233 Topics

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Member Avatar for scobie

Hi Folks, I'm a noob but I'm slowly getting addicted to python. I've been hitting a wall for about 4 hours trying various things to no avail. It looks to me like it should work and runs without error but.... I expect the blockcount counter to be high (but it's …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for sammiepooh

Hello, I am fairly new to this site and am new at studying unix/linux OS. Recently I had an assignment involving finding a script that had run an administrative task such as checking file systems periodically. With it, I had to take each line and describe in my own terms …

Member Avatar for dwdata

I have the need for a FUNCTION: Transpose($Song, $direction) The logic I need is pretty straight forward, but I am having a hard time replicating it using PHP functions. I will try to break it down to it's simplest form: I have a field that has several lines of text. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hmhb.in

i have the following xml file.how to display the first tag (tag by tag) then when next button are click the second tag is display <?xml version="1.0"?> <records> <reg > <name>hari</name> <age>22</age> <mark>67</mark> </reg> </records> <records> <reg > <name>hari</name> <age>20</age> <mark>78</mark> </reg> </reg> <reg> <book > <name>hari</name> <age>21</age> <mark>88</mark> </reg> …

Member Avatar for DanielTulp
Member Avatar for harris21

i have a XML file containing data, i want to parse it in c. can you help me out in parsing.

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for -ordi-

Best way to parse this webpage private info: [url]https://ee.ekool.eu/index_et.html?r=2#/?screenId=g.user.login&err=1[/url] I found Beautiful soap and PyKhtml. What is the better?

Member Avatar for -ordi-
Member Avatar for ilanpillai

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to submit registration on my website. Am not able to figure out the issue. Any help is greatly appreciated. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/content/t/h/i/thinkvirtual/html/includes/registration_mail.php on line 3 The code on registration_mail.php is <?php $message="<body> <div align=¥"center¥"> <table …

Member Avatar for ilanpillai
Member Avatar for AlmostRambo

I've been looking at this too long and just cannot figure out what's wrong here :( [code] <?php $config['name'] = 'admin'; $config['password'] = 'xxxxxxxx'; $config['email'] = 'admin@rltz.com'; $config['db_user'] = 'ephrils'; $config['db_pass'] = 'xxxxxxxx'; $config['db_data'] = 'addv2'; $config['db_host'] = 'addv22.rltz.com'; $con = mysql_connect('addv22.rltz.com','ephrils','xxxxxxxx'); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . …

Member Avatar for Arrorn
Member Avatar for drostydw

Hey y'all. I hope someone can shed some light on what I am needing to do. Just a little guidance should be good... What I have is an app where an employee slides their id badge and a form captures the long string of data from the magnetic strip on …

Member Avatar for drostydw
Member Avatar for JSpudMonkey

Hi, still very new to the C Language and just needed some Clearing up and some help please. Im writing a program where i have to read from a file that says the name of a person and 6 "lottery" numbers in this format. [ Mike Kobalt 12 15 34 …

Member Avatar for JSpudMonkey
Member Avatar for debbiec1

I have somehow corrupted the search facility, probably the most important page on my website and have absolutely no knowledge of php at all. I have gone through the code and read some forum advice in case it was something simple, but just cannot see what is wrong. I also …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hello all, I want to make a Python program which will go to a particular site, login with my credentials, and do a specific task, such as in this case: go to WordPress.com, login, navigate to the drafts section, and add a line to a draft. I believe most of …

Member Avatar for ultimatebuster
Member Avatar for leo002000

Hi all, Basically I am attempting to determine whether the first 2 columns (tab delimited file) from file1.txt match the first 2 columns of file2.txt. If they do I want to output the entire row of file1.txt to outputfile.txt... I can do this using vbs but due to the amount …

Member Avatar for mitchems
Member Avatar for starlight849

Hi, I am looking for advice on the best way to achieve my current goal. I am reading a textfile and extracting information from each line. For example string1 and string2. I am then writing these string to a datatable. However, sometimes there will be repeats in string1 and string2. …

Member Avatar for starlight849
Member Avatar for starlight849

Hello I am attempting to parse multiple lines of text from a text file using regexpressions. I am using vb.net with visual studio 2008. At the moment I am filling my datatable with the text file information and am able to return each line of text and parse the first …

Member Avatar for starlight849
Member Avatar for Sismetic

Well, I have a test program, in which I wanted to test if it was possible to open a textfile(text.txt) for input, display it via cout, then passing the object via reference to another function, in it and display the file again(which should already be open,which is the whole point). …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for golansha

Hi, I have a string that might include a date as substring. For example the string may be "Oct 23, 2008 16:41:58 GMT Unassigned". I would like to check if a substring of the given string can be converted to a date. I tried using: [code] public static bool IsDate(String …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

