a program that asks the user to input a number wich is stored with scanf then print the binary representation of that number in 32 bits, as in if the number is 1 i would need 31 0's and a 1. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> void dec_bin(long …

Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

Hi, I am following the chapter on Replication from the book High Performance MySQL. There it is written that I need to enable binary logging and specify a server ID for my MySQL server. It instructs me to write (or verify the presence of) the following lines in the master’s …

Member Avatar for methmignonne

hi. im doing an edge detection which will detect edges of each RGB channel and then combine them to show it as a final output. im now having a problem with combining the three as it doesnt show me a binary image, instead it has some colors on it. i …

Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , I have a binary file , the defincition of its content is as below L Here is one of my 'log items' from the data.bin, all data is stored in little endian (ie. least significant byte first) 11 63 39 46 --- Time, UTC in seconds since …

Member Avatar for crossbow25

[CODE] #ifndef VECTORBINARYTREE_H #define VECTORBINARYTREE_H template<typename Object> class ArrayVector{ private: int capacity; int sz; Object* a; protected: void overflow() { capacity*=2; Object* b=new Object[capacity]; for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) b[i]=a[i]; delete []a; a=b; } public: ArrayVector(int initCap=16){ capacity = initCap; sz=0; a = new Object[capacity]; } int size() const {return sz;} bool isEmpty() …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

Hi experts! I have the following code which I use for dynamically creating objects in one module (executable or shared object (.so or .dll)) and be able to delete it from any other module while enforcing the call to the delete operator in the original module where the object was …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Check this out: [URL="http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/"]Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages[/URL]

Member Avatar for Roy_Valentine

Can anyone help me fix this problem I have with my code. I am supposed to be writing a Binary Insertion Sort method that calls a binary search method. I have code that is working for in order integers, when tested on reverse order integers it works except it places …


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