Image Analysis Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) # Display the first image axes[0].imshow(img1) axes[0].axis('off') # Hide axes # Display the second… image axes[1].imshow(img2) axes[1].axis('off') # Hide axes # Show the plot… Extracting YouTube Channel Statistics in Python Using YouTube Data API Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …)) # Display the word cloud plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off"… Image Analysis Using OpenAI GPT-4o Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) # Display the first image axes[0].imshow(img1) axes[0].axis('off') # Hide axes # Display the second… image axes[1].imshow(img2) axes[1].axis('off') # Hide axes # Show the plot… need help plotting image-->imshow Programming Software Development by fk08 … an array of size 3500x300, when plotting with imshow (from pylab) then imshow takes the size of the array to build the… what i do about this error Programming Software Development by sabri1990 …_tmpUC; _tmp.convertTo(_tmpUC, CV_8UC1, 255.0 / (double)num_lables); imshow("tmp", _tmpUC); waitKey(); } #endif GCoptimizationGridGraph *gc =…; i++) { Mat _tmp; im.copyTo(_tmp, lables == i); imshow(string(winnm[i]), _tmp); } waitKey(); { Mat _tmpLabels = lables… imageprocessing MATLAB 'bit plane" and free error? Programming Computer Science by it-lady …(img,1)); subplot(4,1,2); imshow(img);title('rose.tif'); subplot(4,4,1); imshow(img7); title('Bit-plane 7'); subplot…,y); subplot(4,4,9); imshow(g); subplot(4,4,10); imshow(x); subplot(4,4,11); imshow(s); subplot(4,4,12…); imshow(v); % subplot(4,4,13); imshow(j); % subplot(4,4,14); imshow(m); % subplot… Problem figures appearance in Matlab Programming Computer Science by bufospro … hold off subplot(3,2,2) imshow(b); hold off subplot(3,2,4) imshow(c); hold off subplot(3,2,…6) imshow(d); hold off saveas(gcf,'compare'); [/… After that I want to make new figures. So [CODE] imshow(e); saveas(gcf,'Αnother');[/CODE] Matlab creates the first image… Matlab code using Genetic Algorithm for a digital images correlation Programming Software Development by rick_miller82 … title('movement of s4'); figure(10) imshow(uint8(a1)); figure(11); imshow(uint8(a2)); and here is the code…% clear; % speckle=imread('speckle1.tif'); mesh(speckle); pause; %imshow(speckle);pause; %imhist(speckle);pause; s=size(speckle) % change int…; %surf(a), %b = a > 128; %imshow(b); pause; c=1000+a; mesh(c),rotate3d on; … OpenCV error while compiling Programming Software Development by kshaaban …(gray_image, board_sz, corners, found); } imshow("win1", image); imshow("win2", gray_image); capture >… undistort(image, imageUndistorted, intrinsic, distCoeffs); imshow("win1", image); imshow("win2", imageUndistorted); waitKey(1);… 'COLOR_BGR2HSV' : undeclared identifier Programming Software Development by Vaaal …,threshold); trackFilteredObject(threshold,HSV,cameraFeed); } //show frames //imshow(windowName2,threshold); imshow(windowName,cameraFeed); //imshow(windowName1,HSV); //delay 30ms so that screen can refresh… Problem in Colored Object Tracking Programming Software Development by learner_new …" << endl; break; } Mat imgYellowThresh=GetThresholdedImage(frame); imshow("MyVideo", imgYellowThresh); cout<<endl<<…lastY),Scalar(255,0,0),4); } lastX=posX; lastY=posY; imshow("MyVideo", frame); add(frame,imgtrack,frame); cout<… Matlab query Programming Software Development by SerogaM Hi,everyone I have a question about function 'imshow'? I have an image ,a color one for example it size : size(g)----[420 640 4], extension of a file 'tif' I use function 'imshow' and get an error, I don't know where i wrong? can't success in change image extension and size in Matlab Programming Software Development by SerogaM … I wrote is:[CODE] f=imread('source_image.jpg'); figure(1) imshow(f) imwrite(f,'new_tif_image_file.tif','compression','none','resolution',... [100 80…]) g=imread('new_tif_image_file.tif'); figure(2) imshow(g) [/CODE] ~~after all these