14,054 Topics

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Member Avatar for seattlemom41

I am (obviously) extremely new to javascript. I need to have this script execute once, then quit. I've tried several commands but I must be an idiot...could someone please help me modify it? Thanks so much... [code] <!-- Begin var speed = 5; var cycledelay = 1000; var maxsize = …

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Member Avatar for patrick1984

Hi, Im trying to make the price appear in a text box in a form when the user selects the quantity from a drop down box. The price is fixed at 38.50. Any help is highly appreciated, here is the code in my form (I havent attempted any javascript yet …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for gailhands

Hi, Really new to AJAX, attempting to load the first page content into a div on the website loading using an onLoad property to the body tag . This is working in FF but not in IE7. Any help much appreciated! Thanks Gail. ([url]http://www.pure-connections.com[/url])

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for stefig

Hello, I am working on a script, but I'm really not an expert. Any help will be highly appreciated. Description: I have items - some have option for adding an amount and some not (because they can be only 1). I need when the checkboxes are clicked (choosing an item) …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for tackenco

Hi, I managed to get this function in a ajax script working for all browsers except IE! [code]function ShowPrevSlides(selcat,selpic,catno) { objXmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject(PrevMenuResponse); objXmlHttp.open("GET",url1 + "?id=" + selcat); objXmlHttp.selcat = selcat; objXmlHttp.selpic = selpic; objXmlHttp.catnr = catno; objXmlHttp.send(null); }[/code] The problem is that I need those variables to be send in this …

Member Avatar for tackenco
Member Avatar for Prima

Prolog: I have an INPUT tag on the web page I currenty developing. This input field observes 'onkeydown' event and handler for this detects keyCode for ENTER. After that it replaces itself with SPAN tag. Simple and clear. ---- Problem description: But sometimes (not frequently) after pressing ENTER and making …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Mylena

Hello, When I pass variables 'contentA','contentB','contentC', etc... into the tabs() function, it does not work in Internet Explorer. When I pass variables contentA,contentB,contentC, etc... into the tabs() function, it works perfectly in Internet Explorer but not in firefox!!!! This is the last bug that I need to fix in my …

Member Avatar for Oversky

Hi! My website is a big image with divs over it, containing onMouseOver images... Big image is 1654x1211 and I need that visitors with small resolution (1024x768 perhaps) could scroll over this big image up, down, left and right without scrollbars, simply moving the cursor.

Member Avatar for ajaxlouise

I am sending ajax requests from javascript webpages to my server. Each get request is given a timestamp, as well as other information which will make it unique. The request is processed and replied to. Now very occasionally, the same request will arrive at the server again. Often several minutes …

Member Avatar for tonyledenko

Hello, I would like to pass the values of multiple check boxes in a string, separated by a "^". For example: RAM-VB-162^RAM-VB-154^RAM-VB-133 When the page is submitted only the last value is passed to the next page: Here is the url [url]http://www.ram-mount.com/wizards/test5.htm[/url] [code=javascript] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function compilePartsList(form){ var i …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for adbox

I would like to have a price field populate with a price, based on conditions of a series of dynamic dropdown boxes. I have the dropdown boxes populating, but I cannot figure out what the function should be to add a value to a text box rather than a dropdown …

Member Avatar for adbox
Member Avatar for kavithakesav

Hi, I am working on one website for that i need like floating window. (mean when visitor will open the website that window has to come and it should be timelimit aftr that it has to close atomatically. for that window more and close is required). Cheersssss, Kavithakesav

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for papero

hi friends my site is a gallery based on zenphoto but i want to add an ajax theme that gives this error: "An error occurred in your response function, NOT mybic related. Error Name: TypeError Message:document.getElementById("imageSource") is null" i have tried almost all!!! if you want to see my try: …

Member Avatar for papero
Member Avatar for EddySR

My last problem, basically I need to know if you can pass form values from the ajax generated results back to the main form? I need to do this because I haven't saved the entire form yet and need to update these additional ajax form values with the form id …

