Re: Do email clients respect CSP? Programming Web Development by Ethanbrody … clients generally don't follow website CSP rules. They often render emails in their own way, bypassing the website's security… Render Panel to Image / Another Panel Programming Software Development by Resnymph …which is then used for creating a DirectX or OpenGL render window, all of which works fine. I wish … what is rendered in the panel elsewhere (basically multiple render windows all rendering the same thing). My approach was …2. Take 'screen shots' of the panel and render them to my render windows (sizing as appropriate). My problem lies with … Re: Render Panel to Image / Another Panel Programming Software Development by Resnymph Hi Nick, Thanks for the help, unfortunately the draw to bitmap code didn't do the trick - it did render the panel but not the OpenGL contents (I think this is possibly down to the panel not actually containing what the OpenGL code renders - or at least it doesn't know about it at the C# application phase). Render issue Programming Software Development by Sahil89 Hi guys, does anybody know about render issue in WPF while using windows 7? I am facing render issues when I use effects like shadow or blur. Most controls do not appear or keeps blinking. Is there any solution to fix this problem? Render issue Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Sahil89 Hi guys, does anybody know about render issue in WPF while using windows 7? I am facing render issues when I use effects like shadow or blur. Most controls do not appear or keeps blinking. Is there any solution to fix this problem? Render issues in photoshop HELP ;) Digital Media UI / UX Design by kitchendistrict … send this image via an application (email, site uplaod), the render lines suddenly appear really visable and messy. However the exact… Render string into HTML output Programming Web Development by dfs3000my Hi all, I have a question. How do I render a string which has some html coding in it and display it as HTML? For instance, my string is like this : [CODE] Dim htmlString As String = "<h3>Hello World</h3><div>Something here</div> [/CODE] I am not too sure how can it be done. Thanks in advance! :) Render particular view depending on value passed in Programming Software Development by Atkinson88 … at this point I need to determin what view to render allowing the user to enter some more information I currently… Re: Render Loop & Game Loop? Programming Game Development by MattEvans You can use threads, I do: One thread for render calls, one thread for ai+physics+scripting. Both mutexed so … simple. Alternatively, you can just 'skip' loop iterations, i.e. render every iteration and only do 'other things' every 4th/5th…/etc iteration. E.g. say your render rate is 60Hz, and you want to update physics+ai… Re: Render Loop & Game Loop? Programming Game Development by wildgoose You should definitely split the work load between threads, Render thread should ONLY handle rendering, but the output of the … kept separate but a shadow copy of the data the render thread requires is set on a gate. (A two element… array!) Render thread uses one until the gate is thrown and then… Re: Render an Image in GUI Programming Software Development by StormHawk There is only one part to the question; How can I draw an Image in the blue rectangle to the right of the pane? Alright, if it can't use another website, how can I get it to render it from my hard drive just for test purposes? The best way to render in Direct3D 9 Programming Software Development by Fromethius … now. I'm really looking for the best way to render. Nothing too complicated but something that is fast, reliable, and… me. I'm looking for a way that will not Render or anything like that when the program is minimized, but…, I'm just looking for idea on creating a GOOD render loop. One suitable for a large game. Thanks for any… JFrame Won't Render Properly Programming Software Development by c0dex ….png]screenshot[/url]). The problem is the window fails to render when it is made visible during these events - when the…(); calls and Thread.sleep(1000); to give it time to render but that doesn't seem to help (probably because the… to give it just a tiny bit more time to render or any other ideas - possibly put the file transfers on… RDLC error when render report () Programming Software Development by am_dumb i've got an error when render report. am stuck here, please help me.. error… Warning[] warnings; string[] streams; byte[] renderedBytes; //Render the report localReport.Render(reportType, deviceInfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileNameExtension,… Re: RDLC error when render report () Programming Software Development by am_dumb …. :) my mistake is, localreport going to be render. when i use reportviewer to render it normaly work. this my code,.... i hope…;"; Warning[] warnings; m_streams = new List<Stream>(); report.Render("Image", deviceInfo, CreateStream, out warnings); foreach (Stream stream… Re: OpenGL Render to Image Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … creating an OpenGL window and just render to an image, or (2) you want to render to an image without "affecting…-details. **For case 1:** The problem if you want to render to an image without creating an OpenGL window is that… code that are needed for this. And doing this "render-to-texture" technique is a very common thing. Re: The best way to render in Direct3D 9 Programming Software Development by FireNet Dont have any code atm .... But you could look to catch the window's minimize message and skip your render & update parts of your game. Then catch the restore message, reset/reload any resources you need (images, timmer, models ect). ... that's how I used to do it. I use OpenGL now .... really clean & simple code and no resource losses.... Pygame text.render problem - printing variables Programming Software Development by iamoldest … module to be able to print a variable with font.render....... anyone know how? Heres the code... [ICODE] #! usr/bin/env…(): global lives font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36) text = font.render("Lives =" [B][U][I][somehow but number of… data in column is html and I would like to render it as html when transforming Programming Software Development by guruward … contain html which tells the page how I want to render the question [code] <xsl:value-of select='Questions/startTag…/closeTag' /></td> [/code] this way I can render the question as input , select , radiobutton , etc The above code… Re: data in column is html and I would like to render it as html when transforming Programming Software Development by guruward … contain html which tells the page how I want to render the question [code] <xsl:value-of select='Questions/startTag…/closeTag' /></td> [/code] this way I can render the question as input , select , radiobutton , etc The above code… [OPENGL]render mesh/lighting Programming Game Development by yakovm Hello, I need to render the mesh.It is given by set of its surfaces …); glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); //Draw glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //render here for(unsigned int modelIdx = 0;modelIdx < m_allModels.zise… Re: Cannot Declare Render() function - Drupal Programming Web Development by ko ko [CODE=php]if(!function_exists('render')){ //put your render function function render(){ } }[/CODE] Try above. Anyway, what is the PHP version ? And check the system requirements for Drupal 7.12 to ensure it is compatible with your PHP version. OpenGL Render to Image Programming Software Development by Labdabeta Hello, I can get OpenGL to render 3D scenes to the screen, but I want to render them to a pixel array. Basically… React component will not render widget. Programming Web Development by jmann22 …","twitter-wjs"); class JkpartyView extends React.Component{ render() { return (<div> <NavHeader /> <LinksView />…</a> </div> </div>) } } React.render(<JkpartyView />, document.body) How does Gutenberg render HTML with bindings? Programming Web Development by Josh Connerty … understanding how the process works. React can only render JSX but Gutenberg seems to render HTML (presumably by setting inner html dangerously… Re: Pygame text.render problem - printing variables Programming Software Development by sneekula …(None, 36) s = "Lives =" + str(lives) text = font.render(s, 1, (250, 250, 250)) screen.blit(text, (0, 0… Re: OpenGL Render to Image Programming Software Development by Labdabeta … drawing to the screen does it not? I want to render directly into the pixel array without drawing to the screen… How to render a formatted output using VB.NET? Programming Software Development by bhavna_816 … see the type of the message or message attachment and render it in formatted way,eg.if it is a zip… How to render a formatted output using HTML? Programming Web Development by bhavna_816 … when i see the output on console but when i render it to the HTML then the output is unformatted i… How to render a formatted output using HTML? Digital Media UI / UX Design by bhavna_816 … when i see the output on console but when i render it to the HTML then the output is unformatted i…