‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. …://archive.is/m0nbQ) at the British Foreign Office. Regarding Artificial Intelligence, my fascination long predates…from social media, emails, private conversations, and open-source databases, craft **personalized psychological profiles** …Institute’s [moratorium letter](https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/). Since … Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by simhakidsden It's quite baffling to witness such a stark contrast in Dell's approach to promoting Ubuntu between Europe and the USA. Their inconsistent messaging only adds to the confusion for potential customers. Hopefully, Dell can streamline their marketing strategy to provide clearer information and support for Linux enthusiasts worldwide. Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … open office: 1. how to set labels bottom margin? 2. how to set all labels to be right Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by dfdfdfg open office: 1. how to set labels bottom margin? 2. how to … Re: Open Office Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by sknake If your install came pre-loaded with open office then what makes you think you are missing packages? You … openoffice | grep ^openoffice openoffice.org - OpenOffice.org Office suite openoffice.org-base - OpenOffice.org office suite - database openoffice.org-calc - OpenOffice.org… Open Office Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by lewashby I'M just getting started with Linux and I'M using Ubuntu. Straight from the CD Ubuntu came loaded with Open Office - Word, Spreadsheet, & Presentation. But how do I get the whole Open Office package? And what happens with the ones already on my system? Do I need to remove them first? Thanks for any and all replies. Open Office and X11 pain in the Posterior! Community Center by geezer Am I the only one who found that installing X11 from the install disks needed "Pacifist" 3rd party (4th party?) software just to find the X11 software?! As a mac newbie, before today I had no Idea what X11 is... Got it sorted though and open office seems to be running nicely... What a palarva!;) Open Office Impress Digital Media UI / UX Design by squeak24 I am trying to get Open Office Impress so I can do some flash creation. But I can't seem to find the link to download. Anyone know where it is. I am runnig OS X 10.8.2 Any help would be appreciated. Re: Open Office Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by JasonHippy … menu. In the window that opens up, select the "Office" icon from the list of menus, then in the….10). I think it's listed as "OpenOffice.org Office Suite" in 9.10, probably called something similar for… items that don't show up in the Applications->Office menu, then go back into the menu editor (as per… Re: Open office vs small cabinets Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Manitoba Hydro built a state-of-the-art head office in downtown Winnipeg a few years ago using the open office paradigm. They soon found that the noise from adjacent areas was too distracting and had to extend the walls around the meeting areas to the ceiling, which disrupted the airflow which relied on there being no walls. Re: Open office vs small cabinets Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat I can not imagine working in one of those open office spaces. There are simply too many distractions to think properly. Trouble with Open Office Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Darkangelchick Hey guys I'm using Linux and I'm having trouble with Open Office. This is the first time it has happened. I try to open a file saved with open office and its coming up with translation stuff like western europe (Applemac) and stuff. What has happened and how can I fix it? I need this document for the HSC :( Thanx Parsing Open Office Documents with PHP Programming Web Development by scottholmes … need to be able to parse out data fields from Open Office documents on the fly. I'm using tbsooo_class.php and…] The content.xml file is actually a part of the Open Office document. It is a XML 1.0 document text. I… Re: Parsing Open Office Documents with PHP Programming Web Development by scottholmes … tbsooo.php class uses merge fields put directly in an Open Office document in the form of [var.someVarName] It then merges… value of a variable of the same name with the Open Office template . Just though I'd let you know... Re: Trouble with Open Office Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by Darkangelchick [QUOTE=Comatose;825716]Sounds like it was saved in a different format.... is this the same machine you made the file on?[/QUOTE] YEs it is...Like i have always saved them onto my Portable harddrive just like normal and they wont open and the only machine I have open office on is my laptop which i created the files and tried to open them on Re: Where to get Open Office? Community Center by mjdodd … as yet to meet virus or malware or spyware on open office and open systems stuff and have met tons of probs with… how to open sxw documents by open office Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by sugumarclick when i tried to open sxw documents using open office doc writer it asks for format to open.. please help Where to get Open Office? Community Center by sarahlorrain Is OpenOffice.org THE PLACE to get Open Office without ending up with spyware, malware, etc? I apologize in advance if this is not the right place to post this. I really wasn't sure where to put it. Thanks! Re: Where to get Open Office? Community Center by scru yes, it is where you get Open Office. Re: Where to get Open Office? Community Center by jbennet [QUOTE=sarahlorrain;504160]Is OpenOffice.org THE PLACE to get Open Office without ending up with spyware, malware, etc? I apologize in advance if this is not the right place to post this. I really wasn't sure where to put it. Thanks![/QUOTE] [url]http://www.openoffice.org/[/url] are you incapable of using google? List open office files Programming Software Development by malg Could anyone tell me how to programmatically list the filenames of all open office files (winword.doc files, excel.xls files) ? Debian Package - Open Office Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by lewashby I downloaded and unziped the Open Office Debian package to my Ubuntu desktop. Inside the folder there … Re: Open Office Uninstall Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by rubberman Open Office (and Libre Office) should not install any other apps with it. Where did you get the install files from? Re: Open Office Impress Digital Media UI / UX Design by squeak24 I couldn't see it as part of the office suite when I first installed. But I have since be told elsewhere in the office suite it is title "Presentation"so gonna give that a go Re: Open office vs small cabinets Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting open plan offices were heavily promoted in the 1970s and '80s … together closely. But many companies still sit in those big open plan buildings and more such buildings keep being built, except… floor space). Cubicles are just a way to partition the open plan office into smaller cells. Few of the benefits of individual… Office 2003 users locked out by Microsoft rights management mess Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by newsguy …;http://blogs.technet.com/office_sustained_engineering/archive/2009/12/11/cannot-open-office-2003-documents-protected-with-rms.aspx"]came clean[/URL…;Starting on December 11, 2009, customers using Office 2003 will not be able to open Office 2003 documents protected with the Rights Management… Re: Open Office Uninstall Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Kevin_14 … 14.0 keys. Then try to open Office. It should do a quick repair install. Once office opens, close it then try to… uninstall. If there is no change, add the Office Registry files you backed up back into the registry. FYI…'ve used it the past 8 years on 90% of office problems I've encountered. Re: open office or KDE office? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by i686-linux … suffice. If you need stronger portability to/from Microsoft office documents, and a stronger application, then try Open Office. Just my two cents. Re: open office or KDE office? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by RC_Razor id say open office is the better one...