14,054 Topics

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Member Avatar for mark2326l

This works in every browser I've tested except IE My .js [CODE]document.getElementById("location").innerHTML = object.city;[/CODE] My html [CODE]<div id="location" class='text1' ></div>[/CODE] I've spent hours searching the web, but have found no solution. Any advise? Thanks

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for nikita.chandra

hi! in my project textboxes and radiobuttons are generating at runtime. And my problem is that i want only that textbox to be enabled if radiobutton in front of that text box is selected. name of each element is generating at runtime as number of textboxes is not fixed. please …

Member Avatar for steelshark
Member Avatar for djcrab

Having trouble with this assignment. Can someone help me out with this? I don't get it! For my assignment it wants me to create a constructor function name automobile w/ 5 properties. Assign the values of my car to each automobile property. Print to the screen. This 1st one is …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, How do you text-wrap something like this: [CODE] <table width="10%"> <tr> <td>IWANTTHISLINETOBEBROKENWHENITREACHESTHEENDOFTHECOLUMN</td> </tr> </table> [/CODE] Thanks, Ashton.

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for kram54

i dont find to my error plese help me this code i using to loading to php array [CODE] while($newarray = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $latt[$count] = $newarray['lat']; $lonn[$count] = $newarray['lon']; $userr[$count] = $newarray['user']; $count++; } [/CODE] this part my javascript code [CODE] var cout= <?php echo $count ?>; var lat = …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Vidgie65

1) Create 3 gloabal variables named timeID, marqueeTxt, & marqueeOff. Set marqueeOff variable to true. 2) Have the browser run the defineMarquee() function when the page loads. 3) Create the defineMarquee() function. a) Populate the contents of the marqueeTxt array with all the elements from the document that belong to …

Member Avatar for facarroll

I'm totally new to javascript and fairly new to php... so... I have a javascript login form that takes a users email and password, validates through a mysql database and gains entry to a folder that is protected by a htaccess file. This is set up to integrate with a …

Member Avatar for MoreBloodWine

[code] <script type="text/javascript"> function confirmation() { alert( "Please Confirm Before Proceeding !" + "\n\n" + "Display Name: " + document.forms["paypal"]["os0"].value + "\n" + "Donation Amount: $" + document.forms["paypal"]["amount"].value + "\n\n" + "Click Ok to Proceed or Cancel to Make Changes." ) } </script>[/code] Ok, here's what I would like done …

Member Avatar for MoreBloodWine
Member Avatar for aftong

Hello, The problem I am having is when the following script is executed within my page and the user submits the form, the variables passed to the GET array are duplicated only for the inputs created by my script. I have other inputs in the form that are created within …

Member Avatar for aftong
Member Avatar for vinay9785

Hey everyone.. I am relatively new to PHP and JS and I need help. I need to populate a dropdown list from a db(mysql). I can do it just with PHP. The problem arises when I add another of the same dropdown to my form using javascript. I need the …

Member Avatar for vinay9785
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

good day! i know theres a way to kill a process in task manager using vbscript. but i've tested all of the codes i've seen upon googling it, still no luck. how can i do it right? sorry if i post this to javascript forum becos there's no vbscript forum …

Member Avatar for djcrab

Hey everyone. Need some assistance again please. Here is what my assignment says word for word: The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third side. For example, the numbers 3, 4, & 5 can form a triangle …

Member Avatar for djcrab
Member Avatar for JenniO

Can anyone tell me why I am getting an undefined error, and what I can do to fix it? I appreciate your help. [CODE]<script> window.onload=myday; function myday(){ var day=new Array("sunday","monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday","saturday"); var d=new Date(); theDay=d.getDay(); for (i=0;i<=day.length;i++) { if (i!=theDay) { document.write("today is not " + day[i]); document.write("<br />");} else { …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for djcrab

This is my second to last assignment and then I'm done! Ok, below is the code for a simple "purchase form". I'm a bit stuck so here are my problems. 1. When I click "Purchase" and then "OK" on the dialog box, if a field is empty it will let …

