Re: AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'read_csv' Programming Software Development by toneewa …: python -m pip install pandas (workspace directory: C:\Users\toneewa\nasa\repos\read_py_file\) CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio… 'We'll Know We Have AGI When >50% of the GDP is Generated by AI' Community Center by Johannes C. **Physicist and former NASA-engineer Anthony Scondary shares his vision of an AGI-powered … advanced voice bots for call centers. With a background at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he contributed to significant missions such… NASA Shatters Website Records during Shuttle Launch Community Center by Danny … space by the United States’ [url=]aeronautics and space administration[/url] shuttle program this …this Web traffic confirms it," said David Mould, NASA's assistant administrator for public affairs. An …://]search [/url] reveals a sharp increase in… Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by NicAx64 … if any asteroid is with collision path with earth , NASA will know it 25 years before the collision actually happens… so no matter how much they have the computing power @ nasa , it is not 100% correct. and more computing power … can be changed anytime. it's only probability . But NASA have already risked our mother earth into danger when they… NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ithelp …few thousand miles to earth and in both this occasion NASA did not have any prior information about these asteroids …. Do you still believe NASA's tall claim that if any asteroid is with …collision path with earth , NASA will know it 25 years before the collision actually happens… Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack … survive to hit the earth. What is it you expect NASA to do if it saw it? Roughly 6600 Near Earth… Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by yster [QUOTE=NicAx64;1045066]But NASA have already risked our mother earth into danger when they launch the Voyager crafts.[/QUOTE] How are we in danger because of this? Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack … people were without electricity for nine hours. Within two days, NASA had lost track of some of its spacecraft and the… NASA Offers up to $55,000 to Optimize Its FORTRAN Code Community Center by Reverend Jim You can win up to [$55,000 to optimize NASA's Fluid Dynamics code]( See the link for details. NASA hacker McKinnon promises guilty plea Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy … facing charges of breaking into systems not only belonging to NASA but also the US Army, Navy and Department of Defense… Hacking the NASA Twitter Account Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …URL=""]followers of the NASA Astronaut account on Twitter[/URL] expect to hear about…We have fixed the problem. Back to tweets from NASA astronauts". The offending spam tweets have now also …t look like Gary McKinnon was involved[/URL], another NASA hacking accusation might ruin any chance he has of… McAfee Taps BAE System, Dell and NASA for advice Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy … world, including the likes of BAE Systems, Dell and even NASA. Apparently the idea is for the CEC to provide what… Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack 10 meters is like the absolute bottom end of asteroids; anything smaller than 10 meters is a meteoroid so if you are into picking nits - this is the place to start (let me rephrase that - "are you some sort of maroon/moran?"). Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ithelp [QUOTE=GrimJack;1045844]10 meters is like the absolute bottom end of asteroids; anything smaller than 10 meters is a meteoroid so if you are into picking nits - this is the place to start (let me rephrase that - "are you some sort of maroon/moran?").[/QUOTE] I like your arrogance , if it would have hit indonesia , 3 times more energy … Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bumsfeld Should be at least 1 kilometer in diameter before it's worth one Hollywood movie! Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack So if it is 2 klicks in diameter - the first movie blows it in half and the second and third movies go after the 2 pieces. Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack [URL=""]The sun strikes back[/URL] Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ithelp [QUOTE=GrimJack;1057938][URL=""]The sun strikes back[/URL][/QUOTE] What kind of damage is solar flare going to cause in 2012 ? Re: NASA caught napping twice in 2 months Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat Twice in two months ain't bad at all! Wanted: CIO. Must Love Space Community Center by Lisa Hoover … technological undertakings in the history of the planet? NASA CIO Jonathan Q. Pettus told [URL="http…nation’s security and knowledge advancement." Additionally, NASA is beginning to allow employees to telecommute or …fact, Cureton offers a [URL="… Exploring the Universe Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vmanes NASA's [URL=""]Astronomy Picture of the Day[/URL] has lots of interesting pictures of the heavens (and other related subjects.) I often grab one of these pictures for my desktop background. Re: Exploring the Universe Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack NASA has some of the most amazing pictures - my wife does the same grabbing for backdrop - currently it is a gray-scale of Saturn's rings. Today's knocks my socks off - it is almost a perfect rose. Feb 1, 2019, the world is scheduled to end.... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by cancer10 NASA predicts Worldwide Holiday on Feb 1, 2019 as the world … Re: Hacking the NASA Twitter Account Digital Media Digital Marketing by CatRambo It would have been even better if they were selling something like real estate on the Moon. ;) Re: Hacking the NASA Twitter Account Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek Yeah, don't you just hate hackers/spammers with no sense of humour? :) Re: Feb 1, 2019, the world is scheduled to end.... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting … asteroid only a few cubic meters in size, the things NASA is tracking and looking for in the current program are… Re: Feb 1, 2019, the world is scheduled to end.... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by stargate3216 I bet NASA just wants more money. If they said doomsday is coming they might get a bigger buget...Can't blaim them the stupid politions in Washington won't go along with Bush's plan to go back to the moon and to Mars. Hubble Telescope's New Control Method Community Center by kc0arf …to precisely look at the object being photographed. NASA Engineers found a way to use other instrumentation aboard…new units to extend the lifetime of the Hubble. NASA would also replace batteries, upgrade science instruments, and… mission after 2 successful return-to-flight missions. NASA also considered robotic missions to the telescope, but … Internet - "server not found" problem Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by daffyd …link into any web site in any way associated with NASA (National Aeronautics Space Agency). Firefox attempts for a …correct. Attempts to link to any site with a NASA association (even the local Canberra Space Centre) also result… in same outcome. Access attempts through NASA links on other world space agency sites also fail. … Life on Mars? No, but it is snowing... Community Center by happygeek … exactly what just happened to me when I read the NASA press release which informed me, in no uncertain terms,… on, exactly? Good question, and the answer according to NASA boffins is that the Phoenix Mars Lander has "detected… on Earth only when there is liquid water around? NASA is certainly claiming that the fact it has found carbonate…