141 Topics

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Member Avatar for jaskiratj

hello everyone.. 1)is there a way to print the data present in the griedview? 2)for the same, do we need to export the gridview data to excel for print purpose in web application? if yes, how to export that data... thank you

Member Avatar for shiva07
Member Avatar for jaskiratj

hello everyone i try to explain my problem by this following example i have a gridview binded to a table with columns as(name,rollno,status, and last column of the gridview contains a checkbox) now the problem is i want when i check the checkbox of a particular row...then the status column …

Member Avatar for shiva07
Member Avatar for PPS

I need a little help getting started with this, suggestions would be great! The applications' purpose is this: a school is allocated a certain amount of $ for the year to spend on updating technology, it's called 'refresh'. The database has a table for the [B]location[/B] and amount of $ …

Member Avatar for PPS
Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

In my project there is an editable grid having three fields 'Quantity-Price-Amount', where a user can change 'Quantity/Price' depending on that 'Amount' field value should change at clientside, so that user can see Final amount for that row before saving. And there is a TextBox which showing Total Amount of …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale

Hi in my project page I gave managed to make a gridview editable but when I changed the cell values and press save button, at server side code I am getting all the cell values empty? Why? How to access it? [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="None" …

Member Avatar for Nitin Daphale
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

hai I have a grid that include paging and i created pagesize drop down for page sizing. I use PreRender event for displaying this pagerrow even if the row count not exeeds the pagesize. My problem is, in pager row the page index also dispalyed with page size dropdown as …

Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m
Member Avatar for aplee

Hi Everyone, Can somebody please help me with this. I have this gridview and I have binded it properly, now I have a button and I want to export the data inside the datagrid to excel. I can do this in asp.net because the code is quite easy for the …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for JakeA

hi! how can i get the column name of the current cell in the radgridview? RadGridView1 is the name of my datagrid. these doesn't work: [CODE]RadGridView1.CurrentCell.Column.ToString(); RadGridView1.CurrentCellInfo.Column.ToString(); RadGridView1.CurrentColumn.ToString();[/CODE] help me please...

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for JakeA

hi there! i am using a radgridview(a datagrid in telerik). can you give me a code that sorts the contents of the datagrid? there is an ascending/descending button wherein users can choose how they want the data to be sorted. there is also a combobox that contains the column names …

Member Avatar for Saikalyankumar
Member Avatar for Shantanu88d

I am binding a DataSet objetc as a datasource to my GridView. However i want to omit first column from being displayed. If i write [CODE]GridView1.Columns(0).Visible = False[/CODE] then i get error saying there was some indexing error. How can this be acheived ??? Also a weird thing is that …

Member Avatar for sarifah n
Member Avatar for MaSSaSLaYeR

Hello! I'm trying to find a code to delete multiple columns because when you delete a column the next column takes his place so for example: If you delete column 6 then column 7 becomes column six. I tried the following code with an for loop & a while loop: …

Member Avatar for Shantanu88d

Hi all, I have added a template field in a gridview. In that i have added a radio button. I have written a code which will get row Id of GridView of a row which is having a radiobutton on it checked. Through code i am getting even name of …

Member Avatar for Shantanu88d
Member Avatar for cris651

Hello, maybe someone can help me: I have two gridviews on my page, positioned side by side, GV1 on the left and GV2 on the right. When the user selects a row in GV1 (that has many rows), GV2 should shift near the selected row. I was wondering if there …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hi I add an additional headerrow for pagesizing. The additional row is added on GrdRemarkNature_RowCreated event. Code I used is: [CODE] GridViewRow row = new GridViewRow(0, -1, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal); row.ID = RowId; Table t = (Table)GrdRemarkNature.Controls[0]; TableCell cell = new TableHeaderCell(); cell.ColumnSpan = 10; // ******** Literal oLit = new …

Member Avatar for Shantanu88d
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

hi, i want to create a custom gridview control with paging, sorting and filtering. I tried a lot of for it , but didnt get it correctly. Can you give me the code for it. thanks in advance, sreevidya

