Member Avatar for iamthwee
<ol class="dd-list" id="start">
        <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
            <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
            <div class="dd3-content">Home</div>
            <div class="url" style="display:none;">homeurl</div>
        <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
            <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
            <div class="dd3-content">About Us</div>
            <div class="url" style="display:none;">abouturl</div>
        <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
            <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
            <div class="dd3-content">Gallery</div>
            <div class="url" style="display:none;">galleryurl</div>
            <ol class="dd-list">
                <li class="dd-item dd3-item">
                    <div class="dd-handle dd3-handle"></div>
                    <div class="dd3-content">Contact</div>
                    <div class="url" style="display:none;">contacturl</div>

Hi I want to loop through this ordered list and save the values in a multi-dimensional array.

I tried to do this in PHP but it was too difficult. Thanks.

Perhaps this will get you started.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Thanks prit but that didn't really help. Any ideas, or is it better to do this in PHP server side.

Show a sample of what you want.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Uno momento por favor...

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I would like it to look like:

    "content": [
            "content": [
                    "css": "dd-handle dd3-handle"
                    "content": {
                        "text": "Home"
                    "css": "dd3-content"
                    "attrs": {
                        "style": "display:none;"
                    "content": {
                        "text": "homeurl"
                    "css": "url"
            "css": "dd-item dd3-item", 
            "type": "li"
            "content": [
                    "css": "dd-handle dd3-handle"
                    "content": {
                        "text": "About Us"
                    "css": "dd3-content"
                    "attrs": {
                        "style": "display:none;"
                    "content": {
                        "text": "abouturl"
                    "css": "url"
            "css": "dd-item dd3-item", 
            "type": "li"
            "content": [
                    "css": "dd-handle dd3-handle"
                    "content": {
                        "text": "Gallery"
                    "css": "dd3-content"
                    "attrs": {
                        "style": "display:none;"
                    "content": {
                        "text": "galleryurl"
                    "css": "url"
                    "content": {
                        "content": [
                                "css": "dd-handle dd3-handle"
                                "content": {
                                    "text": "Contact"
                                "css": "dd3-content"
                                "attrs": {
                                    "style": "display:none;"
                                "content": {
                                    "text": "contacturl"
                                "css": "url"
                        "css": "dd-item dd3-item", 
                        "type": "li"
                    "css": "dd-list", 
                    "type": "ol"
            "css": "dd-item dd3-item", 
            "type": "li"
    "css": "dd-list", 
    "id": "start", 
    "type": "ol"

That's almost the entire HTML... why don't you send that instead? What is the goal on the PHP side?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I am building my own menu manager for a CMS.

The HTML above is the one that has the drag and drop functionality, essentially all I need is the li structure, the name and the url.

Once I have that I can build the actual menu which will have a different css style. It will need to be saved to the database.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I've decided to do this with PHP

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