Re: What are good ways to learn to become the best digital marketer? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani …, etc. Be THE place to go for all mom ā€˜nā€™ pop pet stores across the country. (Just giving an example. Pick… Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Why is it that when people in shows light a fire (like when setting a vehicle on fire) with a lighter, they always throw the lighter into the puddle of gasoline? Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? On a related note, researchers tried hundreds of times to ignite a puddle of gasoline by throwing a burning cigarette into it. They were … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani > Do they not realize that a lighter is reusable? They do it to show how they live life on the edge by proving to the world (and the television audience) they won't have any more use for a lighter. > They were successful exactly zero times. Researchers, schmearchers. But has Myth Busters had a go of it? Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Actually, I think they did with the same results. Supposedly the temperature of the cigarette is below the flash point of gasoline. Did anyone else suffer through the final season of Star Trek: Discovery? Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by Reverend Jim Since getting the laptop back the rear USB/power port has started acting up again. I've adjusted by glueing a clip to the lid so that the power cord does not move when plugged in. Three screws have fallen off the bottom and I have replaced them with my own screws that I can tighten without the need of a special ($$$) tool. The rubber feet have … Re: Pop Ups Hardware and Software Information Security by willis86 Pop ups for: Jamster Ringtones, Cassava Online Casino, Beech Finance and Freedom Finance and other loan companies. These seem to be the main offenders. Yes, spy sweeper trial had expired which is why i uninstalled it. Pop under help Hardware and Software Information Security by SilentK I am having some trouble with pop under ads. They seem to pop up randomly (It can go days without happening) and they… the web or using IE. The most frequent time they pop under is right when I login and it does this… [/quote] Any ideas on how to get rid of the pop unders? Re: pop ?? Programming Software Development by Jx_Man … tumpukan is stack [CODE]function POP (var T : Tumpukan) : integer; begin POP := T.Isi[T.Atas]; … i use your initial code... [CODE=pascal]function POP (var T : Tumpukan) : integer; {*this …) end; begin if Empty(T) then POP := 0 else begin POP := T.Isi[T.Atas]; T.Atas… pop up Hardware and Software Information Security by mj1141 I have rescently starting a POP UP to a sex page that I can not get … that did not fix the issue can you help. THe pop up is a complete new page that opens when I… pop ?? Programming Software Development by dnk please see my code : there are something wrong?how i can check if stack is empty?? NB : isi = content of stack atas = top of stack tumpukan is stack [CODE]function POP (var T : Tumpukan) : integer; begin POP := T.Isi[T.Atas]; T.Atas := dec[T.Atas]; end;[/CODE] anyhelp will be appreciated.. thanks guys Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson … something(what I do not know) and after that these pop ups started. Sorry I cannot be more detailed. But in… using the computer the little I have the pop ups were present. I will now provide the logs that…\AVG\AVG8\avgtray.exe O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Fork live trust pop] C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Eq Anti… Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 …. Take a look at mine. Do print screen of the pop-up. Paste into photo editing program, crop print screen so… only the pop-up shows. Save it as a .jpg where you can… that button. Then a box like my second attachment will pop up. Click the top browse button to browse your computer… pop-up Programming Software Development by LillyPooh … contents of a text box in a pop-up. I know how to create pop-ups in javascript, but I'm not… Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 … to explain your problem better than just listing Pop up Help. What types of pop ups for one thing, when did this… Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson [QUOTE=jholland1964;803757]Are you still getting those pop ups? Do you know what this program is? O4 - HKCU\..\…:\DOCUME~1\Rosedale\APPLIC~1\INTERL~1\Surftrust.exe[/QUOTE] Pop ups have seemed to stop...THANK YOU,THANK YOU and… Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson …\AVG\AVG8\avgtray.exe O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Fork live trust pop] C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Eq Anti… Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson …\AVG\AVG8\avgtray.exe O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Fork live trust pop] C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Eq Anti… Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 [QUOTE=sampson;800658]Hi, Still getting those same popups.[/QUOTE] LOL...Wondered why you posted the printscreens from Spybot and ESET...what I want is a printscreen of the pop-ups if you can get one. Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by buddythedog1 the "ad" changes but the top of the pop is the same. Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 Sorry, am I missing something? All I see is a webpage, which is a real web page by the way, I checked. I don't see any pop-up and I don't see 'CID' anywhere. Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 … it is still there: O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Fork live trust pop] C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Eq Anti… Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 Are you still getting those pop ups? Do you know what this program is? O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [download draw] C:\DOCUME~1\Rosedale\APPLIC~1\INTERL~1\Surftrust.exe Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson I spoke to soon. So far no pop ups when using FF but switched to IE and I go one that redirected me to ebay. Is this ever gonna end..... Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 Still getting the pop-ups? Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson yes, the pop ups continue...:( Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson I just noticed a CID help log within the add/remove programs in the control panel. There is no file size like most programs have along side it but it is there. the CID is the pop up that is coming up. Should I remove this??? Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by jholland1964 [QUOTE=sampson;804985]I just noticed a CID help log within the add/remove programs in the control panel. There is no file size like most programs have along side it but it is there. the CID is the pop up that is coming up. Should I remove this???[/QUOTE] Yes. Try that and see if it helps. Re: Pop up HELP Hardware and Software Information Security by sampson J, removed CID helper from add/remove programs. Since this no other pop ups have happened. Hopefully, that is the end of it. Thanks for your help...:) POP up close and text box value should display main page Programming Web Development by weeraa …VB.NET. There is a main page and a pop up window. When Click button in main page it… is shown pop up and we can add customer details (Name, …etc..) after click OK in pop up window, It should be closed the pop up and the customer name … Up to now I could do show pop up, and close pop up part (and also save data part).… Pop-ups out the wazoo! Hardware and Software Information Security by rjeffers …driving me crazy. I'm using Pop-up Blocker from Panicware that I've…romances I could ever ask for. Also, now Pop-up Blocker blocks my internet explorer, so I …~1\ypager.exe C:\PROGRA~1\PANICW~1\POP-UP~1\PSFree.exe C:\PROGRA~1\AWS…HKCU\..\Run: [PopUpStopperFreeEdition] "C:\PROGRA~1\PANICW~1\POP-UP~1\PSFree.exe" O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Weather…