509 Topics

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I am having a problem sending my form to MySQL on my application page (when you click GameTime! it should send the data to a MySQL table.)- [url]http://www.facebook.com/apps/applicatio[/url] … 6347603790 It sends the form data here: [url]http://bit.ly/91oi88[/url] however, it just won't seem to work in facebook. Obviously there is something …

Member Avatar for ......?

Hello everyone! To get incoming message in fb-chat, browsers send request in certain interval (i think 55.31s). But if there is message it fetches message and terminates before starting new. Can anyone explain how it is done Regards

Member Avatar for rehanadil43

Hello, i am new in facebook development so this might be a basic question.i have implemented like button to site.the site is dynamically generated from data in database. for each new data added new page is generated of the form(index.php?id=12).like button is added to every new page.i wanted if someone …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story291317.html"]founder of Facebook might be facing the death penalty in Pakistan[/URL] but social media growth is showing no sign of slowing down in India. In fact, it is displaying some of the fastest social networking growth on the planet. [attach]16882[/attach]According to a [URL="http://www.comscore.com"]comScore report on Social Networking Sites in …

Member Avatar for leahmarie
Member Avatar for APatrizio

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17035[/ATTACH]While security professionals constantly fear the big bad hacker breaking into their enterprise and wreaking havoc, the biggest threat to security is sitting inside the company and drawing a paycheck. Cloud and e-mail security specialist [URL="http://www.proofpoint.com/"]Proofpoint[/url] notes in its seventh annual study of data loss prevention (DLP) issues that e-mail …

Member Avatar for 1laptoprental
Member Avatar for flyblackbox

I followed this tutorial and set up comments on my website: [url]http://www.ruhanirabin.com/easy-steps-to-facebook-connect-comment-box-how-to/[/url] Our site received hundreds of "Like's" and Comments. I changed the URL for my root directory and got a SSL certificate. The Facebook app is broken now, can anyone lend some insight?

Member Avatar for flyblackbox
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16801[/ATTACH]The holiday shopping season has apparently come early to the tech world. First came the big and stupefying news that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story305645.html"]Intel was purchasing security leader McAfee[/URL] for $7.68 billion earlier, and now the end of the week brings a new flurry of acquisitions from three more industry leaders. [B]Google Likes …

Member Avatar for qauaan

I want to Event Syncing on user's fan pages on their behalfs. For this first i confirmed that user has the admin rights for given page. I google but I can't figure out that how i checked that user has the admin rights for given page. Any one has idea??

Member Avatar for nabeelarkisdata

How important is facebook for seo? How to used facebook for seo? Is a facebook fanpage important for seo?

Member Avatar for catheylee
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=LEFT]16646[/ATTACH]Yesterday, Facebook released an [URL="http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk"]updated SDK[/URL] for the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review291912.html"]Apple iOS4[/URL], intended for use with Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Between this and the recently released Facebook SDK for Android, third-party developers can build applications with a social networking component for two of the most popular mobile platforms. Two key …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has got in the way of [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] and acquired [URL="http://www.friendfeed.com"]Friendfeed[/URL]. This is not great news for Google. The search giant has one major chink in its armour; you can't search social media in real time. Once entries have been around for a while you can find stuff; I've certainly …

Member Avatar for vvip
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Is this the beginning of a backlash? It looks as though there's some research out there to suggest that the over-55s are starting to [URL="http://www.businessinsider.com/people-over-55-are-quitting-facebook-2009-5"]desert Facebook[/URL]. There could be a number of reasons for this. The best guesses I've seen mostly involve money. This time last year you might recall …

Member Avatar for damned25
Member Avatar for CatRambo

A lawsuit filed against Facebook in 2008 has had its day in court -- and lost. [ATTACH=RIGHT]16247[/ATTACH]Ohio-based [URL="http://www.leader.com/"]Leader Technologies[/URL] filed suit against Facebook, charging that it had infringed on their 2006 patent for "a method and system for the management and storage of electronic information” developed by the company's founder, …

Member Avatar for Gena777
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

With a fanship of over half a million people strong morbidly updating us about going to the gym and how they’re about to eat dinner semi-colon right bracket, Facebook's dominance seems untouchable, as they relish on their throne as the Wal-Mart of social networking. That is, until you mention Google. …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16222[/ATTACH]A new Facebook feature is gearing up to waste more of your time very soon. Facebook Questions has been launched in a limited beta test, naturally begging the important question, "What the Heck is Facebook Questions?" We looked to the [URL="http://blog.facebook.com/"]Facebook blog[/URL] for answers: [QUOTE]Facebook Questions helps you tap into …

