11 Topics

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Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hi There, I had a multidimentional array with values. I wanted to convert it into JSON I tried it with : `json=JSON.stringify(skill_array);` But it gave me output as below: [["Language","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"],["DataBase","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"],["Language","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"]] SO how can i convert it into JSON? in Javascript

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Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hey guys, learning about multi-dimensional arrays and am tracing a code that my teacher gave us, but I'm failing to see or conceptualize it. for instance: Why does the following code output 3? [CODE] int a[2][4][2] = {16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}; cout << a[1][2][1] << endl; //output is 3 [/CODE] How are the …

Member Avatar for while(!success)
Member Avatar for group256

Hello everyone, I have to code an array that in each row, it has 16 columns! So I called it myself a 17 dimensional array but I was wondering what data sturcture in Python can best represent this keeping in mind that, it should be easily addressable and modifible. For …

Member Avatar for group256
Member Avatar for livinFuture

Hello all. I am having difficulty getting my program to output data correctly. I have a class member function that is supposed to return the value of a specific member of a struct element based on identification with its (the struct element's) other members. [code] float MatrixType::valueAt(int i, int j) …

Member Avatar for livinFuture
Member Avatar for smohhh

Hey all, I'm having a horrible time with a multidimensional array that I'm trying to create. I understand why it's creating it the way that it is, but don't know how I can fix it. If someone can assist, that would be amazing. Here's the current output: [code] Array ( …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for nyuszi

hi, i need a little help. i have a 2d array adn i want to write out each rows minimum number. but something isnt good cause if the minimum is in the last position it says that the first number is the lowest. heres the code: [CODE] void minki(int k,int …

Member Avatar for nyuszi
Member Avatar for flyingcurry

So the assignment is to make a Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard Player that plays against another student's player without using any Random generation for 100000 trials. We are supposed to be able to detect the patterns/sequences in the other player by storing their past moves and looking for any …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for McCurry0x77

I'm required to construct a three-dimensional array (a "universe"), but unlike traditional array navigation where you go to the end of the column, row, etc., increment and start at the beginning, I am required to move in reverse (like actually navigating a cube). The precise instructions: - Move along a …

Member Avatar for cortez716

I have written a code that will post random numbers into a 10x10 row/col setup. I'm trying to edit the last function of code so that the user see's something like this: Input a number 5 5 was found 3 times 5 is located at row 2, col 1; row …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Khodz

So i'm trying to make a module for my program that returns a multidimensional array based on another array in the form of a command-line argument. Here is the module that's keeping me up at night: [CODE]public static double[][][] getDimensions(String [] args) { final int l = args.length; double dimensions …

Member Avatar for Khodz
Member Avatar for leverin4

Is it possible to rewrite the following VB.NET code in VB6? [CODE]Dim Names(,) As String = New String(,) {{"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, {"UserName", "RealName"}, …

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The End.