Re: ListBox and Custom made dialog box questions Programming Software Development by ddanbe ListBox and ListView are both meant to display a list of items. So your first ListBox seems ok to me. For the second I should consider a DataGridView, this would make your well crafted dialog window obsolete though. Listbox selected index changed Programming Software Development by bravo659 … an item //no problem is does delete an entry in listbox private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //decision… to delete a record from listbox if (lstNames.SelectedIndex > -1) { lstNames.Items.RemoveAt(… ListBox and Custom made dialog box questions Programming Software Development by ticktock … form that has two listboxes (or listviews), the first listbox contains the items that can be ordered, I stored these…them using a for loop construct on the first listbox. The second listbox contains three columns one for "Food Name&… pressed transfers a selected item from the first listbox to the next listbox. So what I have done so far was… Re: Listbox selected index changed Programming Software Development by DdoubleD … [icode]if (lstNames.ToString() == arrayName)[/icode], because the ListBox.ToString() will return something like "System.Windows.Forms….ListBox", and not the item of the ListBox. I believe you want to … lastname with firstname before adding the item to the listbox, so the strings will never match in a compare… Re: Listbox selected index changed Programming Software Development by bravo659 … [icode]if (lstNames.ToString() == arrayName)[/icode], because the ListBox.ToString() will return something like "System.Windows.Forms….ListBox", and not the item of the ListBox. I believe you want to … lastname with firstname before adding the item to the listbox, so the strings will never match in a compare… Re: listbox problem Programming Software Development by gusano79 …} } class ListForm : Form { ListBox listBox; DetailsForm detailsForm; public ListForm() { listBox = new ListBox { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; listBox.SelectedIndexChanged += ListBoxSelectionChanged; Controls.Add(listBox); Load += OnLoad… Listbox is not displaying the correct information if at all Programming Web Development by Golffor1 … $the_string; ?>); function ShowDesc(id) { document.listbox.description.value = Descriptions[id]; } //end hide from…gt; <body> <form name="listbox"> <? //start of the array …'highlight_id' => 1)); //this display's the listbox so the user can select a service function enhanced_list_box($options… Re: Listbox selected index changed Programming Software Development by ddanbe ….ToString() [/B] will give you the default string of a listbox object which is something like : "System.Windows.Forms….ListBox, Items.Count: 3, Items[0]: firstitemstr" and probably not … Re: Listbox selected index changed Programming Software Development by Geekitygeek … the form1.designer.cs code by a) doubleclicking on the listbox, or b) clicking the lightning bolt symbol at the top… Re: Listbox selectedItem.value cannot be retrieved Programming Web Development by Paladine … = "ProductID" [color=#008000]' SET Display field for Listbox [/color]linklist.DataTextField = "ProductName" [color=#008000]' SET… Datasource for Listbox [/color]linklist.DataSource = objReader linklist.DataBind() objReader.Close() [color=#… Re: listbox hiccup Programming Software Development by shabina …adding records which has few txtbxs n a listbox. i have another form which has an… records, with exactly the same txtbxs n listbox as in the add form. wat i …Problem:navigating with adodc works for txtbxs but listbox returns a blank, even though data is adding… database. Question: y r contents of the listbox not showing in the nxt form, even though… Listbox selectedItem.value cannot be retrieved Programming Web Development by ozeona …selectCommand = cmdSelect dbApt.Fill(dsSet, "features_list") 'listbox------------------------------------------------- Dim dtr as IDataReader = cmdSelect.executeReader() linklist.DataSource =… End Sub 'the upon click on the first listbox method__________________________ Sub linklist_SelectedIndexChanged(S as Object, E as… Re: Listbox in Tkinter python Programming Software Development by Ene Uran …t selected anything on the listbox yet. You need to bind the listbox to the mouseclick that does…(event): """ function to read the listbox selection and put the result in an entry widget &… create a vertical scrollbar to the right of the listbox yscroll = Scrollbar(command=listbox1.yview, orient=VERTICAL) yscroll… ListBox C# Programming Software Development by vietnamese …Application (C# 2005), I am using ListBox but it have a problem when I remove item…. listBox.Items.RemoveAt(1); ---> [I]Items…] It have just appeared when I used [B]listbox.DataSource = dataTable[/B]; If I dont use [… i=0; i<10; i++) listbox.item.Add(i.ToString()); listBox.Items.RemoveAt(1); ---> OK [/code… Listbox, Textbox, Database (M.Access) Programming Software Development by Dorayaki … have 2 records and it were display to the listbox which are Adry and Brandy (I get it from… to get records from database and show it to the listbox [CODE]Sub loadlistbox() ListBox2.Items.Clear() Dim state =…Sub[/CODE] And Here is my Code when the listbox select changed [CODE]Private Sub ListBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As … Re: ListBox and Custom made dialog box questions Programming Software Development by ticktock But