Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … European changes: the real story Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by GuyClapperton OK, this is a European story mainly but I do believe it'll be of …). Basically thanks to pressure from the European Union, on Tuesday Microsoft made it clear to all European users that they could choose between… Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Johannes C. … if you are not located in Europe. Due to European Union (EU) regulations, Anthropic’s Claude 3 is inaccessible…-a-post-colonial-bully/), which will “deprive” certain European countries of resources that were never actually theirs, yet…, and growing resistance to post-colonial exploitation, the European economy has lost its pillars. If Europe doesn't… Anatomy of a phishing scam Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …first place. As unlikely as it may sounds, the European Union seems to think it can combat email based phishing …to those ‘rogue traders’ that prey on consumers across European borders. Why should a set of EU regulations make … even though I am usually far from enthusiastic about European Union led directives and initiatives as they tend to have … multiple onchange Programming Web Development by hhamdan …</option> <option value="4">European Union</option> <option value="5">…</option> <option value="4">European Union</option> <option value="5">… problem with session. Programming Web Development by daniel36 …;>Europe</option> <option value="European Union">European Union</option> <option value="Falkland Islands… And the loser is... Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by GuyClapperton … little about Europe. Specifically the new proposed European laws about the Internet: It seems the European Union wants more stringent [URL="http… that go onto the Net. Again, in principle - as a European resident - I'm in favour of their being able to… The billion dollar MS response - No Windows 7 E for Europe Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by happygeek …URL=""]European customers[/URL] only, which would come without the […client. A response that was aimed at preventing the European Union from throwing yet more charges of anti-competitiveness in the…update to customers who purchase Windows 7 in the European Economic Area, either as part of a PC or… Editions for specific markets Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by prasanp … background of the Kuala Lumpur skyline. In March 2004, the European Commission fined Microsoft €497 million (US$603 million) and ordered… Windows Media Player. The Commission concluded that Microsoft "broke European Union competition law by leveraging its near monopoly in the market… Microsoft first company fined for antitrust non-compliance in 49 year EU history Community Center by happygeek It all started late in 1998 when the European Commission received a complaint from Sun Microsystems arguing that Microsoft …, just who does Microsoft think it is? Bigger than the European Union, surely not even Bill’s ego is that overblown? Now… Reports of disposable battery death somewhat premature Hardware and Software macOS by newsguy … environmentally friendly manner. It appears that there is a new European Union directive coming in to force which will set national targets… 660 million batteries each year end up being buried in European landfill sites, a figure that is being driven upwards by… Phorm being dropped faster than a whore's drawers Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek … level privacy breach investigation which went as far as the European Union Commissioner for Information Society and Media, Viviane Reding, who decided…://"]illegal under European law[/URL]. The EU Commissioner said "I call on… Baltic Servers --> cheap and good quality hosting services! Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by edgaaa [url][/url] - European data center since 2001. We offer dedicated servers, vps hosting, … more than 40 countries from all continents. Our location: Lithuania , European Union. More about: [url]… accepting payments in site Digital Media Digital Marketing by Cyprus_ … to the bank account? even if they are in the european union? what do you use in your sites to accept credit… Re: accepting payments in site Digital Media Digital Marketing by wilson2 If you need a solution for european union alternatively you can also use ChronoPay, their charges are quite reasonable. Question about studying in England, Need your help. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by MeDuZa … 2007 (the new year) Bulgaria will be added to the European-Union and will be part of it. So... Can i go… Unknown Javascript error - cannot find what is wrong with my code. Programming Web Development by RobSpurr …</option> <option value="eu">European Union</option> <option value="restofworld">… 22 thousand dollars for four episodes of Friends is just not funny Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … than when compared to the event happening at home. The European Union commissioner for Information, Society and Media is not taking this… In Hungary, More Monkey Business for Ballmer Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by EddieC … 40 million euros, but is being funded mostly by the European Union. Kick-off is scheduled for January, 2009. Ballmer was forced… The Press Release is Dead: How Web 2.0 Could Save PR and Marketing Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 …, misleading viral marketing techniques have become so widespread that the European Union enacted Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations to protect the… 168 million domain names Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy … fourth, followed by .uk, .org, .info, .nl (The Netherlands), .eu (European Union), and .biz When it comes to Domain Name System queries… States Begin Requiring Encryption of Personal Data Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher … that consumers’ personal data be encrypted." In comparison, the European Union required encryption of personal data as far back as [URL… And if I don't want a replaceable battery..? Hardware and Software Hardware by GuyClapperton … fault or because of any user demand but because the European Union (that's my continent, folks) is considering a directive that… Reversal of fortune Community Center by GuyClapperton … we have it - only days after it emerged the the European Union was censoring an image on Wikipedia it's [URL="… Windows and IE fall foul of Europe again Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by GuyClapperton Here we go again. The European Union (hello from Europe, everyone!) is once again complaining that Microsoft … Has Microsoft Chosen Subterfuge Over Quality? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Techwriter10 … government regulators both in the United States and in the European Union. One of the reasons they were so successful in the… Anti-Google Sentiment Reaches a Tipping Point Digital Media Digital Marketing by Techwriter10 …-opens-antitrust-inquir/"]Google was getting sued by the European Union for anti-competitive practices[/URL]. Last week, the US Justice… New Cookie Law Community Center by Sogo7 As some of you may or may not know on the 26th of May 2011 new legislation comes into force for any site doing business inside the European Union about the way cookies can be used by websites. Have already prepared changes or are you waiting to see what the bigger sites do first? Apple vs Android: thousands of tablets seized as Euro court bans Galaxy Tab Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek … this, bans the sale of Samsung Galaxy Tabs throughout the European Union (with the strange exception of the Netherlands where a separate… Re: Apple vs Android: thousands of tablets seized as Euro court bans Galaxy Tab Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek … sale of an item across the entire rest of the European Union (with the notable exception of the Netherlands but, as I…