CES 2011 is around the corner... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by WASDted What products and technologies are you folks interested in seeing coverage on? Give me some suggestions and I will do my best to bring back more info, perhaps some photos, etc. I will even try to post them while I'm there. CES 2011 in on from January 6-9, 2011 - see [url]www.cesweb.org[/url] Twitter Bug; Investors Eye CES for Tomorrow's Wii, Blackberry Community Center by Brian.oco …is plenty of hope for both companies presenting at CES and curious investors. A lot of technology offerings that…be a dearth of quality products (we’ll see about CES, 2010). In addition, consumer electronics companies can ill … Sony, Samsung and LG,). Some highlights from this year’s CES party . . . -- Mattel has a new brain-scanning head… 2008 CES Should Be a Wireless Affair Community Center by Brian.oco … next-generation networking equipment, and much more." CES is historically a big coming out party for new … should be no different. Information Week reports that CES will have more than 2,700 exhibitors showcasing products…like weather and traffic patterns. With wireless, at the CES anyway, the future is now. The telecom industry … Who's going to CES? Hardware and Software by Dani I'm not (hehe), but I was just wondering who in the DaniWeb community was going to CES this year? Re: CES 2011 is around the corner... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by AndreRet Seems I was asleep. I would have liked to see more on In-vehicle information systems/technology. Oh well, so be it...:) Re: CES 2011 is around the corner... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by FreeBirdLjj I'm interested in Mobile Phone and robots.In fact,other IT products are OK. The more,the better. Re: CES 2011 is around the corner... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by WASDted too late my friends. but there were quite a bit of both of those there ;) Microsoft cooks up OLPC dual-boot mud pie Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek CES always provides plenty of great news, and plenty of juicy … Re: A phablet at last? 6.8-inch Hisense X1 smartphone Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by johnland8193 CES 2015 will come with a lot of products which many people are waiting like Sony Xperia Z4. Temperature converter Programming Software Development by Mehwish Shaikh …, 0dh, 'Enter the temp: $' tmp db ? dvs db ? f db ? ces db ? result db ? .code .startup OUTER: LEA dx, msg MOV… dx, msg5 mov ah,9 int 21h CALL indec MOV ces, al MOV dvs, 5 MOV al, 9 IDIV dvs ;MOV… tmp, al ;tmp = 9/5 IMUL ces MOV cx, ax ;cx = c*9/5 ADD cx, 32d… Need Help Creating Program which reads text files Programming Software Development by Altheriax … Name ------------------------------ CES Manager 3.08…ServerChecks\Opp_SQL_Script.sql -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name ------------------------------ CES Manager 3.11.006 Central … Podcasting in your pocket? Community Center by GuyClapperton … CNET had a preview of it [URL="http://ces.cnet.com/ces-videos/8301-13855_1-9840487-67.html"]a couple… Is the Palm Pre a Pre-tender or the Next Big Thing? Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 …="http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/daily-news/090109-CES-2009-Palm-Introduces-Smartphone-with-GPS/"]new smart phone…[/URL] at CES last month, the buzz has been deafening and for that… New Intel dual-core beats AMD quad Hardware and Software Hardware by EddieC …/laptops/2010/05/leaked-hp-laptop-and-desktop-portfolio-for-ces-2010/]demonstrated by Hewlett-Packard[/url] and others at [url…=http://www.cesweb.org/]CES 2010 in Las Vegas[/url] through Sunday, also incorporate graphics… And you thought your Segway was cool? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by b10hzrd … of lethargy have no doubt added to its appeal. Every CES I have attended has afforded me the opportunity drudge along… my enviousness as I finish mile 8 of my daily CES-trek. [ATTACH=right]16570[/ATTACH]As cool as the standard… PHP from to email - special characters Programming Web Development by riseguim … formulaire que vous tentez d'envoyer."; echo "Voici ces erreurs:<br /><br />"; echo $error… /><br />"; echo "Merci de corriger ces erreurs avant de tenter de renvoyer le formulaire.<br… stocker les donnees d'un fichier ds un tableau Programming Software Development by tsic …ù plusieurs clients sont connectés en meme temps et envoyent ces commandes d'une façon disant simultanées. Comment le… Heaps + Linked List + deletion + leaf Programming Software Development by xyster … quite some time ago). so, like this; [url]http://www.ces.clemson.edu/~warner/M865/HeapDelete.html[/url] however, i can… my log... scaned with dss.exe and hijackthis Hardware and Software Information Security by leonidass … --> C:\PROGRA~1\HEWLET~1\hpis\Uninstall.exe /s CeS HP Memories Disc --> MsiExec.exe /X{B376402D-58EA-45EA… ASP.NET Error? Programming Web Development by lkool ….NET Files\root\10a493e5\6fe38a66\assembly\dl3\3c75c9da\8c775b68_567ac901\Coveo.CES.Web.Search.DLL" /R:"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET… My take on the Apple iPhone Hardware and Software Hardware by mikeandike22 … a problem, I know there wasnt really anything out at CES quite like the iPhone, but some of these companies can… Sex discs too blu for Sony Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek … from the press coverage) runs at the same time as CES in Las Vegas. That revelation being that it appears Sony… Wireless USB – The Next Big Thing Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … supporting Wireless USB were on display earlier this year at CES, including the all important dongle style peripheral to enable standard… Developers to Microsoft: Don’t ‘Mesh’ with Openness Community Center by EddieC …, game consoles, music players “and the list grows at every CES. However, as we discover, adopt and use more of these… Could 15,000 Microsoft jobs be lost? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by happygeek … we will hear anything but technology news from Microsoft at CES. Not least [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs… Asus reveals wireless HD Eee PC inside a keyboard Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … keyboard PC wars are concerned. With the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) still a day away in Vegas, the geeky and gadgetry… Windows 7 Beta arrives, minimum specs revealed Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by happygeek … tomorrow. Talking during his keynote address at the opening of CES in Las Vegas, Ballmer revealed that s[B]oftware developers… Nasdaq Woes; New New Bailout Index Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … lost ground – especially with some much-needed juice from the CES show in Vegas this week. 3D or not 3D Community Center by GuyClapperton … 3D in the television world. There was some excitement at CES about the new technology (I say 'new', I'd seen… Sony PS4 and the Lord of the Rings GPU Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by newsguy … leaked out around the vicinity of the Sony booth at CES in Las Vegas recently. There is even some talk of…