phutisemenya 0 Newbie Poster

hi, All
i have two options form; one hold $selection that select suburb from datadase and other $suburb which “Selected Records”.
when a suburb is double clicked, it should automatically be added to the corresponding selected section; and be removed from the selection list. The same with a record that is in “Selected Records”, when double clicked, it should be removed from the “Selected Records” section, back to the “Selection List”. and i managed to do that by javascript but i can't select/save "selected records" from database. please help


<script type="javascript">
function RightButton_OnClick()
				var AvailableLB = document.getElementById("selection");
				var LinkedLB = document.getElementById("suburb");
				for (var i=0; i < AvailableLB.length; i++) 
					if (AvailableLB.options[i].selected == true) 
						LinkedLB.options[LinkedLB.length] = new Option(AvailableLB.options[i].text,AvailableLB.options[i].value);
						AvailableLB.options[i] = null;
			function LeftButton_OnClick(LinkedLB)
				var AvailableLB = document.getElementById("selection");
				var LinkedLB = document.getElementById("suburb");
				for (var i=0; i < LinkedLB.length; i++)
					if (LinkedLB.options[i].selected == true)
						AvailableLB.options[AvailableLB.length] = new Option(LinkedLB.options[i].text,LinkedLB.options[i].value);
						LinkedLB.options[i] = null;
				$query ="select distinct suburb from customers  order by suburb ";
 				$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
				<!-- send notifyme notice -->
				<form action="process_notice.php" method="post" >
					<table style="margin:15px">
							<p style="margin:0;">Select suburb</p>
						<select name="selection[]" id="selection" multiple size="8" ondblclick="RightButton_OnClick();" style="width:160px"> 
							while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
 								echo "<option>".ucwords($row[0])."</option>";
							<input name="moveRight" type="button" value=">>" onClick="RightButton_OnClick();"><br />
							<input name="moveLeft" type="button" value="<<" onClick="LeftButton_OnClick();">
							<p style="margin:0;">Selected Records</p>
							<select name="suburb[]" id="suburb" size="8" multiple ondblclick="LeftButton_OnClick();" style="width:160px">

if ($_POST['notice'] !='' || isset($notice))
						if ($_POST['suburb']!="Please select a suburb" && $_POST['suburb']!='')
							$suburb= $_POST[suburb];
							for($i=0; $i<$suburb; $i++)
								// send notification
								// To retrieve array 
								$query ="select cell,count(cell) as numcell from customers where suburb='$suburb[$i]' group by suburb";
 								$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
									while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
										echo "<input name=\"suburb\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"<?php echo $row[suburb];?>\">";
										echo "<p> You have sent <span id=\"sentnumber\">".$row[numcell]."</span> people a notification to this suburb: $suburb[$i]</p>";
										echo "<p> Notice: $notice </p>";
								} else {
								echo "<p id=\"error_msg\" >Error: no suburb in database</p>";
						} else {
							echo "<p id=\"error_msg\" >Please select a suburb</p>";
					} else {
					echo "<p id=\"error_msg\" >Please type in your notice</p>";