Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting …... In fact the previous company I worked for had a photography club for a while, and a yearly chess competition. I… The best CMS for a photography website Digital Media UI / UX Design by kimmi_baby … as to what the best CMS to use for a photography site is... I've had a potential client approach me… Re: The best CMS for a photography website Digital Media UI / UX Design by drjohn … a huge number of free wordpress templates available for portfolio/photography sites. Try searching for them using the obvious keywords wordpress… photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja yes bored again, so out pops another thread :lol: see as many of daniwebs occupants are likely to have a few pics their proud of, why not show them off? rules; pictures can only be taken by you or with your camera, or at least by someone you know, cannot be of explicit content, or advertising. now get snapping :cheesy: darren :cool: Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by John A It may sound suprising, but I photograph a lot of Magnolias (type of tree). I have more posted on my flickr page: Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by 'Stein I got a bunch uploaded, but there not in public domain. ;) *Wishing I could upload the rest* See, I'm an amateur photographer. @Darren- The trick to aerial pics is to shoot at sunrise or sunset. @Joe- Nooot bad. Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting Collected work from the last 25 years. [url][/url] Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Scottg1989 Well had a few pictures that I've taken with my SE K800i over the past few weeks. I've uploaded them all to here at the moment: [URL=""][/URL] Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja [quote='Stein;259580]I got a bunch uploaded, but there not in public domain. ;) *Wishing I could upload the rest* See, I'm an amateur photographer. @Darren- The trick to aerial pics is to shoot at sunrise or sunset. @Joe- Nooot bad.[/quote] hows this? darren :cool: Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Scottg1989 pretty good guys... and who said that geeks were only good at computers?? Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by 'Stein Noot bad darren. :) Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja [quote='Stein;259905]Noot bad darren. :)[/quote] cheers stein! have another that im proud off but cant get computer to read the card at the moment - why do these things never work when you want them most? :lol: darren :cool: Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by h2c357 Hey darren, seems like you and I have quite smillar taste for shooting. I have many pictures that are simillar to the ones that you uploaded. I'll try to upload them tonight. [quote=darrenw89;259523]yes bored again, so out pops another thread :lol: see as many of daniwebs occupants are likely to have a few pics their proud of, why not show them … Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja [quote=h2c357;260055]Hey darren, seems like you and I have quite smillar taste for shooting. I have many pictures that are simillar to the ones that you uploaded. I'll try to upload them tonight.[/quote] thanks, look forward to seeing them, welcome to daniweb by the way! darren :cool: Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by h2c357 thanks, here they are... Re: photography your proud of... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja [quote=h2c357;260279]thanks, here they are...[/quote] nice! looks like my card reader has packed up, and unfortunatly the other pics are on my cf microdrive so. darren :cool: Photography Career Portal suggestions Community Center by itstopnotch Hi all, Ok I own the domain name photographycareer dot net , I bought it a while back when I was going through a domaining phase anyway kind of forgot about it for a while till the other week when I started looking into joomla and membership sites. I was planning on making the site a recruitment service for employers that need photographers and … Re: Photography Career Portal suggestions Community Center by genisyl hi there man i am into the business of website development and we have created many such ad and classified website. i can help u in deveoping website. plz let me know hwhat syour budget for this website. Re: The best CMS for a photography website Digital Media UI / UX Design by chrishea [URL=""]Gallery[/URL] is well-rated but I don't have any experience with it in terms of ease of use or customization. A good list of CMS systems can be found [URL=""]here[/URL]. Many have demos available. Re: The best CMS for a photography website Digital Media UI / UX Design by Pjieter Considered using Drupal? I'm using Drupal for a few weeks now, and getting pretty used to it. I'm pretty sure they have some modules for displaying photo galleries.. Re: The best CMS for a photography website Digital Media UI / UX Design by graphicdesigner Use wordpress, you can get tons of free photogallery themes. Re: The best CMS for a photography website Digital Media UI / UX Design by Ritesh_4 I would suggest Drupal with the Galleria module, very easy way to add and display photos as slideshow, else Wordpress, or these specialised CMS for photo hosting: [url][/url] [url][/url] Re: Riddles Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Borzoi Photography. Question about embedded CSS Digital Media UI / UX Design by girlinwayside …0px 5px 5px; /> <p>Mayer Photography is a family-owned business of professional photographers, providing …;p>Ted and Jane Mayer started Mayer Photography in 1972 after graduating from the New England … uphold the family tradition of excellence in photography.</p> Mayer Photography<BR> 8911 Bronte Avenue ยท… Form is wicked Programming Web Development by cmannering …']; $writing_request = $_POST['writing_request'] ; $writing_other = $_POST['writing_other'] ; $graphic_design = $_POST['graphic_design'] ; $photography = $_POST['photography'] ; $photography_other = $_POST['photography_other'] ; $format = $_POST['format'] ; $website = $_POST['website'] ; $website_other… Foreach to pull first record in scanned directory Programming Web Development by dkjuk …passed from a mysql lookup. [code=php]$dir = "photography/".$gallery; $files1 = scandir($dir); $picturecount = count… "</h7>"; $dir = "photography/".$a_row["FOLDER"]; echo "<ul&…li><a rel='gallery_group' href=photography/".$gallery."/".$value.">&… CSS DIV container align multibrowser+unwanted margin Digital Media UI / UX Design by Apaxe …; <div id="orange_bar"> <p>PHOTOGRAPHY</p></div> <div id="…; <div id="orange_bar"> <p>PHOTOGRAPHY</p></div> <div id="…; <div id="orange_bar"> <p>PHOTOGRAPHY</p></div> </div> Thanks… html simple dom parser not parsing Programming Web Development by sacarias40 …;a id="photography" href="" title="View my Photography Portfolio">Photography Portfolio</a… Re: html simple dom parser not parsing Programming Web Development by veedeoo …;a id="photography" href="" title="View my Photography Portfolio">Photography Portfolio</a… remote image placement Digital Media UI / UX Design by naphets …valign="center" summary="This table places remote photography" border="1"> <CAPTION>…;<EM>Photography</EM></CAPTION> <TR align…valign="center" summary="This table places remote photography" border="1"> <CAPTION>…