213 Topics

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Member Avatar for diafol

Having subscribed to the mailing list, I got barraged with hundreds (it seemed like) emails every day. Is there any way to cut down on these? It took me over half an hour to delete them all! My mail provider warned me that my account was "dangerously" full. ;)

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Start4me

I’m trying to create a textbox, where the user enters a number, and the output shows a word representing each digit, each word is in an individual label created by the code, regardless of how many digits are entered. So if the user enters 153, the output will be: one …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Start4me

I want to make and If statement which will work when a double "credits" is between 1 and 9. But I'm not sure how to. Will If (1 <= credits => 9) Then Work?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for theashman88

I'm currently having an assignment that wants me to copy a select amount of files. More specifically files that are even using the cp command. The assignment is to copy files that start with cp and are even. This was my command at first `cp[24680]*` but it returned all files …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Cristianh21

Im having a problem with this. I want to echo out the number of post from every city in N.C Example: Wilmington (24) <--*24 is the number of post. Charlotte (35) Raleigh (15) include "connect.php"; $wil ='Wilmington'; $cnt = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT add_city FROM dbAdd WHERE $add_city='$wil' ")); echo $cnt; This is …

Member Avatar for Cristianh21
Member Avatar for sing1006

#include <time.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define ROW 9 #define COL 9 int printboard(int grid[ROW][COL]){ int x,y,n,chk; srand(time(NULL)); for(x=0;x<ROW;x++){ for(y=0;y<COL;y++){ do{ n=rand()%7+2; grid[x][y]=n; if (((grid[x][y]==grid[x-1][y]) && (grid[x][y]==grid[x-2][y])) || ((grid[x][y]==grid[x][y-1]) && (grid[x][y]==grid[x][y-2]))){ chk=1; continue; }else{ chk=0; printf("%d ", n); } }while(chk==1); } printf("\n\n"); } } …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for DawnofanewEra

Why are some algorithm to solve TSP using dynamic programming can solve up to 10 cities while some can go beyond that...i.e. 10, 100 or more..!! What is the factor that determines the capability of the algortihm to solve more than 10 or less..??

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I am looking a small thing , I need a simple code to check the input whether it's prime , if not can enter same repeateddly upto get a proper value . Please provide a simple code snippet and help me Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for android_gl

how to test if a num is a square root? ex: 9 is square root 3 is not square root ///////////////////////////////////////////// //do not worry about sytax. int x = 0; //always start at 0 int y = 101010; //is this a square root? square(x, y){ if((x*x) >= y){ //not a …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for strongpot

I am completely new to Triggers but I hear they can help me with a specific problem. I have a table: picid picture recordListingID 1 danny.jpg 0 2 jane.jpg 0 3 ralph.jpg 0 In the recordListingID column (int) i would like to generate numbers sequentially upon an INSERT. Is it …

Member Avatar for strongpot
Member Avatar for parth2911

optput its not proper i am tring to print 1 to n given number prime number plese solved error.....

Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for Kratoswoo

So working on something and it is running on asp.net so this page is refreshing a lot. It has numbers in a textbox that have been counted and keep changing all day long. What I want to so the textbox witht he highest number is turned green. int[] MyNumbers = …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for lysv

I have a .Net web application where any uncaught exceptions get handled via the Application_Error event in Global.asax. Here, I email myself details of any uncaught exceptions that sneak through. My problem is that while I am getting the error messages just fine, I am not getting the line numbers …

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hey i'm trying to generate numbers from 1 to 3 in a way such that number 1 has the probability 70% being generated number 2 has the probability of 20% of being generated number 3 has the probability of 10% of being generated how do i do that?? can anyone …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for fo2sh

Hello, I need description about ORA error 26759, i tried to check decumintation for cause or action but with no luck, would anybody help me diagnosing why i saw this error on my 11g Oracle DB. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kamalashraf

i am making a number base conversion program in c++, suppose that user enters an base 2 number and want to convert that number in base 4. when he enter the number (which he wants to be converted), how can i detect that number is belongs to base 2 number …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for IT_Techno

