tysonb 0 Newbie Poster

Greetings Daniweb Community,

Just last year the university I attend developed a new information systems sequence degree option based around enterprising computing systems. From what I understand, this sequence is almost solely centered around mainframe computing.Yep, last year.

When I hear mainframe computing being discussed, some focus is always given to the perception that mainframe computing is a dying practice.

But it intrigues me. Nearly all the corporations I talked to at a recent career fair said the thing they are most looking for is knowledge and experience of mainframe. They say the mainframe is in good health and that careers in mainframe are becoming more abundant. That those with knowledge of mainframe are retiring, creating a vacuum.

I've both seen and heard from the students, teachers, and corporations who have championed the push towards a mainframe sequence here. They are a very bright and convincing bunch. But I regret that I am not yet at their level of knowledge to be able to digest what they are saying.

I'm currently in the information systems analyst sequence. I need to graduate on time and if I'm going to make a move in a slightly different direction I must move now. What do you know or believe about mainframe computing that may be helpful to me now? Think about 30 years down the road- what do you think the outlook will be then (I know, it's technology)? Would you agree with what the people at the career fair told me? Differences between systems analyst vs. mainframe systems analyst?

I should let you know that I will be discussing this more with my counselor and the heads of the various departments, this is just a precursor to that. In other words, I'm not basing my decision on what you say, just formulating more questions and trying to think more in depth about the subject.

Thanks in advance for all the help!