as I have been reading datagridview's need an sql database to work with? correct me if I am terribly wrong though. I would just like to use simple listbox and listview controls for my work for now, and maybe work up the ladder as I improve my work. ListBox doesn't scroll Programming Software Development by toadzky …;0" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid>…lt;/Grid> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox> [/CODE] The data comes from a … ListBox stuff Programming Software Development by Zephyr- …how would I got about adding items to a listbox? I'm creating an application that not only … edit the names of the tabs using the listbox. Basically, every time it adds a tab …it would add a corresponding listbox item. There's a textbox, so when …you click the tab on the listbox, type something in the textbox, and press a… ListBox update as data added to database Programming Software Development by Hawk123 …of the product table. my code to load the listbox [CODE] Try Dim ds As New DataSet Dim … ds.Tables("product") 'Binds the table to your listbox .DisplayMember = "ProductName" 'The col in the… that will refresh the current display of the listbox so user can see the actual and updated … Re: Listbox selectedItem.value cannot be retrieved Programming Web Development by Paladine …[/color][/b][color=blue] [color=black]of the listbox control is the value/datatype of the field you …the user selects on of those duplicates from the listbox. The code will not know where item is being…leave it as it is. [code] Dim selectedMain selectedMain = listbox.selectedValue.ToString [/code] this may tell selectedMain that it suppose… listbox to respond to another listbox Digital Media UI / UX Design by ozeona hi I have a main listbox, which the content is in form of …click on some of the item in the listbox, some other arrays are suppose to appear in another… listbox, by checking that both of them have the… thinking of using listener to listen to the main listbox, but it does not work. Can anyone suggest… Re: Listbox Help Programming Software Development by Comatose …is not one, but a solution is to have another listbox, that's .visible property is set to false, and then… to do though, is use the listindex property of the listbox in the array.... for example [INLINECODE]print #1, array1(list1…;," & array3(list1.listindex)[/INLINECODE]. This works, because a listbox's first item is 0, and so is an arrays… Listbox Programming Software Development by BombAppetit ….RowSource = WaferSortRowSource [/code] but now i want to use a ListBox in a VB6 application instead, which i tried but the… listbox remained empty. this function i use in my VB6 program … how do i display the tables in the form of listbox instead? what should i put in RowSource property of the… Re: listbox hiccup Programming Software Development by Comatose …you mean by "hiccup" in the listbox.... but if the listbox is bound somehow to a database, I think … have to modify the database to modify the listbox....(or maybe modifying the listbox modifies the database). Truth be told, I … fashioned way. Querry the database yourself, and use the listbox's as nothing more than a way of displaying the… Re: ListBox C# Programming Software Development by camilojvarona … is like fallows. When you bind a DataTable to a ListBox what you get is a reference to the DataTable if… you change any value in the ListBox you would be actually afecting any other object that is… an object indirectly. (e.i Changing the value of the ListBox you are inded changing the value of the DataSet). Hope… listbox and selectedvalue urgent Programming Web Development by sam1 hi, I am trying to add a value to listbox. i use lstlistbox.items.add(new listitem(value)). this …need to use the selectedvalue of the listbox again in same event. as the listbox item doesnt show i cant use …selectedvalue. is there a way to first populate the listbox with its selected value then somehow use the value. thanks Re: Listbox, Textbox, Database (M.Access) Programming Software Development by TomW … querying the DB and manually entering each name into your listbox and then re-querying the DB when a selection is… dataset table to start, bind the name column to the listbox without having to itterate thru a loop of all records…. But at the same time I wouldnt recommend filling a listbox that large either... :) Listbox and SelectedValueChanged Method Programming Software Development by NguyenThai I have question about the listbox. My listbox is binding to a database, and I use SelectedValueChanged to …, like update new sql query, it loads the listbox again. And the time that listbox is loading, it triggers the SelectedValueChanged also… listBox Programming Software Development by jduff8 … I have a Windows Form with 4 checkBoxes and 1 listBox. Three of the checkBoxes are Ford, Chevrolet, and Cadillac; … all cars. Unchecking each Box removes that car from the listbox. So, if you check Ford, Chevrolet, and Cadillac AND THEN…it is either overlaying the list OR there is another listBox of a different name but the exact same size that… Listbox items color change Programming Software Development by Mekonom …value on combobox it search on database nd shows on listbox. and I used OwnerDravFixed method..It works and when …(); sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; // Get the item text listBox1 = (ListBox)sender; string str = (string)listBox1.Items[e.Index]; // Check if…