Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … a single point solution, but to instead characterize the design space for a given problem: a single point should then fall… naturally out of that space given the problem constraints. Clearly, the intent of this post… 'We'll Know We Have AGI When >50% of the GDP is Generated by AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … less automatable. My company, Gridpsace, works in the contact center space, which currently employs approximately 3 million people in the US… The Future of Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Opportunities and Challenges Community Center by ChrisKattan … are the most promising opportunities you see in the DeFi space? What challenges and risks do you think DeFi needs to… ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … its vast wisdom, comes across a valid way to manipulate space-time. This is not about Skynet building a DeLorean for… Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim … me that on my display (16x9 laptop) most of the space is wasted. On the seven day page it doesn't… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim … and asked why VLC could not automatically trim unused black space from the player window that is added when the window… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim …) only a third of my display height and rendering blank space on the remaining third (the rest being address bar, header… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim … right to show earlier or later shows. Very little wasted space. Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Naor … a super talented and smart person to operate in this space. daniweb is definitely one of my favorite community websites. Re: Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani I can write much better than I speak. I tend to get flustered and lose my words easily when speaking, primarily due to increased brain fog. Writing comes much more naturally to me, as I was often sick as a child, and therefore primarily self-taught from textbooks. By my early teens (mid-1990s), I was running an online AOL community for homeschooled… Re: Writing and speaking clearly Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >I can write much better than I speak. As do I. Plus when I write I can edit and organize during and after the fact. I find it difficult these days to speak a complete thought without someone interrupting. By the way, repetition can be an effective tool when trying to make a point. But like salt, a pinch is sufficient. Re: The Future of Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Opportunities and Challenges Community Center by rproffitt > In 2021, half of cryptocurrency crime was related to DeFi. > - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_finance That's not good. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Why is it that when people in shows light a fire (like when setting a vehicle on fire) with a lighter, they always throw the lighter into the puddle of gasoline? Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? On a related note, researchers tried hundreds of times to ignite a puddle of gasoline by throwing a burning cigarette into it. They were … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani > Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? They do it to show how they live life on the edge by proving to the world (and the television audience) they won't have any more use for a lighter. > They were successful exactly zero times. Researchers, schmearchers. But has Myth Busters had a go of it? Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Actually, I think they did with the same results. Supposedly the temperature of the cigarette is below the flash point of gasoline. Did anyone else suffer through the final season of Star Trek: Discovery? Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Salem If you're sufficiently curious to study how the data arrives at your browser, and can wrangle some Javascript, then perhaps https://www.tampermonkey.net/ You can post-process the data to be whatever shape you want it to be. Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim I don't care to learn javascript for this one simple thing. I just want to know if allowing for different displays is such a big deal. I know that Dani has designed Daniweb to be usable on both desktop and mobile devices. I was curious as to whether it was a technical nightmare to do so. Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by pritaeas > I don't care to learn javascript for this one simple thing. I just want to know if allowing for different displays is such a big deal. In most cases you can achieve this by managing your CSS correctly. It's not a very big deal for most pages IMO. Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Dani Any qualified front-end web developer should be skilled enough in HTML and CSS in order to make a webpage responsive. (Responsive web design means that the design changes based on the form factor or dimensions of the web browser window). However, what's more important here are UI/UX experts. These are the people who analyze existing data on how … Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Dani Sorry, I was in a rush before and didn't finish my thought. In conclusion, you're asking the wrong question. You're asking how difficult it is to build something. The correct question is what thoughts and decisions lead to it being spec'ed out the way it is? Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim I suppose a better question would have been is it reasonable, or unreasonable to expect a major site like The Weather Network to allow for larger (desktop) displays rather than focus exclusively on mobile devices? Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by rproffitt @RJ, don't take this badly but the change to smart phone viewership is there. People will pick up the phone and view such a site in a few seconds over booting up their laptop or bigger systems. And thus the efforts from major sites are going to be small screen viewing first and other, reduced efforts to give the desktop viewers what they want. The… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim Let's not discount the untold thousands of office workers who will also view the site on (likely) 16x9 or 16x10 displays. Most Smart TVs also use the same wide formats. I think it's high time that web developers focused less on mobile users, and more on what is really important. Me ;-) Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Dani When I look at that website from my desktop, I see a design intended for desktop use, not mobile, so I’m a bit confused what you’re referring to. If you’re wondering why the content doesn’t take up the full width of your browser window, neither does DaniWeb’s at very high screen resolutions. This is done from a UI/UX standpoint because it’s … Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by jkon One more take on your question "My question (and I do have one) is, how difficult is it for the web site to customize the html for the target device?" Apparently a lot. As a user / visitor I am constantly annoyed by the "mobile first" approach in web design. In my perspective it all lies to the weird assumption that "… Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Dani I don’t think it comes down to cheaper. I think it comes down to SEO. Google only crawls mobile versions of websites nowadays, and has been clear in stating you lose your rankings if the mobile version differs in any meaningful way from the desktop version. I, for one, use responsive design because I would never trust serverside to correctly … Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim >you lose your rankings if the mobile version differs in any meaningful way from the desktop version Seriously? You lose points for catering to a wider audience? Would providing the exact same data in a wider format count as meaningful? Re: Formatting web pages for various displays Programming Web Development by Dani > Would providing the exact same data in a wider format count as meaningful? It's encouraged to provide the exact same data in a wider format. Typically that is accomplished with responsive design, as the HTML remains the same and CSS is used to change the layout.