15,540 Topics

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Member Avatar for janxxx

Can u help me in my assignment in making a calendar program using turbo c. I have made a few functions but im now stuck. What will I do with this? User is asked to input year and month, then the out put will be the year and the Calendar …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mae ann

[B][I][COLOR="Red"]good day![/COLOR][/I][/B] we were given a project. it is a program for an airline company. in this program, [B]the user can view vacant seats in the airplane[/B] then [B]he can make a reservation in any of those seats [/B]or [B]cancel a reservation[/B] he had made. he can also[B] view the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Ratte

I am designing an ftp client prompt in C (unix environment). At this point, I have an infinite loop with an fprintf of the prompt on stdout and an fgets for reading user input. I need help with the structure of my program. How do I implement this? I have …

Member Avatar for Ratte
Member Avatar for marzuki

Dear all; I want to join three strings become one string. For example char date1 = "03"; char date2 = "06"; char date3 = "2007"; char new string; what I need is new string like: new string =[COLOR="Red"]03-06-2007.txt[/COLOR] I will use new string as input file name that will be …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for delacruise

i got an issue of creating a QUEUE of integers in a circular array using C to insert, remove, display, show CAN ANYBODY HELP ME OUT HERE

Member Avatar for jimwalther

hey guys, im having a hard time making this switch function catch letters and return the error message. [CODE]int main() { int choice; do { /* THE DISPLAY MENU*/ printf("================================================\n\n"); printf("Welcome to Walther's Tic Tac Toe Game.\n\n"); printf("what would you like to do?\n\n"); printf("1 Play Tic Tac Toe\n\n"); printf("2 Quit\n\n"); …

Member Avatar for chandrasekharn
Member Avatar for gauravmishra

i want to find make a program for insertion in AVL binary tree therefore i want to find balance factor of a node by subtracting depth of right child from dephth of left child how will i find this depth. i am using array representetion of the tree.

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for DennisB

I am having problems trying to figure out exactly what is going wrong with my code. I am trying to create a factorial program using an array. I have tried, unsuccessfully, various ways to make it work but I can not figure it out. Any assistance would be appreciated. [code=c] …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for marzuki

Dear all; I have problem in reading data file in C. I have data like this: 00:00:00 R- 0.0654 345 +19 00:01:00 R+ 1.5678 324 +19 00:02:00 2.3456 315 +19 00:03:00 R- 1.2352 324 +19 ........................ next until 1440 lines What i want is only the data in third column, …

Member Avatar for marzuki
Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

does eny1 nos how 2 convert 16 bit to 8 bit if so plz tell me, i need a c program for it. thanx

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Ratte

I am writing client and server programs for a simple FTP. I am allowed to use chdir, getcwd and getenv. What would be a correct procedure to expand a user provided path correctly using these functions, assuming of course the user supplied path is stored in a c-string? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for tehloki

I have to use a recursive backtracking search to solve the classic "bucket" problem. ie. You have two buckets, one holds 5L, the other 3L. Find a way to get 4L into the 5L bucket, while only being able to fill/empty either bucket, or to pour one of them into …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for leeqiang

like the title i wanna know how to output a B-tree like that: ****************A ************B******C ********D******E*******F the struct of B-tree is: typedef struct node { datatype data; struct node *lchild, *rchild; } BTnode,*BTREE "*" means escape thanks

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Paulville

Hi everyone. I am a very new in this forum!! I create a little code in c to generate a time series!! Is a file .out, and I can´t open it in an Spreadsheet, opens automatically on Word Processor, even when I try to open from the Spreadsheet [QUOTE] 1 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for banditt_77

I'm a newbie teaching myself C, can anyone show me how to write a code that generates the next license plate number when you input one containing 6 characters 3 letters and 3 numbers, and asks the user if they want to continue or quit. Thank you

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for megan-smith

Hey, I've written a tic tac toe program. Computer makes some random moves, but i want it to be smarter and make some intellegent moves. any idea how to approach it? here's the code i've written. Although it's not that high-level, it's working fine. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #define BOARDSIZE 9 #define USER …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Paulville

Hi people! I´m working in a code with a friend! Both employ Linux Platforms, but he works in Suse, and I´m working in Kubuntu. Both distributions suppose to work with the GNU/Linux libraries. We work the code on his machine with Suse. And runs perfectly well! But in my Kubuntu´s …

Member Avatar for Paulville
Member Avatar for Pačo

Hello, could anyone please help me with this. I have a hardware connected to my PC via serial port. This hardware is sending me data (in HEX format). Now i would like this data save to a .txt file. Please help me. Here is my code so far...if anybody is …

Member Avatar for Pačo
Member Avatar for imran_s

[code=C] #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> int toAnyBase(int n, int toBase); // from base 10 (2nd) int toBaseTen(char array[256], int fromBase); // from any base (1st) int fromAnyToAny(char input[],int fromBase,int toBase); int main() { char input[10]; int fromBase=0; int toBase=0; int answer=0; int answer2=0; printf("Enter number :"); …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for emilio

hello i wonder if there is a way to return an array in function like in java lang for example: int[] ret (int i,int j) { int[] a = (i,j} ; return a ; } or can i ewturn a pointer to a new array? i need it for function …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for LilLady

The assignment is as follows: 1. Print name 2. Ask user "How many cycles?" and accept integer answer. 3. Ask user "How many samples per cycle?" and accept integer answer. 4. Calculate total number of samples and allocate an array of doubles to hold them. Initialize doubles to zero. Hint: …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for tu_m.aimes

I'm trying to sort a list of names alphabetically, by isolating the first element of the string and compare, which I think should work, but there's an error, SISEGV with something about an invalid access to storage... I don't know, but my group mates and I can't figure this out. …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for poiuy

plz suggest a simple C program to find out greatest number using array....

Member Avatar for Salem
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Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for deadswitch

Hey folks -- DaniWeb has helped me a lot with various other programming projects, but I've run into a snag that I just can't get myself to understand. Hooray for vague compiler errors. Hopefully someone here can show me the error of my ways. I'm making a little game, based …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for FoX_

Hi all... How can I control any postfix expression is valid or not??? I controlled it using a stack(the code is below) and it worked but I 'm using the stack again after clearing it for evaluation the postfix expression to the infix expression.I'm using the stack twice and I …

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Member Avatar for vinaychalluru

Hi,every one I am going to find whether the given number is a armstrong number or not and I have done my level best and I need your help in one thing,If any mistakes,please reply and I need your other views to develop my C skills.hope help from you all …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Majestics

Can Any One Tell Me How To Handle Registers In C ,while We Are Dealing With Mouse Handling ... Can Any One Explain With Some Example.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dangerd

I have a systems programming problem. Its a group of small programs that interact with each other to implement a mutual exclusion problem. I was wondeing if somebody could comment them to help me understand them better. Would be very much appreciated. They are toilets shared by boys and girls. …

Member Avatar for fuhaohowy
Member Avatar for piscean123

Need your help in this code too.. this is the program to convert any entered number into its hexadecimal equivalent but the problem is that same result is printed for any number...:'( :'( [CODE]int main (void) { int n; printf("Enter Number :"); scanf("%d", n); printf("Hexadecimal Equivalent %x", n); getch(); return …

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The End.