12 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for nadiam

hello everyone! I recently found this jquery calendar plugin called Calendario and am wondering if anyone here has ever used it or even heard of it. [Calendario jquery plugin](http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/11/27/calendario-a-flexible-calendar-plugin/) I am trying to integrate it into this page, im trying to create and have the data from my database : …

Member Avatar for super-duper

Hi, I am working on a Sharepoint 2007 site. It has 2 lists: calendar and contacts. I was wondering if there is a way to connect/link those 2 lists to a table in a database, from where they could pull out the necessary data and stay updated. To make it …

Member Avatar for Floppy1

Hi, I need help with coding so I can see the WORK week. In this code I only see the whole week. "glob_calendar_id:=oOutlook; //Store object ID oOutlookCOM:=oOutlook.GetComObject; oOutlookCOM.Folder:='Calendar'; //Calendar view oOutlookCOM.View:='Week'; I need to see WORK week. Help please...

Member Avatar for kimmi_baby

Hi, I have 2 calendars using jquery UI datepicker. The first calendar is default to todays date. What I need to happen is for the second calendar default date to change to default date (of first calendar) + 1 day. I'm really not too sure how to do this... So …

Member Avatar for jonsan32

My page [url]http://www.epicbasketball.com/p/events.html[/url] is kinda lookin pretty darn unprofessional. I'm limited in my coding skill, but am pretty good at learning new things quickly. If anyone out there could give me some advice, some tips, or would like to flat-out retouch the code below yourself, it would be HIGHLY APPRECIATED. …

Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, I've made a custom month view calendar control but I'm having a problem in my custom day event drag code. I don't use any of the drag and drop in winforms, basically I just override the OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove methods and listen for appropriate actions to get my own …

Member Avatar for lasano

I have a calendar and when selecting the date the date format inserted to text box is in the format ' 10/10/2010'. This is not getting inserted into oracle database. Oracle accepts only the format '10-OCT-10' . So please help me to change the format of date that getting selected …

Member Avatar for scofro

Hi all, I'm looking for some help with a PHP / MySQL scheduling component that our website users will use to schedule our services. I've drawn out 2 calendars that sit side by side using PHP. One for the current month, and one for the following month...to give users the …

Member Avatar for scofro

Hi all, I'm somewhat of a PHP noobie so be kind:) I have a MySQL table that contains the latitude and longitude coordinates to several different service areas, as well as an 'AreaCode' field. I'm using a PHP point in polygon function to loop through each of the service areas …

Member Avatar for leokuz

In one of the downloaded free webtemplates I have this calendar. The problem is that it is static, outdated calendar. How can I modify this code to make it [COLOR="Green"]live[/COLOR], [COLOR="green"]current[/COLOR], and [COLOR="green"]user changeable[/COLOR] to different months and years? Thank you! [CODE]<h2>Calendar</h2> <div id="calendar_wrap"> <table summary="Calendar"> <caption> October 2009 </caption> …

Member Avatar for amanda110

Have you ever been thinking to make calendar by yourself? Use your own photo album as decorating picture and mark some special day with special tags rather than only red circle in the calendar. you will get the chance to [URL="http://www.imediacreator.com/tutorial-photo/use-calendar-template-to-make-calendar-on-mac.html#175"][B]use free calendar templates to make calendar on Mac[/B][/URL] for …

Member Avatar for jonow

This may be the wrong place to be posting this but here I go. I have a search on my site that uses Google Custom Search. I would like it to also search my Google Calendar. I can't find any method to search just the Google Calendar. I was wondering …


The End.