Member Avatar for djcrab
Member Avatar for MsKazza

Hi there, I'm trying to make a product page that updates the price dependant on selections the user makes. I followed the advice on [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread277121.html[/url], and it works absolutely great. My problem is though that I also have another radio button and one more drop down that i need to …

Member Avatar for trance girl

Hi, I have a question regarding Jquery :). I'm just a beginner and I don't know much that's why I need your help. I have a main menu that is drop down menu with images. But that other list must be separated. Why? Cause I'm working with Kentico CMS (ASP.NET) …

Member Avatar for trance girl
Member Avatar for rajbdilip

Hello. I have a form in my website that I want to hide at page load. But after the page load, there remains empty space. The form is inside the table. So, I tried resizing table with following code. But its not working. [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function HideForm() { document.getElementById('emf-form').style.visibility='hidden'; …

Member Avatar for rajbdilip
Member Avatar for ansari.wajid

Hi Friends Please check this link in IE8: <a href="http://www.freej.ae/freejaetest/ar/FreejEpisodes.aspx">http://www.freej.ae/freejaetest/ar/FreejEpisodes.aspx</a>. If you select first link below page title from right in the above link, You will see a jcarousel in the bottom which is not displaying correctly...But when I see it on my local machine its showing up correctly but …

Member Avatar for ansari.wajid
Member Avatar for ptemedia

Hi, I have an objectdatasource showing lots of details for a particular product. In the table of products, there is an extra field which is either 'yes' or 'no' Is there a way in the cs code or javascript to make an image visible="true" if the value is 'yes' thanks

Member Avatar for Potato.Head

Hi to all, I have the following problem: 1. I have a page where I insert flash objects dynamically. 2. Every flash receive a id and name dynamically 3. I need to insert JavaScript handlers for the flash. [B][U]The following code is working just fine:[/U][/B] [CODE] <SCRIPT> function swfObject_DoFSCommand() { …

Member Avatar for prakash2813

Hi..Friends.................. Is there any way to retrieve cookies and sessions into client-side programming like HTML using javascript..,vbscript..etc.. If u know .plz..reply this...

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for gshockneo

hi all, I want to call a class function using beans inside java script. but it is not working. It calls that function only 1 time. [code] <jsp:useBean id="track" scope="session" class="ReturnProgress"></jsp:useBean> <script type="text/javascript"> function getProgress() { document.getElementById('progress').innerHTML = '<%=track.findProgress()%>'; } </script> [/code] I want that Whenever user clicks on button …

Member Avatar for bofcarbon1
Member Avatar for djcrab

I'm beginning to think that I don't have the eyes for this. Chrome's JS console is telling me that on line 28 "setCookie is not defined". What does this mean? I've looked at the function portion and it looked the same as my book but I have missed punctuation/spelling before. …

Member Avatar for djcrab
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to write a script where I can click an image to hide a table, then hide the table and change the image. Then if I click the image again, it should show the table and change the image to the initial image. Below is the code I …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for avinash_545

Dear All, I am currently working on an assignment. And I wanted to implement a bit ajax in it. I've got my html page, and on an onclick event the ajax code is going to populate a table and place it in my html page. The php file is working …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi.. I am designing a tabless web page.The page contains 2 div sections.One is for menus and other is to display the contents of the page by clicking the menus.I don't want to use frames and iframes.Is it possible to do it using the div tag? The code I had …

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for Valten1992

Hello again. I have an assignment that involves inputting the firstName, lastName and score of a student with the values being added to a textbox for display. The problem is the last part of the assignment involves getting the last names sorted alphabetically which involves the use of an array. …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Luckychap

Hi to all, I want to know how to send data to MS-Excel sheet from HTML form with javascript. It should be done in javascript not java. Thanks

Member Avatar for mojie
Member Avatar for pRincezZ_fe
Member Avatar for ryoonnet

Hi, I want to know if we can use javascript for file encryption (not text). If yes then how? Any help appreciated.

Member Avatar for Taywin

The End.