Doctrine Inheritance Discriminator Map Programming Web Development by ankit.4aug I am developing an application in CodeIgniter with Doctrine for ORM. In my doctrine model, I have classes which are inhereted something like this One abstract SuperClass ( let's call it Super ) and two base classes BaseA and BaseB. @InheritanceType("JOINED") @DiscriminatorColumn(name="type", type="string") @… Re: Doctrine Inheritance Discriminator Map Programming Web Development by LastMitch >Now I have an object of DerivedA which i fetch from the database. I want to remove this object from DerivedA and create an object in DerivedB with the same ID as was being used in the SuperClass. This is triggered on a certain event by the user. **@ankit.4aug** I don't understand your question. Can you post the CodeIgniter code with Doctrine… Doctrine query Programming Web Development by rati HI All, I am using doctrine in my project... now i am trying to update an already existing query.I am getting some DB exception..can anyone tell me what ia wrong in my code [code] $q = Doctrine_Query::create(); $campaign->update('TableName') ->set('name' , $args['name']) ->set ('credit' ,$… Re: Doctrine query Programming Web Development by ShawnCplus Why are you creating the query with $q but then using $campaign? A doctrine update should look like [code=php] Doctrine_Query::create()->update('Table')->set('field','bound_value')->where('id = ?',$bound_id)->execute()[/code] Setting up Doctrine 2 ORM Programming Web Development by klemme Hi all, I am trying to set up Doctrine 2 Orm for a self made MVC framework, but keep hitting the same error when trying to retrieve data: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException' with message 'Class "App\models\menu" is not a valid entity or mapped super class.' in C:\wamp\www\framework\vendor\… Re: Setting up Doctrine 2 ORM Programming Web Development by lorenzoDAlipio just to add another hint. Normally, we we add packages from through composer. We would look for the class needed to install or setup the package. In the case of Doctrine, the package wanted us to add this on the composer.json file inside the require block. "doctrine/orm": "*" while on the front … little question about doctrine and codeigniter search in DB Programming Web Development by saimaz Hi iam using CI 1.7 and doctrine 1.2 and trying to make some search. But default search with indexes for me is not enough, because search keywoard must exect with indexed word. Is there any chance to make that more flexible where doctrine will detect with similar meanings not the same e.g. like google search. The idea was to use some google api, … Re: Setting up Doctrine 2 ORM Programming Web Development by lorenzoDAlipio can you post your composer.json? Just want to see how you set up the autoload for PSR-4. For example, I have something like this for the MVC I co-wrote with Veedeoo "autoload":{ "psr-4":{ "System\\" : "vendor/geeglerapp/system/", &… ajaxfileuploaderfailed Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi everybody, i created ajax uploader.what is the problem in my code. upload file failed message display. anybody,plz help me. This is the my action file. class pictureActions extends sfActions { /** * This function may update later when plugin is used. */ … Re: Database Design Help Programming Databases by chaosprime A design for the type of schema that was recommended to you might look like the following. I've made various changes to what you provided in order to correct SQL syntax and according to my personal ideas about best practices; hope you don't mind the latter. [code=sql] CREATE TABLE `user` ( `user_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `… Database Design Help Programming Databases by Draygon I am not a expert in sql or php and I took this project on with some knowledge of both. I am having some trouble designing a database for a campaign I am working on for a game (a mod to a mod basically). In this database I have 5 columns for the users table. I have am thinking of creating it like this: [code]CREATE TABLE users ('user_id' INT… Fatal error: Call to a member function getPlanbook() on a non-object Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi everybody, I have this error.anybody,plz help to solve this problem. store all the data in database.but view the data in index page. nothing to display. lib/model/doctrine: class PlanbookTable extends Doctrine_Table public function updatePlanbook($data) { if … Fatal error: Call to undefined function getDataInArray() Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi, i doing personal page module. this is the my edit profile page code. i have error in to undefind error. this is error line. $personal->$personal=getDataInArray(); what is the proble? any body plz help me. public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->frm_edit = new PersonalForm… Re: Fatal error: Call to a member function getPlanbook() on a non-object Programming Web Development by vijayram hi, i did,but still this error was comming.plz help me. 500 | Internal Server Error | Doctrine_Table_Exception Unknown method PlanbookTable::getPlanbook stack trace at () in SF_ROOT_DIR\lib\vendor\symfony\lib\plugins\sfDoctrinePlugin\lib\vendor\doctrine\Doctrine\Table.php line 2856 ...