i have live site developed in symfony framework,doing some modification,i created new module planbook,
the above error was comming.

class planbookActions extends sfActions

public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)


 $personalId = $request->getParameter('personal_id', $this->getUser()->getAttribute('detail')->getId());
        $this->personal = Doctrine::getTable('Personal')->find($personalId);
     //if user or his friend viewing planbook showe them all
     if ($this->getUser()->getAttribute('detail')->getId() == $personalId || $this->getUser()->getAttribute('detail')->isFriend($personalId)) {
            $this->planbook = $this->planbook->getPlanbook();

         $this->countries = Doctrine::getTable("Country")->findAll();


How to solve it,any plz help me.


did you try adding ???


just below

 public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)

Not sure though, I only used this framework for less a month... So, my memory was not able serialized whatever I did on my practice applications.

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