Re: HTML Image Embedding Issue Programming Web Development by Steve_89 It seems like the issue might be with the path to the image. Here are a few things to check: 1. **Relative Path**: Ensure that the path to your image is relative to the location of your HTML file. If your HTML file and the "images" folder are in the same directory, your current path should work. 2. **File Extension**: Make sure the … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner My 4 domains are all through URL provider IONOS. The question is why does the sender's email address as entered on the front end of the on-line submission form have to have the same ending as the domain name of the site or one of the other 3 or else submitted info fails to send ? Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner That's a problem. The email addresses issued for or 1 of the other 4 are created by me. Unknown parties that submit online forms on one of my domains would not have one of these email addresses. I would want to receive the submitted info from senders of any email address like has been since 2011 until Feb 2024. This is … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner If John isn't the sender then who is ? Also, continuing from the John Smith example, if John Smith enters his email address as or (ficticious email addresses) then the submitted info would be emailed to me but if he uses his true email address then it would not. Continuing from this … 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Johannes C. **AI will automize many routine tasks in accounting and the role of financial controllers and analysts will change, but not be replaced – say Manoj Kumar Vandanapu and Sandeep Kumar.** ![agi-talks-02.jpg]( In the latest AGI Talks, two renowned finance experts share … Re: HTML Navigation Menu Alignment Issue Programming Web Development by aundigital It looks like you're experiencing some trouble with your navigation menu. Based on the code you've provided, here are a few things to check: CSS Styling: Ensure that your styles.css file is correctly linked and that there are no errors in the styling code that could be affecting the alignment and appearance of the navigation links. List Item … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner There is no making emails "appear" to be from other than the true sender. I'll explain further. Suppose John Smith has an email address of John then goes on to one of my sites, lets say, and fills out an online submission form and enters his email address truthfully ( This email … Re: What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pritaeas > OK, you know what? I have a dog. I devote all my free time to her. Let's go with that. :) Pets are always fun. We have two dogs, two cats, a tortoise, a pond with fish and some chickens :) Retrieval Augmented Generation with Hugging Face Models in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In my [previous articles](, I explained how to develop customized chatbots using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) approach in [LangChain]( However, I used proprietary models such… Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Chris_103 It seems like you're experiencing issues with PHP-based email functionality, where submissions are not triggering emails to be sent. Let's dive into the code snippet you provided and see if we can identify any potential issues or improvements. Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim I checked my code and I only found 2 differences, the first is the 2 `use` commands before the require: use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; require 'includes/PHPMailer/src/Exception.php'; require 'includes/PHPMailer/src/PHPMailer.php'; require 'includes/PHPMailer/src/SMTP.php';… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner I just discovered some new information on why the online submission pages weren't sending as during some testing I discovered there was a way for the submitted info to be sent. Here it is. I have online submission pages on 4 websites:,, and Each of these 4 … Re: What are the key components of an effective email marketing campaign? Digital Media Digital Marketing by KomalBhatt An effective email marketing campaign needs a few key ingredients. 1. First, you gotta have a catchy **subject line** that grabs attention and makes people want to open your email. 2. Then, you need **valuable content** inside that's relevant to your audience - whether it's a special offer, useful tips, or exciting news. 3. Make sure it looks … Re: Determine if email address is used by scammer Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by KomalBhatt You can try directly contacting the police department they claim to represent. Also, genuine police communications typically come from official government domains, not common email services like Gmail. If the emails contains poor grammar, urgent language, or requests for personal information then it's very likely to be spam. And to confirm you can … Re: What are the key components of an effective email marketing campaign? Digital Media Digital Marketing by KomalBhatt Correct!, Most of the essential aspects of creating a successful email marketing campaign have been covered most ! However I would like to add a few key points Here’s a more simplified explanation of the two points: 1. Mobile Optimization: Since, most people now open their emails on their phones. Make sure your emails look good and work well … Re: What are the key components of an effective email marketing campaign? Digital Media Digital Marketing by m2host Set a clear goal for your campaign, whether it's to get more leads, sell more products, get more people to visit your website, or keep in touch with customers. Your whole marketing plan should be based on this goal. Re: Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by aishamushtaq very helpful Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner This one is becoming more perplexing. After adding in the PHPMailer coding, page would crash (e.g. blank white screen, HTML file that would display the screen doesn't even start at all, e.g. error in the 1st running PHP file). Adding the semi-colon at end of line 18 (in previously discussed code) did not work and funny thing is, the original coding… Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book But i am generating the JSON code dynamically. If there is no video than i hide the VideoObject tag with if statement. Should i just remove the `itemscope itemtype=""` What's your favorite productivity hack outside of coding? Community Center by Dani Just a random question to try to get some good discussion going. For me, at least the last handful of years, it's been taking a nice stroll around town. When I first moved to California from NY, I was living in an apartment in the middle of downtown Palo Alto. I absolutely *loved* that, at 3 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, I could go outside, and see… What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I asked ChatGPT for some interesting conversation starters and it suggested this. However, the more I think about it, the less I can come up with something! I enjoy walks on nature trails, but hiking is *huge* amongst techies in the Bay Area. My husband plays DDR regularly for exercise, but that has a cult following amongst nerdy people. He enjoys … Re: What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim My wife and I consume vast quantities of e-books. Mostly mysteries. But I used to be big into sci-fi. As a teen I loved the (at that time) biggies like Asimov, Heinlein (who has lost his shine the more I learn about him), Blish, Clarke, Herbert, Niven, Ellison, etc. A book I reread every few years is The Flying Sorcerers. It is both a parody/comedy… Re: What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by toneewa A recent interest is the genome mapping of our DNA. The related pathways, vitamins, minerals, and 20 amino acids, associated with each gene. I wish they wouldn't gatekeep such great technologies for people to have a full mapping. E.g., Celiac disease, if you don't have the genes HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8, there's a 99% chance you don't have celiac. … Re: What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon Growing up in the 80's in an environment where nerds where literally punished I developed lots of skills to sugarcoat the fact that I had a computer , I was coding and I liked math. Most of them were various martial arts. Now in my late 40's I still enjoy physical activities , but more like running or swimming when my lateral epicondylitis let me … Re: What's your favorite productivity hack outside of coding? Community Center by Reverend Jim Odd that something so basic and obvious needs to be named. Of course, "Pomodoro Technique" is a lot shorter than "go hide in the server room so my boss won't keep interrupting me so I can get some work done" technique. At least that's what I used to call it. Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Johannes C. **With the decline of industry and post-colonial exploitation, Europe should aim to become a global leader in the tech and service industry. But as the EU increasingly complicates the process for startups to thrive, the economic outlook appears bleak.** If you've missed recent AI news, **[Claude Opus now outperforms GPT-4 in most areas](https://… Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >Gone are the days That's pretty much the case for everything. I remember when TV sucked all through summer vacation and I couldn't wait for the end of September for the new seasons to start. Of course it was bittersweet because September also meant back to school. I'll mention a few more things that may have been mentioned before but I … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt You know, there are few things more frustrating than getting interested in a TV show only to find it falling short of expectations. From the overly predictable plotlines to the underdeveloped characters, there's a huge list. But what really get irritated by is when the dialogue feels forced, like the writers are trying too hard to be clever or … Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim > I don't have experience with MariaDB, but in MySQL, something like that will work as long as I do SELECT sum(points) AS total FROM ... HAVING total > 10. Is that what you were getting at? Kind of, MariaDB is a fork of MySQL from around 2009 or something like that, MySQL 5.* and the creator continued developing MariaDB and Oracle took …