Dynamic Controls Programming Software Development by atrusmre …not sure how to access these dynamic controls after they've been created.…ToString(); txtBox1.Text = m_strDetails[m_iRow, iMyColumn]; tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(txtBox1, iColumn, m_iRow); iColumn++; iMyColumn++; label1 … Re: Dynamic Controls Programming Software Development by atrusmre And how would I create a reference for later? Also, none of these dynamically created controls can be accessed outside of the function (the for loop actually) that they are created in. Any ideas? Maybe someone knows of a good tutorial on dynamic controls (for the not so bright :P ) Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by Subha1983 …am working on an assignment where i need to create controls dynamically in a Form and when i click "…form it should generate a query based on the dynamic controls selection. Each dynamic control reflect one database column. The control's… combo,textbox etc. The execute button is not a dynamic button. Could you please suggest me a good approach… Dynamic Controls and EventHandlers Programming Software Development by stimp80 ….Text = "<New Category>"; this.panel2.Controls.Add(newActivityTextBox); tabCount++; // // New Activity Button // Button newActivityButton… them at the time that the dynamic controls are created. Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by Subha1983 You are correct but i needed to use only dynamic controls because of Look and feel. Re: Dynamic Controls Programming Software Development by thikkamsantosh …[i].Location = new Point(60, 60 + i * 20); p.Controls.Add(rbutton[i]); j = i; } Button btn = new Button();…new Point(90, 60 + j* 20); this.Controls.Add(btn); this.Controls.Add(p); } public void method(object obj,… Re: Dynamic Controls Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy Hi, Do u create txtUnit1 dynamically? Even though it is created dynamically, it should have reference to refer later. Also check the modifier (Private, public ...). In your conditions the controls may not be created. Button Click for dynamic controls Programming Web Development by JohnS Hi! I'm back in the land of building a dynamic form, as a response to button click events. The page … button click to add dynamic rows to this table. Each row itself will have one or more eventable controls. So, clicking the…'s before I ask about the best way to handle dynamic controls! Thanks, John Restore the properties of dynamic controls during postbacks Programming Web Development by ramareddy_dotne Im creating dynamic checkboxes on page_load(by getting the number of floors of … save button. How can I restore the properties of the dynamic controls(Check boxes) This is very much urgent for my project… Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by Subha1983 The problem there is i have around 100 controls(columns) and out of that i need only 20 controls to be created dynamically based on some settings. Creating 100 controls where in i need only 20 controls, this may consume much memory space. Please suggest me.. Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by Subha1983 UI design doesnt allow me to Datagridview. The search would consists of TextBox,Combox box,checked list box,checkbox,datetimectrl etc. The problem i am facing is how should i access the controls througt the file after creating the controls dynamically. Dynamic Controls Programming Web Development by bheeks …Width = 400; textBox.Height = 40; cell.Controls.Add(textBox); } if (count == q.…Rows.Add(row); } count++; } cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"… Re: Dynamic Controls Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy Also post your coding where the errors occur. Anyone can find errors. Dynamic rows & controls in a table - problem Programming Web Development by JohnS Hi! I'm trying to create a page with dynamic controls, and I'm having difficulty wrt the liffe cycle. The … time) or session (subsequently), and populateVolatile() creates and fills the dynamic controls depending on the session data, including DDL selections. It contains… Dynamic UL/LI ASP.NET + colapse Javascript Programming Web Development by jasystweb … are added to the page at run time. As these controls are added I separate them into a UL/LI list… the script so that it will fire after all the dynamic controls have been created and added. I've tried [CODE] <… Re: Dynamic UL/LI ASP.NET + colapse Javascript Programming Web Development by PierlucSS … are added to the page at run time. As these controls are added I separate them into a UL/LI list… the script so that it will fire after all the dynamic controls have been created and added. I've tried [CODE] <… Dynamic control not updating value after postback Programming Web Development by edejonge … have a page that uses dynamically created controls to allow users to update records. The dynamic controls are part of tablerows that get… the page works properly, the problem is that after the controls are created for the first time I cannot change the… Re: Dynamic Controls Values Programming Web Development by Ramesh S … events. Then only the values entered in those controls will be retained between postback. You can get …;); string strValue = txt1.Text; [/CODE] The container controls such as Page, Panel and PlaceHolder etc where you add… controls dynamically will have FindControl method which helps to … Dynamic Controls Values Programming Web Development by Batool.Ahmed … button... how can I get the values entered in these dynamic textboxes and then save them into the corresponding field in… = f.Name; txt.ID = "txt" + i.ToString(); td1.Controls.Add(txt); tr.Cells.Add(td1); Table1.Rows.Add(tr… Dynamic controls and ViewState Programming Web Development by scranton ….CreateChildControls(); hdnSelectedValues = new HiddenField(); hdnSelectedValues.ID = "hdnSelectedValues"; base.Controls.Add(hdnSelectedValues); } [/CODE] Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by ddanbe If you are using Visual Studio, you could drag a TextBow in a Forms application. See in the generated files how VS does it and act accordingly. Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by ddanbe Do I understand you well, do you want to have some sort of "excel-like" sheet wich fetches data from a database after pushing an execute button? Please explain a bit more. Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by Subha1983 Yes correct.. i am planning to do the same. when i select the columns and when executed it will give me the results. Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by ddanbe Use a DataGridView object for that. [Example](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.datagridview.datasource.aspx) A DataGridView is rather "heavy" in the beginning to get a grasp on(I was for me!) But in the end it pays off. Success! Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by ddanbe In the example given the DatgridView is constructed dynamically. Or are you only allowed to use TextBoxes and ComboBoxes? Re: Dynamic Controls Class Design Programming Software Development by ddanbe You could dynamically create an array of TextBox objects. It is for example often done to create a sudoku puzzle etc. Re: Dynamic Controls Programming Web Development by dickersonka Are you searching the correct container? ie if you add it to a panel. Use panelId.FindControl Re: Dynamic Controls Programming Web Development by bheeks Thanks for your help...I chose to do it a completely different way...and it works much better..Thank you Re: dynamic form based on stored proc Programming Web Development by djjeavons … you are creating your dynamic controls you are not giving them…, EventArgs e) { // Create your dynamic controls from the Data Table Label myLabel = …"); foreach (var control in placeHolder.Controls) { //Determine control type if required.… Re: dynamic controll in tabpanel Programming Web Development by bhavu4u … S;1179149]You should add dynamic controls in Page_Load or Page_Int events. You are trying to add dymic controls in LoadViewState method by…"; b1.Click += new System.EventHandler(dynamicbutton_Click); ph1.Controls.Add(b1); ph1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr…