13 Topics

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Member Avatar for Zeref

Hi guys. So, I'm trying to read data from a database and displaying in a GtkTreeview. I used glade to design the GUI when i click on the button (view movies) the list of movies should display as a list. def on_btnmovies_clicked(self,widget,data=None): store=self.builder.get_object('listmovies') connect=sqlite.connect('movies.db') db=connect.cursor() db.execute("SELECT * FROM movie") for …

Member Avatar for Zeref
Member Avatar for niyasc

Hi, I'm trying to make a simple applet that will display battery status using gtk+ . For that purpose I have written code given below. It continously check for battery status using acpi command and display it. Do you think that I have done things in proper way? I want …

Member Avatar for Ryan0

In the following code I am trying to select a file either from a file chooser or just typing out the path. The problem is I want the comboboxentry to change background color when something is put in it. The code works fine if it's a combobox (Line 7 is …

Member Avatar for Ryan0
Member Avatar for CE90

Hello every one...I have a project in which I must visualize different kinds of sorts in C by using GTK+ library. I mean it must show the numbers moving and getting sorted! I don't have any idea how to start and how to make the numbers move! I`ll really appreciate …

Member Avatar for Mouche
Member Avatar for the_kitoper

When I move my gtk window it freezes, it runs a timeout and I believe this may be the problem. May anyone provide further explanation on this subject?

Member Avatar for the_kitoper

Why is this? [CODE] int kitty(GtkWidget* widget, float* foo) { if(*foo != .5f) std::cout << "this usually occurs" << std::endl; } int otherFunc(void) { float foo = .5f; //assume widget has been created g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(widget), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(kitty), (gpointer)&foo); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for sgtlaugh

Hi, I am trying to make an image viewer, this is my first time developing a software and I was just wondering how to add properties in my application. I'm creating this software with the help of Gtk and C and now I'm stuck because I want to display the …

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky

I'm having some trouble with some low-level tools. Any advice would be appreciated. Here's the situation: I've been having trouble with screwy rendering of GUI elements in gimp. Submitted a bug, the gimp people say it's a gtk problem. Since I'd been meaning to upgrade from 10.5.8, I figured I'd …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for kumarantechie

hi, I want to run an application that is compiled in python 2.5 in fedora 13 but fedora 13 comes with python 2.6.4 so i manually install python 2.5 to run the application but it is saying that no module named gtk .. how to set path for gtk for …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for kumarantechie

Hi, I am trying to run an application that is developed in python and compiled in python 2.5 I have upgraded fedora 10 to fedora 13 now i am trying to install that application and run it fedora 13 it gives me an error File "kb.py", line 8, in <module> …

Member Avatar for kumarantechie
Member Avatar for cairnsww

OK so i have written my fun Crossword assistant for Linux - I use Glade and it works like a dream. Well nearly ... I also have Gramps working well under Linux and would like to help my Windows friends use it too. But I want to port it to …

Member Avatar for dev777

Hi My question relates to Python GTK I have an image -a JPG - which I draw onto a drawing area. I want to reveal a portion of the image -say a 10pix by 10 px square -only where the mouse pointer is currently at. Everything 10 x 10 px …

Member Avatar for pymatio

This program hangs when trying to generate fixtures when the table is empty: [CODE] using System; using Gtk; using Mono.Data.Sqlite; using System.IO; public partial class MainWindow: Gtk.Window { //SQLite variables static SqliteConnection DataConn; static SqliteCommand DataComm = new SqliteCommand(); static SqliteDataReader DataReader; string dsn; //tree_1 variables Gtk.TreeViewColumn name_1 = new …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD

The End.