Mainframe Computing Community Center by tysonb … some focus is always given to the perception that mainframe computing is a dying practice. But it intrigues me.… and corporations who have championed the push towards a mainframe sequence here. They are a very bright and convincing …career fair told me? Differences between systems analyst vs. mainframe systems analyst? [/B] I should let you know … Where have all the mainframe geeks gone? Programming Computer Science by newsguy … experienced IT professionals with a background in evolutionary mainframe technology are "being persuaded to retire"… position to comment, considering his company produces mainframe terminal emulation software which has seen a 175… staggering increase in the uptake and development of mainframe technology" Farrell says. It's something… Mainframe Assembler Program, IBM PC370 Programming Software Development by shane707 … IBM Computers. I need help in Write an assembly program (Mainframe Assembly [url][/url… IBM and Red Hat announce Linux-on-Mainframe programme Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by newsguy …the superior physical security associated with a centralized mainframe server and storage installation, and the use… superior physical security associated with a centralized mainframe server and storage installation, and the use… which divide the extensive resources of the mainframe between workloads, while securely isolating each application … How to connect legacy system (mainframe) through java or Programming Software Development by chandru7 Hi all, I wants to connect a legacy system (mainfrme) through my code (either java or .net) and need to mask the columns in vz450 file columns(fixed length files) and need to ftp into another mainframe machine,how to achieve this,any ideas are greatly appreciated.thankx Re: Mainframe Assembler Program, IBM PC370 Programming Software Development by shane707 I have some starting code, but can you help fix this? PRINT NOGEN START 0 *Information is needed to restore control to OS when *Program ends! STM 14,12,12(13) BALR 12,0 USING *,12 ST 13,SAVEAREA+4 LA 13,SAVEAREA *CONVERT INPUT FROM … Re: How to Block a mainframe when i call a JDailog Programming Software Development by Dean_Grobler By saying you want to 'block it' do you mean you want to disable all the buttons, textboxes etc in your mainFrame or do you just want to make it invisible? Re: How to Block a mainframe when i call a JDailog Programming Software Development by skylight25 what i mean is that, if the user click the mainframe dont let him to use anything , only the jdialog until he close that window! Re: Connect to Mainframe DB2 using OLEDB with VB .Net code Programming Software Development by Begginnerdev What database type is on the mainframe? AS400? Mainframe over to WebDevelopment Programming Web Development by BooBooCat As I am quite new at this web world, can anyone please be so kind and let me know what/how to use PHP so as to find the word of say bananas across ALL web pages on the internet? So I ultimately want at the end of the day, a list containing ALL of the web domains/pages on the internet that HAVE the word bananas somewhere on their web domain/page.… Re: Mainframe over to WebDevelopment Programming Web Development by Atli That's a tall order! It would certainly require much more than just PHP. You would probably have to build a sort of "spider", like search engines use, which would go around scanning every host it can find. Or you could always simply try using [URL=""]Curl[/URL] to do a Google search :) Re: Mainframe over to WebDevelopment Programming Web Development by MVied Yeah, I was just going to say Google. =P Re: How to connect legacy system (mainframe) through java or Programming Software Development by peter_budo I want to be a millionaire, and these are thing I try and do: 1. Work more then 14hours a day 2. Work every day of week 3. Take off only last Sunday of month 4. Study and practice a lot So what did you do @chandru7 to try and solve your problem, or this posts become victim of Keep It Organized rule, Do provide evidence of having done some work … Please Help : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerE Programming Software Development by vishalrajole MainFrame.validateEmail( at assignment.MainFrame.btnRegisterActionPerformed( at assignment.MainFrame.access$000( at assignment.MainFrame$1.actionPerformed(MainFrame…() { //new MainFrame(); new MainFrame().setVisible(true); }… help needed with cURL / XPATH / PHP Programming Web Development by rajad2010 …quot;Join our Affiliate Program" class="mainframe">Join our Affiliate Program</a&…Click Here for My Account" class="mainframe">My Account</a> <…quot;Click here for chisd Solutions" class="mainframe">Solutions</a> </td… How to give input to a Thread from GUI Programming Software Development by nitin1 …()); mainFrame.add(button); mainFrame.add(new Button()); mainFrame.add(new Button()); mainFrame.add(new Button()); mainFrame.add(new Button()); mainFrame.add(new Button()); mainFrame.add(new Button()); mainFrame Mysql connector problem Programming Software