Member Avatar for FAMV

Hello, I'm new to Javascript and I'm trying to write a code that when a user enters three numbers will tell if the numbers can form a triangle or not, or if the triangle is a right triangle. I can't see why the code won't work but I bet someone …

Member Avatar for FAMV
Member Avatar for rejisha

hi friends... Is the image dragging is not supported at mozilla?wat my problem is i completed a program for dragging the images from one folder to another using php and javascript. and i used the events ondragstart() and ondragover().It worked at IE correctly.But it doesn't at mozilla...Its too urgent for …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for evanlarsen

I am new to building web applications and I am developing my skills in programming. I have a few questions about JavaScript that I cant find the answers too easily. 1. People seem to think that there is a cold war going on between Adobe's Flash, Microsoft's Silverlight, and JavaScript. …

Member Avatar for evanlarsen
Member Avatar for drsmith

I have a simple javascript that pans through webcam images. I does not update the images until one goes in and clears the cache, at that point the most recent images show up. Is there some code in javascript I can use to have this done or is there another …

Member Avatar for drsmith
Member Avatar for EddySR

I've just started on my first AJAX project and I've just run into my first problem. Basically I have a textarea field generated by ajax and it needs to submit that value to itself using post. I tried using a getElementById but it always returns null. Here is the code: …

Member Avatar for EddySR
Member Avatar for gamshid

hello guys i have small proplem i use macromedia dream weaver cs3 in developing application but when write a js code with error , nothing happen - no message of the error line or any usual message like php- quistion is ( is there any built in debugger in DW …

Member Avatar for gamshid
Member Avatar for AQWst

I am in the process of creating a web site using Javascript that appears to work fine with IE, but since I upgraded to Firefox 3.0, some of the Javascript no longer works. Can you please give me some advice as to what I should provide for assistance with this, …

Member Avatar for AQWst
Member Avatar for kookies

I am currently using a great javascript based image viewer and wish to use it as a menu to navigate pages on my website . Wondering if someone could take a look at this great menu and modify the javascript for me ? As i know nothing about javascript but …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for thillai

hello everybody, In my project, i have used frames in one web page.and whatever javascript i have written in that page is not executed...why...? Thank you

Member Avatar for thillai
Member Avatar for redgoals

Hi All, I will be creating a white label website for car hire dealers. My main website will be called something like: carhire.com, the content on carhire.com will be pulled in from a database. Now once that carhire.com is complete i want to be able to frame forward other domains …

Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello all! I have been googling US maps using Javascript until I'm blue in the face and still can't find what I'm looking for. I want to learn how to create a US map like the following: [url]http://www.websitedesignerslist.com/[/url] Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks bunches, ~Amy

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Member Avatar for agravayne

Hello All, I am trying to disable right click only for specific links on the page> I want to create my own pop up menu for these eventually. At present I have the following [CODE]<a href='#' onContextMenu="typesclick()">Types</a>[/CODE] the function is [CODE]function typesclick() { alert("testing"); return false; }[/CODE] The alert appears …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for rcwag

Question. In your opinion, which is the most sophisticated and able social community web design firm out there?

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for thenamenoonehas

Hi Everyone, I have been looking at ever growing number of Javascript form validation libraries and although a lot of them are very nice, I would like to know whether anyone knows of a library that offers easy input, ie class type validation but with simple alert box validation alerts. …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, [code] function myWindows(link) { if (!window.focus) return true; var href; if (typeof(link) == 'string') href=link; else href=link.href; window.open(href, 'width=5000,height=500,scrollbars=yes'); return false; } } [/code] [inlinecode]<a href=2bla.php" onClick="return myWindows(this)">Open</a>[/inlinecode] Above code opens new plain windows. How can i do same thing with a submit button? It will be plain as …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for ssfhlcommish

I am new to spry and am creating a webpage with multiple spry tables on it. I got the first table in and it works fine, but when I went to add the second table I receive this error: I included the portion of the script file that it says …


The End.