hhamdan 0 Newbie Poster

i have multiple onchange in two different form and they are in different include files.

the thing is when i try to use the first onchange ...it works and it will change the session value but if i start with second onchange it will not work and it says the document.regionseta is undefined
here is the code

<form name="regionset" action="/settings/set.cfm" method="post" >
		Please select your region to display prices and enable on-line shopping: 
						<select  name="selectRegion" id="selectRegion" onChange="Javascript:document.regionset.submit();"  />
											<option value="X">Please Select</option>
											<option value="1">United States</option>
											<option value="2">Canada</option>
											<option value="3">United Kingdom</option>
											<option value="4">European Union</option>
											<option value="5">China</option>
											<option value="6">Asia</option>
											<option value="0">Other</option>
					    <input type="hidden" name="url" <cfoutput>value="#cgi.PATH_INFO#?#cgi.QUERY_STRING#"</cfoutput> />


<form name="regionseta" action="/settings/set2.cfm" method="post">
		Please select your region to display prices and enable on-line shopping: 
						<select  name="selectRegiona" id="selectRegiona" onChange="Javascript:document.regionseta.submit();"  />
											<option value="X">Please Select</option>
											<option value="1">United States</option>
											<option value="2">Canada</option>
											<option value="3">United Kingdom</option>
											<option value="4">European Union</option>
											<option value="5">China</option>
											<option value="6">Asia</option>
											<option value="0">Other</option>
					    <input type="hidden" name="url" <cfoutput>value="#cgi.PATH_INFO#?#cgi.QUERY_STRING#"</cfoutput> />

these two pages are included in the pages using <cfinclude>
any one you put in the first will work but the other will not.
so i want if the customer select the first onchange or the second onchange will change the session value and then set the selected price.

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