ICANN say .xxx cannot Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …a contentious meeting of the [URL="http://www.icann.org"]Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers[/…or both of two reasons: “They didn't want ICANN ensconced in content control and censorship controversies. And they …to the smallest, this undoubtedly has an impact upon ICANN which prides itself upon a bottom-up decision making … Crypto God Whit Diffie Joins ICANN Programming Computer Science by newsguy …the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) as Vice President for Information Security and Cryptography.…on general security matters related to ICANN's mandate, and to ICANN in the design, development and … information security and cryptography. ICANN CEO and President Rod Beckstrom expressed ICANN's appreciation for Diffie's… want to find some ICANN accredited registrars Community Center by sharoncao i just want to find some ICANN accredited registrars ,such as SNIPPED And i am interested in dot me domains ! tks ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by Danny The internet corporation for assigned names and numbers, a non profit group that oversees the assignment of domain names, top level domains, and other addresses, has caved into pressure from “ignoramuses Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by jwenting Strangely the most violent opponents of porn are communists. Where in the US people look at you strange maybe when they see you with a porn mag, in the USSR it would get you arrested and sent to jail or a "reeducation" camp for several years (and they classed swimsuit calendars as porn...). Other communist countries have similar laws. Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by benna As a communist sympathizer this seems silly to me. Marx would never have supported such a policy. This strikes me more as stalinist than commnist propper. Anyway, this .xxx domain thing will never work, because nothing prevents porn sites from simply registering .com domain names. Since the vast majority of sites already have a .com domain, I… Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by jwenting Of course it won't work, I never said it would :) Communists in general are extremely conservative, wanting everything to be tightly controlled and governed by the State. As pornography doesn't really lend itself to that, they're opposed to it. At the same time they WILL use prostitution as a means to control the population. Of course the … Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by benna Marx was not an anti-semite. This is a myth. Marx came from a Jewish family, though his father converted to lutheranism for professional reasons before Karl's birth. While it is true that Marx was at times critical of Jews, he was not so much criticizing the Jewish religion as he was their role in Banking and other such business. He wrote that … Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by jwenting Marx WAS an anti-semite. While true that he had Jewish ancestry, that means little. In fact it could well be an indicator, the worst enemies of a group are usually those who once belonged to that group themselves but abandoned it. He was ultra conservative in many areas. What he wanted was in fact a return to the feudal era, except instead of a… Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by benna I don't really want to get into an argument about marxism in general, thought suffice it to say that Marx himself never held such a view, just many of those that have tried to put his ideas into practice. The fact that he had Jewish herritage is indeed not sufficient to show that he was not an anti-semite, but if you had read what I wrote you'd … Re: ICANN puts Pornography Fans on Hold Community Center by Ancient Dragon Who the hell came up with that XXX thing anyway? It's a good idea, but one that will never work -- like trying to make prostitution illegal :D :D As for Marks/communism -- don't know and don't really care. They're pretty much irrelevent in today's world, unless of course you live in China or Cuba. Re: Crypto God Whit Diffie Joins ICANN Programming Computer Science by Agni Whitfield Diffie is the full name if I'm not mistaken. I've read one of his books , "The Politics of wiretapping and encryption". Very interesting read. Re: Finding God on the Internet Hardware and Software Networking by customer servic ICANN is foolhardy for even entertaining the expansion of the TLD … EU gets knickers in twist over .xxx domain denial Community Center by happygeek The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has voted against giving a green light for a proposed … another non-event in the dull as dishwater world of ICANN, were it not for the extraordinary comments from the office… the decision was “a clear case of political interference in ICANN Finding God on the Internet Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …was warning the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to not let religion into the domain name system, with…inevitably spark something of a holy domain war in which ICANN would be forced to legitimise one group or others …. Things look set to hot up this week as ICANN meets in Nairobi on Friday to debate and ultimately decide… Cybersquatting or domain name squatting- knowhows Digital Media UI / UX Design by nisbusiness … of Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA). These …been recommended by numerous trademark experts that the ICANN arbitration system is quicker and inexpensive than the…a case against squatters with the help of ICANN procedure. Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act has … Re: EU gets knickers in twist over .xxx domain denial Community Center by jwenting So the EU complains that their political clout to influence ICANN is less than that of the USA? Re: EU gets knickers in twist over .xxx domain denial Community Center by happygeek I believe that may be at the root of it, yes. Although, as I said in the piece, the argument is somewhat diluted by the fact that EU member countries represented on ICANN voted against the proposal anyway! Who ya gonna call? Spambusters... Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … of business if the US federal court orders ICANN to suspend the domain. ICANN has already said “I can’t” but it… Internet still at risk from cyber-terrorists Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … level domain, L refers to the [URL="http://www.icann.org/"]Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers[/URL…] (ICANN) server, and M the [URL="http://www.wide.ad.… The death of the internet Community Center by John A … just let people register whatever extension they want!" Brilliant ICANN, just brilliant. And it looks like some of those TLDs… Internet reshuffle: do we need this? Community Center by GuyClapperton So the ICANN people are discussing a major overhaul of the Internet in [… My blog.xxx Community Center by GuyClapperton … waiting to see whether there's a consensus. Last week ICANN overhauled the rules on Internet domain name, permanently - there's… Tips For Changing Your Domain Name Community Center by Lisa Hoover If the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) gets its way, businesses may soon get a [URL="… Groups Working to Set Up .Gay Domain Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher …, companies compete for control, because the [URL="http://www.icann.org/en/tlds/select.htm"]Internet Corporation for Assigned… Will Google Public DNS become a valuable commercial data mine? Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … see how the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) responds, and the impact of Google just making such an… Non-Latin domain names predicted to cause trouble in 2010 Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … attacks will increase. 2. International Domain Name Abuse In 2009, ICANN approved the registration of Internationalised Domain Names, enabling the use… What's Wrong with FCC's Broadband Testing Hardware and Software Networking by slfisher …"]Auerbach[/URL], former North American at-large representative for ICANN, published an extensive criticism of the FCC testing in his… Domain Name System Creation Hardware and Software Networking by Sabryan … top-level domains. In 2008, during the 32nd International Public ICANN Meeting in Paris a new process of TLD naming policy… My Site not listed on yahoo zoponline.com Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by freshfitz … tools I see keywords "domain name, values, No. 1, ICANN-accredited, accredited domain name registrar, domain extensions, Intelligence, promote your…