Candidate Blumenthal Goes After Google Streetview Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by slfisher …on the outrage bandwagon about privacy issues with Google Streetview. The company came under fire earlier this year…URL]press release. “My office is carefully considering Google’s answers and will seek additional information," …Blumenthal said. "Key questions include how Google learned that its software was gathering unencrypted data … Google Streetview controversy continues Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by GuyClapperton … only last month I mentioned the legal efforts to restrain Google's Street View system in the UK (probably because it… Eek! Assemblyman Claims Terrorists Could Use Google Earth to Find Buildings Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by slfisher … when people were terrified that pedophiles were using Google Streetview to find parks and schools so they could …using online mapping tools such as Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth, and Google Streetview. It also calls for fines …… Re: google map Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 …also retriving from google. why i am getting different streetview. anybody tell me… where is the problem. google showing is… latlng:point }; pano = new GStreetviewPanorama(document.getElementById("streetview"), panoramaOptions); GEvent.addListener(pano); } } //]]>… google map Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 hello i am working on google map,streetview. i am using below code.[CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &…,lng); panoramaOptions = { latlng:point }; pano = new GStreetviewPanorama(document.getElementById("streetview"), panoramaOptions); GEvent.addListener(pano); } } //]]> </script> <… Re: google map Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 plaese insert your google api key in the above code and test now once Re: Getting values from pop up google map Programming Web Development by saddaf …value=lgd; } function showAddress(address) { var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results…7);}else{} map.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID); map.setCenter(point); fc(point); computepos(point); } function streetview() { if (posset… Mr and Mrs Boring sue Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by newsguy …appear that [URL=""]Google is being sued[/URL] by the…in the [URL=""]Google Maps street view[/URL] feature. Why…how many rooms it has and so on. Google Street viewers wanting to find something more interesting,… Re: Eek! Assemblyman Claims Terrorists Could Use Google Earth to Find Buildings Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by airbourne I'm stunned that people like Joel Anderson can hold a public office. I'm even more stunned when people behave ignorantly like Joel and manage to get RE-elected. It doesn't matter your political affiliation, I just wish people would recognize stupid when they see it and stop voting them back into office. Users Concerned About Online Privacy with Spokeo Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … other hand, it has the picture of my house from Google Streetview, as well as my address and telephone number, as well… Captcha response -- which it did not display properly in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer, and which offered no other… Eek! Wikipedia Accused of Harboring Pedophiles Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher … first "hit" when you search the term in Google or Bing." Um, isn't that the idea? Assuming…;]Blumenthal [/URL]is going to add Wikipedia to Craigslist and Google Streetview to his list of dark sides of the new Internet… Re: Mr and Mrs Boring sue Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by jwenting …probably took that into consideration when they decided to challenge Google's business practice of not asking permission before publishing things… doing so is a breach of copyright law. But Google thought they could get away with it because they're…the law. Of course as soon as someone does something Google doesn't like, they're onto them like a … Re: Mr and Mrs Boring sue Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Mapper99 It's a good thing they weren't skinny dipping in their pool like some of these other unfortunate Google Street View victims: [url][/url] Re: Mr and Mrs Boring sue Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by >shadow< yeah well its not like google cant afford another lawsuit Re: google map Programming Web Development by fobos Try this. just put this in the head with the other meta data. [CODE=HTML] <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"> [/CODE] Re: Revealed: how to fix the Apple iOS 6 map FAIL on your iPhone 5 Hardware and Software macOS by justinkut The Simple and Easy solution for this is to Just Start using Google Maps....these Apps will never able to beat google maps or google streetview, because the cont Compete Happy using Google Maps.... Re: Mr and Mrs Boring sue Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Drezta yay go big cousin (not BB because BB is the state...) it is a problem with all organisations when they get to a certain size but did the Borings not realise that by complaining loudly the internet people would just do the opposite... Re: Mr and Mrs Boring sue Google Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by jbennet fuck off (test for danis new lang filter) Re: Users Concerned About Online Privacy with Spokeo Digital Media Digital Marketing by mhfp … phone number when I make calls. Yet my address and Google Street View of my house and other personal info (much…. Only sophisticated users would have this access. I have done Google searches on myself and none of this info is available… Interesting New Twitter Applications Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher …Stweet/"]Stweet[/URL], a combination of Twitter and Google Map's Streetview that uses georeferencing. Select a city from the … Twitter posting from that city, as well as the Streetview image of the location from which it was posted. …time there's an earthquake or other disaster. Too bad Streetview isn't real-time. Yet. Needless to say, it… Re: Contact form get email Programming Web Development by infinitus 8 … address, please take a look, the contact form is under google streetview. [url][/url… Re: Users Concerned About Online Privacy with Spokeo Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital Thanks for bringing this very important issue up. Nowadays, many social sites broadcast and capitilize on a user's email address book - making it viral but also capturing any associated information along with it. Social networks have shaved away the important concept of privacy but it can come back and haunt you when your social moments (even wrong… Re: Eek! Wikipedia Accused of Harboring Pedophiles Hardware and Software Networking by BrettGlass That's all we need: a "Republicopedia" and a "Democratopedia" that don't agree on definitions! This would will really help our legislatures, which have already been prevented from working together productively by political parties, to do the right thing. Not. Re: Eek! Wikipedia Accused of Harboring Pedophiles Hardware and Software Networking by 10000Argonauts It's funny how Fox writes that Wikipedia is "harbouring" pedophiles, but uses pedophiles' failed attempts to influence Wikipedia as evidence, quotes Wikimedia's leader as saying "pedophile activism is not tolerated", and still people fall for the nonsense. Abso-*******-lutely ridiculous.