I need to do CSV parsing and I was wondering if this is possible with python and where I should go to learn how to code this script or get help. Let's say I have a CSV file with 20 rows and 4 columns. I need to: -Strip out the …

Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2
Member Avatar for echellwig

Hi, I'm looking to break up a file with space delimiters. Its really just a list of numbers with spaces in between them, and I need to put each of the numbers in a list as separate entries. However, they are all on one line like so: 5 7 6 …

Member Avatar for echellwig
Member Avatar for mediachicken

Hello, I've been studying PHP for a while now, and am tackling my biggest project so far. I need to parse python code (which I'm already doing) and color code it. I need to get a word RIGHT before the ( symbol. I've tried just about everything, and can't get …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for spinachio

I have a text file that looks like Y07976.1/124-271 Y07978.1/48-201 and I want to remove everything after the forward slash such that in the end the text file will look like Y07976.1 Y07978.1 I am currently learning perl and I think regular expressions are going to be a trouble for …

Member Avatar for spinachio
Member Avatar for becon

Hi everyone, I would like to parse this text file PREVIT:nmrValidate_166w.pdb atoms "A -750 -GLU -CG " and "B -54 -GLN -CG " 3.8759 A apart atoms "A -750 -GLU -CD " and "B -54 -GLN -CG " 3.8447 A apart atoms "A -750 -GLU -C " and "B -51 …

Member Avatar for becon
Member Avatar for flaviusilaghi

Hy. I am trying to encode a ASN1 structure with DER , but i get a parse error. My in text is : 304913214D617374657220646520736563757269746174656120696E666F726D6174696569301E170D3039313030313030303030305A170D3130303331353030303030305A020103010101 and the code is this: [CODE]include <openssl/asn1.h> #include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #pragma comment( lib, "libeay32.lib" ) using namespace std; int main() …

Member Avatar for flaviusilaghi
Member Avatar for wade2462

Okay, I'm trying to learn C# (coming from c++). I found this code on a tutorial. When I try to compile it I get this error "cannot implicitly convert from 'int' to 'string'" I thought it was supposed to convert it from string to int??? [CODE] int Number; Number = …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for darja22

Hi, Could anyone please help a n00b girl on this one? Thx:) [php] <?php session_start(); //allows session include('config.php'); if($admin == 6) { echo "Admin"; } ?> include "includes/header_account.php"; if($logged[id]) { //welcomes the member <div id="mainContent"> <div id="profile" class="clearfix"> <div id="col-left"> <div class="profile-section"> <a href='editprofile.php' class="manage">Uredi svoj Profil</a> <h2>echo "Živjo $logged[username]</h2>"; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for emmonssw

I have a csv file that has 12 columns. I've been using: [code=c++] while(!infile.eof()) { getline( infile, source, ',' ); outfile << source << ", "; getline( infile, native_ID, ',' ); outfile << native_ID << ", "; getline( infile, index, ',' ); outfile << index << ", "; getline( infile, …

Member Avatar for emmonssw
Member Avatar for emmonssw

Basically, after the user inputs a cvs file which is formatted like (unmod.cvs that is attached is complete file): Source, Native ID, Index, Charge, Cluster ID, FDR, Precursor Mass, Calculated Mass, Mass Error, Peptide, Mods, Search Scores /tumor/set2/mam_082208o_individualsamples_747T_set2_082008_A01,scan=771,770,2,46,0,1162.436,1162.438,0.001953125,NDDDEEEAAR,,(mvh 52.0926)(mzFidelity 69.9226) /tumor/set2/mam_082208o_individualsamples_747T_set2_082008_A01,scan=1147,1146,2,93,0,1436.543,1436.506,-0.0369873,AAEDDEDDDVDTQ,,(mvh 68.8836)(mzFidelity 92.7468) *note that the mods value is a …

Member Avatar for emmonssw
Member Avatar for miac09

Hi, I have the following files and can match but, am having trouble with getting the output to write correctly to a data matrix format that I need and would appreciate any help with getting the code right. File 1 has a list of numbers and Files 2, 3 and …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all, im sure this will be areally quick solution for you masters out there, Im trying to create a SELECT query but I am continually getting a parse error ? [code] $query="SELECT * FROM friends WHERE (user_id = '$_SESSION[SESS_MEMBER_ID]' AND request_id = '$profile_id') OR (request_id = '$_SESSION[SESS_MEMBER_ID]' AND user_id …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for CreativeCoding

I am trying to create an upload system for my website. I want it to display the size of the file as well as the percentage the file takes up of 1GB (example: 512MB would be %50 because 512 is 0.5GB). The way I chose to do this is to …

Member Avatar for CreativeCoding

The End.