… 9th Circuit Limits Use of Seized Computer Data Community Center by slfisher The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a ruling that not only threw out other cases, but has more broadly set a limit upon the use of data seized in a computer search. The ruling has to do with the "plain view" doctrine, which allows law enforcement to take steps to pursue a crime when the evidence of it is in plain view. … Re: Fatal error: Call to a member function getPlanbook() on a non-object Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi every thing is my own class.i used symfony doctrine form creation.My table name is i have problem in how to view datas in index have solution.plz tell to view all the datas in indexpage. no doubt all the class in my own class.i am new in php and symfony. Re: Fatal error: Call to a member function getPlanbook() on a non-object Programming Web Development by vibhaJ > getPlanbook Sorry i don't know symfony. But trying.. Add below function in PlanbookTable class. public function getPlanbook() { return Doctrine::getTable("Planbook")->findAll; } Assoc table, composite pk and fk at same time Programming Web Development by suncica2222 I have association table in mysql that I want to translate into doctrine yaml mappings. List_id and user_id are at the same time composite primary and foreign keys. I'm confused weather I should have in listUserTb entity class both $userId and $user ($listId, $list) fields? Or can id_str from users_tb be automaticaly resolved to user_id in … Zend Framework with an ORM and recognizing a db schema Programming Web Development by serprus I am using Zend Framework with the Doctrine ORM and was wondering how I would get Doctrine to recognize a database schema I already have made to automatically read it and handle the relationship mapping, etc. Any ideas? Action "planbook/new" does not exist. Programming Web Development by Vijaysurya i have live site developed in symfony framework,doing some modification,i created new module planbook, the above error was comming. class planbookActions extends sfActions { public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { $personalId = $request->getParameter('personal_id', $this->getUser()->… I need help records add in two database. Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi everybody, I created form.the form fields records are saved in database.if select <div id="privacy_create" > this field add some datas in another table [PrivacyProfilePlanpeople] i have no issue.but records store only in first table. privacyprofileplanpeople table no records are added. what is the problem. anybody plz help … Re: I need help records add in two database. Programming Web Development by diafol I'm afraid the mix'n'match html/php and inconsistent indenting makes this code very difficult to follow. You're using Doctrine too. Hmm. First Amendment to the United States Constitution Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dave Sinkula [url][/url] [quote]Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a … Re: First Amendment to the United States Constitution Community Center Geeks' Lounge by joshSCH [QUOTE=Dave Sinkula;421332][url][/url] How do you choose to spin this? For example, the establishment clause has been interpreted in entirely opposite ways: complete abolishment of religion in government, or not even limiting states' ability to establish each own's … Forgive me, it is not technical Programming Software Development by mattyd Languages: There are so many, and so many are just not right-- but does that matter? These and all coding languages amount to elitist, competitive shells easily brought down to a command-line yelling in binary. The aim is the same, the results the same, but the tongue speaking the output different. Python, C++, Lisp? I could care less-- please just… The Facebook Army? How the US military embraced social networking Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy The US military is apparently making good use of a secure Facebook-like system for networking which already has hundreds of user groups and thousands of members. Known as "milBook" the system has been embraced by the Department of Defense for the way it can open up safer avenues of communications amongst personnel. Previously, the … Dump a MySQL database to YMAL? Programming Databases by serprus I am using Doctrine as my ORM and it only reads XML/YMAL files and I was given a schema in form of MySQL script. Is their anyway to dump a MySQL db to a ymal file? fileupload error Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi, everybody i have problem in fileuplaod.apache error log display the following error mesg File does not exist: C:/wamp/www/uploads/planbooks/0f3d1d9a2ac7fbaf6ed4b4c266901eb579e2e658.jpg, but i creates folder in uploads/planbooks class PlanbookForm extends BasePlanbookForm { public function configure… invalid variable error Programming Web Development by vijayram Hi everybody, i have error in Notice: Undefined variable: profile_records in C:\wamp\www\user\apps\frontend\modules\main\templates\profileSuccess.php on line 21 plz help me. index.php <div id="frm_edit" class="float-right"> I'm <?php echo $profile_records['sex'] ?><… I need help in count query in rawsql Programming Web Development by Vijaysurya Hai everybody, I need help in doctrine raw sql query, this query count not properly, $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(p.friend_id) AS count , p.layer_id, l. * from layer l, people p where l.personal_id = :personal_id…