Hi iam using sql server 2008 to deal with my DB, i have a column with 'int' data type when i insert number inside that column like "0025648" it return it to me "25648" without zeros why ? and how to solve this problem ? Best Regard IT_Techno

Member Avatar for IT_Techno
Member Avatar for Start4me

I’m making programs which will separate a two digit number from a textbox to two different labels. Later I want to take those two separate numbers and square them indiviudally and add them together. It would be great if someone can get me some help. This is what I have …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for hashim5003

Can any one help me writing code which can only creat three digit random number not two digit or one digit number? Following code creates 3 digti but also creats two and one digit number.. public class random { public static void main (String [] args) { double n = …

Member Avatar for hashim5003
Member Avatar for meeraslam
Member Avatar for 03330

Hello everyone. Im COMPLETELY new to programming and Ruby and i would like to know how i can make this happen: What I want from my program is to understand letters as numbers then add up names into numbers and then retreive previously written names when number x is given. …

Member Avatar for ken_taiken
Member Avatar for pucivogel

I want to check for duplicates when inserting a new contact in my database, then showing a msg that the contact is already in the db. this is what i've done: function isDuplicate(names,phone,email,adresa){ var isduplicate=false; for(var i=0;i<addresslist.length; i++){ if(addresslist[i].names.toLowerCase()==names.toLowerCase() && addresslist[i].phone.toLowerCase()==phone.toLowerCase()&& addresslist[i].email.toLowerCase()==email.toLowerCase()&& addresslist[i].adresa.toLowerCase()==adresa.toLowerCase() ){ isduplicate=true; } } return isduplicate; } …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for dendenny01

As for my assignment I had to write a program to swap 2 digit number Example:- If user input 12 the swaped number Would be 21. Along with ALgorithm, and a short description on this program(As how will you solve this program or what measure you'll take to get desired …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for clubberlangMayo

hi guys, writing a code in my first term at vb 2010, ive to create a guessing game, generate a number between 1 and 30 and let the user guess it. i must give hints along the way and record the amount of guesses made. i have the code written …

Member Avatar for clubberlangMayo
Member Avatar for erezz

Hi, I have a text file that contains about 15000 lines like the lines below: IBN LG 00 0 00 05 304 602 1047 SB GWLPOT IBN LG 00 0 00 11 077 500 2547 SB GWLPOT IBN LG 00 0 00 19 077 574 2000 SB GWLPOT IBN LG …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Kullercode

This script is supposed to show an alert if the text is longer than eight characters, what is wrong with it? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <input id="input"><button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button> <script> function myFunction() { var x=document.getElementById("input").value if (x = > 8) { alert("Text must be lower than 8 letters") return false; …

Member Avatar for rholdbataller
Member Avatar for gamnlxvi

#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> //For system() #include <conio.h> //For getche() #include <time.h> using namespace std; //You can modify these numbers but don't delete these constants or this starting code will not work const int MAX_HEIGHT = 20; //The height of the grid const int MAX_WIDTH = 40; //The width of …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Start4me

I want to create an integer generating program where the user enters any number in TextBox1 and TextBox2 and presses the Generate button and in another textbox the integers shows up. REFER TO THE LINK to see what I mean. [Click Here](http://picturepush.com/public/11671143)

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi double[] MyArray = new double[10]; I have 10 numbers and I get average of them. But how can print out how many of the numbers that are smaller than average, and how many of the numbers that are larger than average?

Member Avatar for tony75
Member Avatar for nivarshn

I am using Visual studio 2005(.NET framework 2.0) .My project is window application and using c# language. We are having word templates created in office 2003, 2007 and 2010. I want to search text (string) in word template (.dot/.doc/.docx).This text is exist in two places in word doc : 1) …

Member Avatar for NanaYee

The End.