Cocoa not just limited to Mac Hardware and Software Hardware by John A …an open-source implementation of the reusable objects that Cocoa uses. Cocoa, which is the framework that the vast majority … C-based, using a procedural programming method rather than Cocoa's object-oriented method. The goal of GNUstep is… of the most important things: they need to convince Cocoa developers to use GNUstep instead of Apple's. They… Cocoa, Swift and MySQL Programming Software Development by Oxiegen … how. Does anyone here have any experience in connecting a Cocoa/Swift application to a MySQL server (or any remote database… Re: Cocoa, Swift and MySQL Programming Software Development by Oxiegen … such a thing as an equivalent of DataSets/DataTables in Cocoa/Swift to make things easier? Re: Cocoa: Making an editable bubble Hardware and Software macOS by dioioib … syntax. [url]…[/url] [url]… no swt-cocoa-3557 or swt-cocoa in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file Programming Software Development by ynwa … "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-cocoa-3557 or swt-cocoa in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the… the following jars in my library. _swt-cocoa-32 _swt-cocoa-64 swt-cocoa-32 swt-cocoa-64 swt-gtk swt-gtk-64 swt… Any cocoa developers out there... Hardware and Software macOS by kaoss1103 …can contact for advice on issues, techniques and cocoa topics (maybe help you out aswel). Well …really looking to kinda get in to the cocoa development community. P.s. I just got… animation). also lets just through open some cocoa Questions in this thread or just say how… long you have been developing in cocoa, and what aspect you like most about… Re: no swt-cocoa-3557 or swt-cocoa in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file Programming Software Development by peter_budo …+thread+%22main%22+java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError%3A+no+swt-cocoa-3557+or+swt-cocoa+in+swt.library.path&pbx=1&…+in+thread+%22main%22+java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:+no+swt-cocoa-3557+or+swt-cocoa+in+swt.library.path&aq=f&… Re: Help with Cocoa XTools Programming Software Development by John A …using that function anyway, since you're using Cocoa, use the Cocoa methods to do things. For setting a …, see [URL="….[/quote] OK, start by creating a blank window Cocoa project if you haven't already; this will be… Re: Help with Cocoa XTools Programming Software Development by John A …look for a "hello world" Cocoa application. There's one that exists somewhere …. [URL][/URL] For…: [URL][/URL] What… Re: Help with Cocoa XTools Programming Software Development by bploog … various versions of BASIC and Pascal) but the jump to Cocoa with XTools still seems like a mystery to me. I… to figure out the glitch because I should switch to Cocoa. And here the problem starts: I have not been able… the equivalent of a "Hello World" program for cocoa and XTools. So I got stuck at the level to… Help with Cocoa XTools Programming Software Development by bploog Hi, DaniWeb Subscribers! I need to learn Cocoa with XTools quickly. I am reading Apple's Obj-C …Prog Language manual and another book on Cocoa programming. I also looked at the examples provided by the… Re: Help with Cocoa XTools Programming Software Development by bploog Hello, joeprogrammer! You have been most helpful and friendly. Even though I have "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" by Aaron Hillegrass, I'll order the book you suggested, too. In combination with the, I feel confident that I'll be able to tackle the issue! Thanks a million! First person shooters in cocoa? Programming Game Development by lil_panda I know that C++ is (supposed to be) the best language for game developing. Would it be possible and/or easier to make a game like the [color=red][i]awsome[/i][/color] ones you always see at the apple store like StarWars Empire at war in cocoa? Would obj-C or obj-C++ be better? Re: First person shooters in cocoa? Programming Game Development by CoolGamer48 … count will be around 100. I'm not familiar with Cocoa, so I don't know whether it would be possible… Re: First person shooters in cocoa? Programming Game Development by NekoGráfico I don't know much about Cocoa, other than it uses Quartz which is mainly used for windowing and simple 2d graphics. I would only use it for applications and not games. I recommend you use OpenGL if you plan on making those [I]awesome[/I] games. Personal Conclusion: C++ /w OpenGL for [I]awesome[/I] games. Cheers and happy game-deving! lol Is Cocoa Badly Designed (iOS) Programming Software Development by mgold …;/Design book and I noticed how badly designed (I Think) Cocoa is. My biggest issue is it's seemingly unpolymorphic design… All code Cocoa application Programming Software Development by G … about 10 minutes ago. Anyway... I want to make a Cocoa applictation using all code in Xcode, not using the Interface… All code Xcode Cocoa application Programming Software Development by G I want to make a Cocoa applictation using all code in Xcode, not using the Interface … Re: Cocoa, Swift and MySQL Programming Software Development by hericles Is this a mobile app? If it is you can use sqlite instead, it is supported pretty well in objective c so I guess Swift is the same (haven't got around to updating my iOS knowledge base yet). Otherwise, if you need to connect to a remote MySQL serve you may have to add another layer, a PHP webservice or similar, that the app connects to and that … Re: Cocoa, Swift and MySQL Programming Software Development by Oxiegen Nothing? Re: Cocoa, Swift and MySQL Programming Software Development by Tim_11 cocoa: getting the text value of an NSScrollView Hardware and Software macOS by lil_panda Please excuse my noobishness, but how do I get the text value of an NSScrollView? -thanks Cocoa: Making an editable bubble Hardware and Software macOS by Agnusmaximus Hi guys, I want to insert an editable bubble in my app. I don't really know what it's called, but I can give you a picture of what I want: This is from the Xcode IDE [URL="… Cocoa:Editable Bubble help! Programming Software Development by Agnusmaximus Does anyone know how to insert something like this: [URL="… Re: no swt-cocoa-3557 or swt-cocoa in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file Programming Software Development by Taywin Maybe you need to read about java classpath when you compile a Java file? ([URL=""][/URL]) Re: Help with Cocoa XTools Programming Software Development by iamthwee If speed isn't critical I would seriously consider using [url=]this[/url] Re: First person shooters in cocoa? Programming Game Development by lil_panda I have a book on C++, and I've got it down really well, but it doesn't have anything on OpenGL. Where would I find a decent guide/book on OpenGL? Re: First person shooters in cocoa? Programming Game Development by invisal [URL=""] Game Development FAQ's, Books and Resources[/URL] Re: Is Cocoa Badly Designed (iOS) Programming Software Development by ChrisPadgham No Re: All code Cocoa application Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Have you read [this wiki article](