Member Avatar for EricMack
Member Avatar for EricMack

Gentlemen, your suspicions have been confirmed - your lady/girlfriend/wife [I]is[/I] addicted to Facebook. [ATTACH=right]15821[/ATTACH]That's the finding in a new survey of 18-to-34-year-old ladies by Oxygen Media (think Oprah). It found that over a third of the 1600 women polled - 39% to be exact - describe themselves as "addicted" to …

Member Avatar for Brainshakers
Member Avatar for happygeek

Viral videos are usually a great laugh, which is why they spread so quickly and the reason they get called viral in the first place. But the laughter soon stops when the bad guys use the lure of a viral video to launch a clickjacking attack. [attach]15852[/attach]Security researchers at Sophos …

Member Avatar for khess

In a twist of Internet fate, [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] creator and owner Mark Zuckerberg finds himself as defendant in a lawsuit over the Facebook's majority ownership. Paul Ceglia claims that he entered into a contract, signed by both himself and Zuckerberg, that sold 50 percent of facebook.com to Ceglia for $1,000. Ceglia …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has decided to kill off its virtual gifts. According to a report from [URL="http://mashable.com/2010/07/08/facebook-gifts-rip/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29"]Mashable[/URL] nobody is saying why, they're just cutting it out. I'll tell you why. Because it was a rubbish idea, poorly executed. OK, rephrase: as a standalone idea, it sucked. As a component of something else …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]15745[/ATTACH]Recent buzz centers around Facebook and Google interactions ever since [URL="http://www.skepticgeek.com/socialweb/googlers-take-on-social-networking-reveals-chinks-in-facebooks-armor/"]a presentation by Paul Adams, the user research lead of Google’s social team[/URL], revealed some of Google’s plans for social networking. In the presentation, Google sets out how it defines social and demonstrates why that definition showcases Facebook’s biggest weakness. …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Occasionally something crops up as a classic example of how not to build a social media network, and the BBC's decision to insult its [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] fans is a good example. The idea was to put a dummy site up as a test run for the London Olympics - they're a …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton
Member Avatar for saranraj.cmr2

Hi, I would like to post the stream from my website to facebook user wall by using facebook API.. 1. I have created the facebook application 2. posted the stream by application admin .. passed the parameter which required to this function.. $this->facebook->api_client->stream_publish($comments,'From:blinkbee.com',$action_link,$f_user_id,$f_user_id); 3.sucessfully posted the stream.. 4.Then i changed …

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Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I want to put a "F" button on my site of quotations. On clicking on it it would have to update his/her status. where status would be that quotation.. Can any one help..??

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars... and you. What else you need to know? ~Johnny Depp playing John Dillinger in the movie Public Enemies[/I] I love that quote from the movie [URL="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1152836/"]Public Enemies[/URL]. Everything you want to know about a guy in one sentence. If you think about …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml"]the BBC[/URL], although you'll need to understand Urdu to read it (here is [URL="http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml&sl=ur&tl=en"]a rough translation using Google[/URL] for your convenience if you don't), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg stands accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a Pakistani court filing under something known as 'Messenger Law' …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=12811122130"]According to engineering team insider Josh Wiseman[/URL], Facebook will start rolling out the long awaited Facebook Chat system this week. Although you might think that Facebook provides plenty of chatting opportunity already, courtesy of the Wall and Inbox functionality, the argument is that neither offer the immediacy of a true …

Member Avatar for JonathanD
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The web was awash with rumours yesterday and now there's confirmation - [URL="http://www.aol.com"]AOL[/URL] has sold [URL="http://www.bebo.com"]Bebo[/URL] to [URL="http://www.criterioncapital.co.uk"]Criterion Capital Partners[/URL]. The "why sell" question is too easy to answer to even bother with - it was dying on its backside. The early adopters of social media were fond of Bebo, …

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Member Avatar for WASDted

Hey folks, check out the photos from DaniWeb's events this past Wednesday night. If you are not already a fan on Facebook [URL="http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts"]go here[/URL] [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=233959&id=265645417068&ref=mf"]Photos from "Dinner with Dani"[/URL] the dinner event that was designed to mimic DaniWeb.com [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=233959&id=265645417068&ref=mf"][ATTACH]15333[/ATTACH][/URL] [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=229536&id=265645417068&ref=mf"]Photos of the After Party[/URL] where we gave away an Apple …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hi all, i am working on a project , it needs facebook facepile plugin intigration , how can i add this plugin . i tried but failed to get result. if any one have idea please help me.

Member Avatar for slfisher

At a time when Facebook users are being warned to reduce their exposure online, UK-based Skinbook is encouraging them to increase it. The site hit the big time this past week, with an [URL="http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1992300,00.html#ixzz0pZ0XuyZL"]article [/URL]in [I]Time [/I]Magazine, which sent a naked horde running towards the community. Based on Ning.com, the …

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The End.