Re: With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by meyerrluanna … operations running smoothly. Finding the right balance between centralization and decentralization seems crucial as tech continues to evolve. How do you… With Rapid Tech Advancement, Beware the Pitfalls of Centralization Community Center by Johannes C. … Philip K. Dick novel. ## The System Theory of Centralization vs. Decentralization ## **System science aims to understand the function of different components… Centralization ## At the heart of the debate between centralization and decentralization lies the question of **efficient resource management**, with centralized systems… Please Correct this SQL String Programming Software Development by ravi.kant.984349 Dear All ! Please Correct my SQL String. sqlcmd = New SqlCommand("Select top 10 Distinct[Batch No], [Item Name],Decentralization, UOM, Balance from Decentralization order by Serial desc", conn) When I run this Command I get Following error : incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Distinct' Re: Please Correct this SQL String Programming Software Development by Pgmer Select Distinct top 10 [Batch No], [Item Name],Decentralization, UOM, Balance from Decentralization order by Serial desc Distinct should come first before top 10... Thoughts about a blockchain-based app distribution platform Programming Software Development by Spheris …, ranking issues, not being accepted etc)? Does the concept of decentralization sound like something you might want to be a part… Re: Does Using GMail Mean You're Stupid? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by billday … face of massive military attack was the result of its decentralization. Cloud computing is a trend in the opposite direction. While… Microsoft, I am also a big fan of redundancy and decentralization, and I try to retain as much control as possible… Re: Torrent Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by pseudorandom21 … pausing, resuming, and bandwidth limiting of downloads as well as decentralization. But on the other hand most of the time people… Re: does anyone like Linux over Microsoft? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by AvidTech …, DEB, BIN, TAR GZ), also many Repos issues because of decentralization. (Business don't like this kind of issues) 2: Latest… Re: Will web become more important than desktop programming? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by deceptikon … now with the whole Cloud nonsense we're in a decentralization period, but I'd wager that one good sercurity breach… Re: Version Control Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 …'s why they like Git so much, for the flexibility, decentralization, and the full backups it produces everywhere, and also the… Re: Cloud OS Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ivan.moony … your own server might interest some people. This leads to decentralization and being independent of any big corporation, especially if the… Re: Please Correct this SQL String Programming Software Development by ravi.kant.984349 Dear Sir; I want Top 1 record for each Item Name, Batch No & Department. What sql code should i give ? ![output1](/attachments/small/3/output1.jpg "align-left") Re: Please Correct this SQL String Programming Software Development by Pgmer Use group by... Somthing like this Select distinct ItemName,BatchNo,UOM,Department from URTABLENAME group by ItemName,BatchNo,UOM,Department. Include all the column in select and gropu by Re: Please Correct this SQL String Programming Software Development by ravi.kant.984349 Dear Sir ! **My Database is : -** ![output3](/attachments/small/3/output3.jpg "align-left") **From this I want this Filtured Result :- ** ![Desigred_Result](/attachments/small/3/Desigred_Result.jpg "align-left") **Please Write a code for this result.** Re: Please Correct this SQL String Programming Software Development by Pgmer No one will write code for you... We can just help you.. Re: Thoughts about a blockchain-based app distribution platform Programming Software Development by rproffitt The one big thing about app stores is the proliferation of malware, trojans, rootkits and spyware. The issue is not the cost overhead of the current app stores but the almost utter disregard of the other app stores in regard to apps that have malware and other issues. It's almost like you want to be the go-to app store for those that have … Re: Thoughts about a blockchain-based app distribution platform Programming Software Development by Spheris That's a fair point. We will be trying our best to avoid malicious software on our "main" app store, which would be run by us. We intend to filter out illegal content, as well as malware and viruses. However, Spheris is open source, which means that the platform will be free for others to setup and run with their own customizations (such …