Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Brian Wozeniak … that at least for our website, we did not react quick enough for that and many years went by before we… SO too, is AI. The progression of AI has been quick, and its only going to accelerate. The web developer team… Re: What Is Social Listening & Why Is It Important? Digital Media by Jorge_41 … and customer feedback. They also enhance customer service by enabling quick responses to complaints, optimize marketing campaigns through feedback, and help… Re: Is DICloak Anti-Detect Browser Worth Using? Hardware and Software Information Security by Salem It doesn't require any 3rd party software. For example, I use Firefox profiles to separate my bank from my shops. Coupled with quick-launch icons on the desktop, I find it to be a very easy to use solution. Extracting YouTube Channel Statistics in Python Using YouTube Data API Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … most frequently occurring words in the video titles, allowing for quick and intuitive insights into the channel's content. ## Conclusion Analyzing… App development - Lobby functionality optimisation Programming Mobile Development by manmohan419 … to optimize the game lobby to ensure smooth navigation and quick loading times, especially as our user base continues to grow… Best extensions for boosting productivity on a school Chromebook Hardware and Software Hardware by jamesedision One of my favorite productivity apps for school Chromebooks is Google Keep. It's fantastic for taking quick notes, creating to-do lists, and setting reminders. You can easily categorize your notes with labels and colors, making it super organized. Plus, it syncs across all your devices, so you can access your notes anywhere. Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by soly_1 … isn't found in antiquated literature, but rather in the quick developments in AI and machine learning. Though, in my opinion… Re: How do I set up a working environment on orange pi from ssh? Hardware and Software by Dani May I ask why you had to make the switch? Just curious. This is completely outside my wheelhouse, but a quick Google search of ways to port raspberry pi to orange pi didn’t turn up anything too useful to my naive eyes. Good luck! Re: How to get more traffic to a website?? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by maaz_5 … engines, social media, and other websites. This can be a quick way to get traffic to your site, but it will… Re: App development - Lobby functionality optimisation Programming Mobile Development by Salem I suppose the first thing to answer would be whether the bottleneck is client or server side. Re: App development - Lobby functionality optimisation Programming Mobile Development by Dani Better caching strategies? I don't have any experience with app development, but for web development, I use Redis for these kinds of things. Re: App development - Lobby functionality optimisation Programming Mobile Development by toneewa What I like to do is write code, even if it's not working or even correct syntax. This will help illustrate what the idea or thought is. Please paint us some sort of pseudo code of your design. Not optimized: class App { function start() { showLoadingScreen() loadLobbyDataFromServer() // This might take … Re: App development - Lobby functionality optimisation Programming Mobile Development by aishamushtaq Certainly! Here are some concise suggestions: 1. Optimize server infrastructure for peak loads. 2. Compress data and minimize transmission. 3. Prefetch and preload relevant data. 4. Load data asynchronously. 5. Implement client-side caching. 6. Use lazy loading techniques. 7. Employ efficient data structures. 8. Prioritize critical data … quick question Programming Software Development by max.yevs quick question i have come across, i can't find a … define the average, x... so i'm looking for something quick to do this: [code=python] >>>a = [1… [/code] i realize this is an extremely simple question so quick responses are highly appreciated edit: actually i guess i found… Quick Launch in Windows XP saves your Time! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by shajifiroz Quick Launch in Windows XP is a great productivity feature. The … Quick! What kind of Linux? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by FireSBurnsmuP Quick! Tell me what Linux would be best for exploring Linux itself, and for programming languages and gaming? I am going to put Linux on my computer, but there are like 3,000 different kinds, and I don't make decisions. What's the recommendation? quick question Programming Software Development by JS1988 Quick question, what do i want to put in the while … quick asp question Programming Web Development by bbqkaren quick asp question (possibly dumb) I have a form setup which uses a php form submit post file. I may need to use an asp form submit post file. Will an I need to rename my file .asp in order to make this work? I have other php on the page, I guess I will need to find an asp solution for those as well? quick sort recursive c program Programming Software Development by Raghuvamshi Quick sort is a faster way to sort a given array by recursion The algorithm goes like this: it first takes some index element and seperates all elements lesser than this with larger numbers then places this element in right place and does the same thing with all other Re: Quick Launch toolbar lost Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by caperjack … error message, to correct: This behavior can occur if the Quick Launch folder has been deleted. To resolve this issue, recreate… the Quick Launch folder. Create a folder named Quick Launch at the following location: C:\Documents… Re: quick launch disappears each reboot (xp) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Angermanagement quick launch disappears each reboot (XP Sp2) Well I tried most … required the following string C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe, A quick search for userinit.exe in the reg found a number… Re: 'Quick reply' and 'Go advanced' buttons no longer working on Opera.. Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani > Quick reply button doesn't work I had thought I fixed … Re: Quick! What kind of Linux? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A [quote] Quick! Tell me what Linux would be best for exploring Linux … Re: quick sort recursive c program Programming Software Development by codewriter2010 Your sorting is used for only integer,i need a quick sort which is generic to all basic types such as int, float, char and struct types Re: quick sort recursive c program Programming Software Development by Adak …]Your sorting is used for only integer,i need a quick sort which is generic to all basic types such as… Re: quick sort recursive c program Programming Software Development by hhhadvani00 Hey admin, Excellent post for the quick short program. of course this blog is doing a very good job of serving useful information. I'm proud to be a part of its Readers community. for more information of this program visit Quick sort and merge sort together using both vectors and arrays. Programming Software Development by ItecKid …(random_listb); end = clock (); cout << "Quick Sort (vector, 32,000 elements) " <<…(random_listc); end = clock (); cout << "Quick Sort (vector, 64,000 elements) " <<…quick_sort(random_listd); end = clock (); cout << "Quick Sort (vector, 128,000 elements) " <<… Quick Sort error! Programming Software Development by narunaru …temp = mark1; mark1 = mark2; mark2 = temp; } void quick (int Array[], int left, int right) // make helper function…; endl; cout << "1. Use Quick sort." << endl; cout <<…;; cin >> chosen; if (chosen ==1) { quick (Array, 0, 100); system("PAUSE"); } }while… Quick Lauch Toolbar Gone Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by piglet48 … right clik on the toolbar and try to check mark Quick launch I get a message that says 'cannot create toolbar… the folder down there it shows up but as another 'quick launch toolbar' when I right clik on the toolbar/toolbars… new one works. It looks different and actually says "quick launch' but it does work. What happened anyway? NO virus… Re: quick launch disappears each reboot (xp) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Gord Brooks …new folder in ithe nternet explore folder ,call it Quick Launch ,uncheck quick launch from the tool bar .reboot computer ,then …copy the content of the old quick launch folder you moved to the desktop ,to the new… click the lower bar ,go to toolbars and check off quick launch . if thats confusing ,let me know .[/QUOTE] what…