Re: What is the optimal content length for SEO? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Amstransfers … relevant to your target audience's interests and needs to maximize SEO benefits. Maximize and Minimize Events in Browsers Programming Web Development by Potato.Head How can I capture the maximize and minimize of a browser? It is possible to capture this events? I'm searching the web and I didn't found any results. I want to be know if the user maximize/minimize the browser ? Is this Possible? Thanks for the help Re: Maximize and Minimize Events in Browsers Programming Web Development by Troy III Sorry but there is no such event [maximize/ minimize/restore] event monitored by any existing browser until now. … you can use [B]window.onresize[/B] as a generic maximize/ minimize/restore event monitor. But there's no way you… maximize Window Programming Software Development by sijothomas Hello Now I am trying to develop a project in C#.But i want to maximize my form ,when i click at the: maximize button or double click at the top of the form,But i can'nt impliment successfully , Please Healp me :) Re: Maximize Screen Programming Software Development by Unhnd_Exception … As Long = GetWindowLong(Me.Handle, GWL_STYLE) 'Test if the maximize style is in the combination. If (CurrentWindowStyle And WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) = …WS_MINIMIZEBOX End If 'Set the new style that contains no maximize or minimize styles. SetWindowLong(Me.Handle, GWL_STYLE, CurrentWindowStyle) End… Maximize Screen Programming Software Development by MaddTechwf I'm trying to turn the Maximize & Minimize buttons off on my Child forms but it doesn't seem to be working. I have set the Max and Min on the form to false but that doesn't seem to work. Also, how can I make the child form fill the available space automatically, no matter the size of the Parent form. Minimize/Maximize Applet Programming Software Development by IOwnAndPwnU …of the menuItems: [CODE]menuItem = new JMenuItem ("Maximize Window", KeyEvent.VK_T); menuItem.setAccelerator (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (… anything"); menuItem.addActionListener (this); menuItem.setActionCommand ("maximize"); menu.add (menuItem);[/CODE] And then, in … Re: Minimize/Maximize Applet Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [b]>I want to be able to maximize and minimize my applet from a menuItem[/b] An applet is a small program that runs embedded in a Web browser’s web-page. As such, applet has a drawing or work area equal to an imaginary picture situated in the same spot. However you can show/hide frame (window). How to disable MAXIMIZE option tru code? Programming Software Development by chanthung hi to all again, I want to know how to disable the Maximize option of a window using a VB code. I believe one way to have a fixed window size is to disable the Maximize option?? Can anyone here please help..... Thanks a lot again in advance. Have a great time guys!!! chan vb 2008 Express Minimize, Maximize and Cancel Button Problems Programming Software Development by leo1937ca … using vb 2008 express and having a problem adding a Maximize, Minimize or Cancel button to a MDI Form. The default… icon does not display along with Minimize, Maximize or Cancel button although the Properties are set true. There… Re: vb 2008 Express Minimize, Maximize and Cancel Button Problems Programming Software Development by leo1937ca … using vb 2008 express and having a problem adding a Maximize, Minimize or Cancel button to a MDI Form. The default… icon does not display along with Minimize, Maximize or Cancel button although the Properties are set true. There… Window Doesn't Have Maximize Button Programming Software Development by Chuckleluck … can minimize and close the program, but I can't maximize it. I also can't resize the window. Is there… a decent way for me to make that grayed-out maximize button regular, and be able to resize the window? I… MDI Form Problem when i maximize it. Programming Software Development by Panathinaikos22 …, im new with MDI Forms. My problem is when i maximize MDI Form, the title bar goes up on menu strip….png/[/url] Here is that what i want when i maximize it. 3[url]… Re: how to maximize table cell height Programming Web Development by boyetp > use this html, body{ height:auto; } > instead of using height:96%; This is the default value of the height. Then my table won't maximize the screen viewport. I need to have my table maximize the viewport screen. Re: Window Doesn't Have Maximize Button Programming Software Development by Chuckleluck What would the code to disable/enable the maximize button look like? All I have under WM_CREATE is: [CODE]case WM_CREATE: // Set the game window and start the game SetWindow(hWindow); GameStart(hWindow); return 0;[/CODE] Re: Window Doesn't Have Maximize Button Programming Software Development by Fbody I don't do any windows programming, so I don't know the actual API call, but I do know that there is a window property that controls that. To activate the maximize button, the "MaximizeBox" property needs to be set to "True". If you have a window style definition, you may be able to do it in there. minimize, maximize/restore and close Programming Software Development by nanosani how can I disable/enable the minimize maximize/restore and close buttons within my code ? how to maximize the configuration broadband Download Speed?? Hardware and Software Networking by jefferyylc … the download speed. I hv no ideea on how to maximize the speed in order i can use the 1mbps services… how to maximize table cell height Programming Web Development by boyetp … new to this forum. I need help on how to maximize a table cell height. First I have a table layout… Disabling Maximize button Programming Software Development by dinilkarun Hi, I have made a GUI using wxPython. I want to disable the Maximize button, but I am not able to do it. Please suggest a way to implement this. Regards, Dinil Re: Disabling Maximize button Programming Software Development by jlm699 You bind an event to intercept the maximize event and call an event.veto() Disable Maximize button Programming Web Development by Manuz [CODE]Hi . I want to know is their any way to disable the maximize button by using javascript or php. Thankz in Advanz [/CODE] Re: Disable Maximize button Programming Web Development by star-whiz Setting the resizable argument to no disables the maximize button. [code] [B]resizable=no[/B] [/code] How to maximize a special window in windows explorer(not IE) ? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by albert1234 … small window. To see the whole thing I have to maximize it by clicking to the upper right edge of the… Remove Glut maximize window button / option Programming Game Development by dark_lord I am using glut to create my window for my game. My question is how do I remove the button that maximizes a window. For my game I don't want the player to be able to resize or maximize the window. Is there a way to control this with glut? Thank you! How to detect window minimize and maximize events Programming Software Development by Clawsy … to minimize the dialogs when the JFrame is minimized and maximize them after the JFrame is maximized or has normal state… Re: How to detect window minimize and maximize events Programming Software Development by Clawsy …(); }else if(this.getState()==0){//this means maximized/normal state maximize(); } [/CODE] Sorry I couldn't figure it earlier... How to maximize form to fullscreen? Programming Software Development by Andy90 I m creating an full screen application! But dont know how make it fullscreen (i.e the buttons minimize, maximize, and close button should not appear on screen). Re: How to maximize form to fullscreen? Programming Software Development by Sahil89 You will need to change above code to maximize to full screen as follows this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; The code posted by Mitja Bonca will make it fullscreen but it will not hide taskbar, so if u want to hide taskbar too then use this code else use Bonca's code. Good Luck! Minimize and Maximize windows form using Timer Tick Event Programming Software Development by ManthanB I want to maximize and minimize windows form on Timer Tick evebt. I placed the code this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; into the timer tick event. but actually its not working. Suggest me some code snippet for the same. Regards, Manthan