done I look at two… resize and change JPEG to Tiff in matlab Programming Computer Science by SerogaM … code I wrote is: f=imread('source_image.jpg'); figure(1) imshow(f) imwrite(f,'new_tif_image_file.tif','compression','none','resolution',... [100 80…]) g=imread('new_tif_image_file.tif'); figure(2) imshow(g) after all these done I look at two images… Error trying to save multiple figures in loop Programming Software Development by vertster123 … as P from numpy import * from pylab import meshgrid,cm,imshow,contour,clabel,colorbar,axis,title,show from matplotlib import pyplot… crashes, don't know what though P.figure(it) im = imshow(newList,cmap=cm.RdBu) colorbar(im) # adding the colorbar on… Space Detection in Matlab Programming Software Development by easmaa.salih …','8','9','0',' '}; f = imread('1.PNG'); imshow( f ) bwf=bwareaopen(imbw,55); imshow(bwf) [tags num]=bwlabel(bwf); improps=regionprops(tags… Extracting Faces from Videos Using Python Deepface Library Programming by usmanmalik57 …can plot the cropped face using the following script: ``` plt.imshow(face[0]['face']) ``` ![image_3.png](… frame number {frame_number}...") image = video_frames[frame_number]['frames'] plt.imshow(image) ``` ![image_4.png](… Track Faces from Videos with Margins Using Deep Learning in Python Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … target_size = (224, 224), detector_backend = "retinaface" ) plt.imshow(face[0]['face']) ``` **Output:** ![image_1.png](…with matplotlib sub_img = cv2.cvtColor(sub_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) plt.imshow(sub_img) ``` **Output:** ![image_2.png](… MATLab random dots help Programming Software Development by Barefootsanders …(img,256); i=randint(1,200,102720); X(i)=54; imshow(X,map);[/CODE] This code will create 200 random white… MatLab - Removing Image Noise Programming Software Development by Lilal … an image. Using : im=imread('Noise.bmp'); imout=medfilt2(im); imshow(imout); I can easily remove all the random noise, but… Python GUI: HOW to share axes and remove flicker Programming Software Development by hopefullin ….x) + npy.cos( = z, cmap=cm.jet)#, interpolation='nearest') self.fig.colorbar(self… Plots, graphs not displaying in Python Programming Software Development by ajakuk … pictures using Python. e.g. when using the matplotlib.pyplot.imshow, I get the following answer: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object… Re: Plots, graphs not displaying in Python Programming Software Development by Gribouillis Perhaps you should call after imshow. division in matlab Programming Computer Science by onlyvidya … 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80],3); imshow(I); can anyone plz suggest me code for the same… upload file with extension JPEG Programming Software Development by SerogaM I have problem upload and use imshow function with files that has extension JPEG Are there is … Matlab JPEG Programming Computer Science by SerogaM … uo when I try use function [COLOR="Red"]imshow(f)[/COLOR] where "f" is a file with… Gabor Filter Programming Software Development by Amuthaalbe … Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MATLAB\cat.jpg'); im=rgb2gray(I); imshow(I); alpha=0.707; count=1; omega=2; t=(7… Cosine Similarity in images Programming Software Development by Dharni.Gurnani …); end end sim=y1/(y2*y3); [m n]=size(sim); imshow(sim); display(sim); [/CODE] Selecting Pixels in Matlab Programming Software Development by wnr78ta … clf close all; clear all; filename = 'LED_TEST3'; filename = [filename '.tif']; imshow(filename) m = imread(filename)'; LEDs = zeros(1,28); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------Grid---------------- % x1… save two images into two separate files using same python script Programming Software Development by sudipta.mml … are correlation matrix and a graph. I was using matplotlib imshow(matrix, interpolation='bilinear') colorbar() savefig('/home/sudipta/Downloads/phppython/'+ filename…