Development by Silvershaft …(540,380)); MainWin->Show(TRUE); SetTopWindow(MainWin); return TRUE; } MainFrame::MainFrame(const wxString & title, const wxPoint & pos, const wxSize… JTextPane Programming Software Development by freesoft_2000 … fontFamily.addItemListener(this); fontSize.addItemListener(this); mainFrame.pack(); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } public void combofontfamilyinitialize ()…Object1); } } public void saveas () { if(selectedFile.showSaveDialog(mainFrame) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } try { File … Re: JTextPane Programming Software Development by srikanth_mcis … fontFamily.addItemListener(this); fontSize.addItemListener(this); mainFrame.pack(); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } public void combofontfamilyinitialize ()…Object1); } } public void saveas () { if(selectedFile.showSaveDialog(mainFrame) != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } try { File … Help a School Teacher out with small CSS problem? Digital Media UI / UX Design by plarsen111 …lessons/8th/high_school_opportunities/high_school_opportunities.html" target="mainFrame"><strong>High School Classes…href="keyboarding/keyboarding2.htm" target="mainFrame">Keyboarding</a></li&…href="about_mr_larsen/about_mr_larsen.htm" target="mainFrame">About Mr. L</a&… Re: Help a School Teacher out with small CSS problem? Digital Media UI / UX Design by MDGM …lessons/8th/high_school_opportunities/high_school_opportunities.html" target="mainFrame"><strong>High School Classes…href="keyboarding/keyboarding2.htm" target="mainFrame">Keyboarding</a></li&…href="about_mr_larsen/about_mr_larsen.htm" target="mainFrame">About Mr. L</a&… Automatic resizing of widgets with columnconfigure Programming Software Development by G_S …, weight=8) mainframe.columnconfigure(1, weight=8) mainframe.columnconfigure(2, weight=8) mainframe.columnconfigure(3, weight=8) mainframe.columnconfigure(4, weight=8) mainframe.columnconfigure(5… Can't see the contetnts when jscrollpane's opaque set to false Programming Software Development by crizied …;); mainFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mainFrame.setSize(1024,720); mainFrame.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(1366,768)); mainFrame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(800,600)); mainFrame.setResizable(true); mainFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); mainFrame Multi Thread Help Programming Software Development by bloody_ninja mainFrame = new JFrame("Simple Instant Messenger (SIM)"); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); mainFrame.setContentPane(mainPane); mainFrame.setSize(mainFrame.getPreferredSize()); mainFrame.setLocation(1, 1); mainFrame.pack(); mainFramemainFrame.repaint… Help with rectangle Programming Software Development by ronnel09_2 mainFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); mainFrame.setSize(screenSize); mainFrame.setBounds(0,0,screenSize.width,screenSize.height); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); mainFrame…setSize(310,500); instFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(mainFrame); instFrame.setAlwaysOnTop(true); instArea.… how to make this face detect kiosk app on continous loop? Programming Software Development by EL_2 …name_label.pack() self.ent_btn = tk.Button( self.mainframe, text="Enter", font=("Courier&…self.name_label.pack() self.label_count = tk.Label(self.mainframe) self.label_count.pack() self.cam_label1 = tk.Label… Swing Help Programming Software Development by Metsfan147 … JFrame( "Graph: name=?" ); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); mainFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated( true ); mainFrame.setLocationRelativeTo( null ); mainFrame.setResizable( false ); mainFrame.getContentPane().setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); nodeLayer = new… Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument Programming Web Development by kurakar …getVars(); jimport('joomla.language.helper'); $native = JLanguageHelper::detectLanguage(); $forced = $mainframe->getLocalise(); if ( !empty( $forced['lang'] ) ){ $native … * @since 1.5 */ function makeDB($vars = false) { global $mainframe; // Initialize variables if ($vars === false) { $vars = $this-&… Java On Linux Programming Software Development by rushikesh jadha ….addActionListener(this); delCust.addActionListener(this); addEmp.addActionListener(this); mainframe.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)….add(label1); mainframe.add(panel); mainframe.setVisible(true); mainframe.setResizable(false); mainframe.setSize(500,500); mainframe.setLocationRelativeTo(null); … Warning: Apple Hardware in Danger from the DOJ Hardware and Software Hardware by khess …everyone knows, IBM is the major player in the mainframe computer market but now their business practice of not licensing…. IBM doesn't have many rivals anymore that make mainframe computers, but some smaller companies are trying to develop …They allege that IBM, which used to license its mainframe software to competitors and for the back half of the…