Member Avatar for duranvskp

Hi <%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem)["SomeProperty"] %> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SomeProperty")%> From Google i figured out these can be used to bind the columns in GridView to ArrayList. But what is "some property" ? For example i have a ArrayList in .aspx.cs as static ArrayList componentSelectionArray = new ArrayList(); so can i just write …

Member Avatar for MamathaS
Member Avatar for asha2009

[CODE] Protected void Update(object sender, GridViewCommandEventsArg e) { if(e.CommandName == "Change") { int index = GridViewemp.EditIndex; GridViewRow grid = GridViewemp.Rows[index]; TextBox salary = (TextBox)GridViewemp.FindControl("TextBoxsalary"); sqlcon.Open(); string query = "Update Employee set Salary="+salary.Text+"where EmpID ="+GridViewemp.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString(); sqlcom = new SqlCommand(query, sqlcon); sqlcom.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlcon.Close(); } } [/CODE] I am getting the error Error: …

Member Avatar for asha2009
Member Avatar for Shantanu88d

Hi, I have added a template field on my grid view and added radio buttons to it. I have also given them group name. However when grid view populates, radio buttons behave like check boxes and multiple of them are getting selected. Here's code for GridView for ur reference. Plz …

Member Avatar for waqar100

I want to know the best practice & approach to insert the data of gridview on button click which located below the GV actually i Selected some rows by check boxes then I want to save it on DB? by xml by looping etc,, which method is best

Member Avatar for uchiha203

Hi guys, I just want to ask some help I added a Download Button in every row of my Gridview. Its function is to download the Binary File of the corresponding row. Whenever i run it it gives me the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an …

Member Avatar for uchiha203
Member Avatar for jamesw

Hi, I'm fairly new to ASP.NET with C# and I have created a GridView with a Checkbox template field which displays files in a directory on the server. I am wanting to use DotNetZip to allow the user to download selected files as a single zip file. Below is the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Ashfaq2679

I need to add orkut like functionality on my site. When user Logs in he should see images of all of his contacts. When he clicks on an image his profile should be loaded. I need guidance achieving this. Presently I have created the hyperlink images at runtime in a …

Member Avatar for Ashfaq2679
Member Avatar for haripriyamca05

I have gridview for file download with linkbutton which keeps filename as commandargument and one more column with number of files to be downloaded. Condition is that if have more than one file i redirect to another page otherwise i can download my file there itself. I am having my …

Member Avatar for Wehttam

Good afternoon, I have a problem... Else I wouldn't be posting here, right? My quandary is thus: I have an empty table in a database that I want a user to be able to fill. This will occur when employees are replaced for sick leaves, etc. I'd like to be …

Member Avatar for Wehttam
Member Avatar for croker10

Hi all, I have a grid view I am trying to use, and it displays a large number of pill codes, (thousands) that I would like to be able to filter down. I have set up a dropdown list that gives the different options to filter on, basically every letter …

Member Avatar for gopinath.swe
Member Avatar for dirkjan75

So, two pages: first one is a simple datasource & gridview with edit button, is working. Second is the same code but then in a contentplaceholder page, linked to a masterpage. Now the code is not working, when editing, it returns empty fields in steds of edited fields. [CODE]<%@ Page …

Member Avatar for dirkjan75
Member Avatar for rcbpro

I want to let others to delete selected row in the following datagrid view, and i have written it like this. Now when i select a row and press the delete button i can remove the selected row but it will not update the database which meant it will not …

Member Avatar for nikita111
Member Avatar for krunalkakadia

hi guys, i have my gridview printing problem. i have column say print in gridview.i have link button in gridview in each row.when i click on link button i want to print that row's record. anu idea or code please help me.thanks in advance. kk

Member Avatar for readbanana

I have a column in my gridview that loads images from a database. Right now, I have the image in the column and when you have your mouse over the image, a div with a larger image pops up next to it. What I want to do is have an …

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.