Re: Why am getting different syntax errors when running a Python script Programming Software Development by Tom_45 After I posted this question I noticed that I was missing the raw string indicator and the capture group enclosing parenthesis on the findall, which explains the subscripting error. So, hold off on the answers for now. I'm still having other issues with multiple file runs, though. Re: Installing programs from Github Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim … not changed there is no need to reconvert so subsequent runs should start faster. Also, I strongly recommend that you look… Re: Do you participate in any other communities? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani … to Brett Tabke, the founder of Webmaster World, who also runs the Pubcon conference in Vegas I just attended earlier this… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … I wanted to make it known that the HAVING clause runs on the returned result set of your query, which as… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani … want it to. Typically Google will give up when it runs out of crawl budget. One way to optimize crawl budget… Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Currently the thing I hate most about TV shows is how much time elapses between seasons. I feel like I've been waiting for season 2 of Severance on AppleTV for *forever*! (It's been over 2 years already since season 1 debuted.) Speaking of that, is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game? I can't imagine that Netflix wouldn’t invest … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Fer sher. You pretty much have to watch the previous season again before you start the next one. I'm still waiting for season 2 of The Old Man (Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow). At my age sometimes I lose the thread if two weeks goes by between episodes. Sometimes I'll wait until the end of a season before I watch any of it. I especially hate it when a … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pritaeas > is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game Yes, already announced, available soon. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani That's my point, though. Gone are the days when a show would break for a summer and the next season would start up again in the fall. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >Gone are the days That's pretty much the case for everything. I remember when TV sucked all through summer vacation and I couldn't wait for the end of September for the new seasons to start. Of course it was bittersweet because September also meant back to school. I'll mention a few more things that may have been mentioned before but I … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt You know, there are few things more frustrating than getting interested in a TV show only to find it falling short of expectations. From the overly predictable plotlines to the underdeveloped characters, there's a huge list. But what really get irritated by is when the dialogue feels forced, like the writers are trying too hard to be clever or … Runs on VS, doesn't compile on Cygwin Programming Software Development by axed … on cygwin. It is weird that the code compiles and runs perfectly on Visual Studio. $ g++ -o mainUnix.out mainUnix.cpp… Scheduled task (repeating) runs only first time Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Seten … my account to the server, Created a repeating task, that runs simple batch file (ping an IP address) Added to the… check I run the task manually from scheduled task, and runs ok. To check the password I run notepad with "… I again put the credentials to the task the task runs again only first time. The same occurence happens also on… Laptop Fan Constantly Runs & Gets Really HOT! Hardware and Software Hardware by socal_dani … anyone could help me figure out why my laptop fan runs nonstop after startup. it usually takes a few minutes after… starting it up, and then it continously runs until i get irritated and shut it down. also, the… how can i make a toolbar runs at the top of the IE page Programming Software Development by BroKeN … it to view some kind of website feeds and it runs a normal setup and installed on the PC and… runs automaticly :) i am new around here and don't know … Trading Program Caches data, runs behind real time Vista 64 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by drcake … time stock trading platform and it starts caching data and runs behind the real time data. After a time it can… (DEP) for this program and still it caches data and runs behind. The Tech support told me that while they do… Re: Laptop Fan Constantly Runs & Gets Really HOT! Hardware and Software Hardware by BuddyThoug … anyone could help me figure out why my laptop fan runs nonstop after startup. it usually takes a few minutes after… starting it up, and then it continously runs until i get irritated and shut it down. also, the… Event code runs twice Programming Web Development by mairtinomarta … once everytime it is used. However the code for it runs twice and thus the variable is never odd as it… for the other events, such as [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [S], it runs twice. This was not occuring when I first inserted the… I try to run a program but a different one runs Programming Software Development by Gibran … it, it doesnt even build and a different one runs(the same one runs all the time). I use Quincy. However, any… GTA IV runs slow Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jeannot Hi, I have a problem with GTA IV it runs very slow. My specs are: AMD Athlon II X4 645 @ 3.1 Ghz AMD Radeon HD 5770 Flex edition from Sapphire 4 Gig of DDR2-800 Ram Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit I run every game at max settings, only GTA IV runs on the lowest settings very slow. Gr Jeannot Cricket Runs Programming Software Development by krehman143 HI, dears, Can any 1 help me in writing the following program.. i cant do it. so can any1 help me. > Write C++ program that calculates the following Total Runs Total Balls 6s 4s 3s 2s 1s 0s S/R Avg m waiting fr this. This Program is About Cricket Runs, 6s,4s Totalling.. Re: Cricket Runs Programming Software Development by PrimePackster Well I am a cricket fan, and i didn't understand what you are asking for. As far as i see, you want the user to enter ball by ball runs, No matter how much runs are scored in each. Then show all the statistics in real time. Right? Well concluded because, that's how they show it on TV. Gives us the code to start with.... Re: PHP and Javascript: Javascript only runs once... Programming Web Development by riahc3 …? Have you tried alert('somethin') in it? does it also runs only once? if not, maybe there is trouble in something… else I explained incorrectly. I apoligize. The code runs thru all the times neccesary but only does what it… Problem when accessing applet and oracle forms(runs in jinitiator) Programming Software Development by anand01 … problem with jinitiator. I am using Oracle ERP forms which runs on Jinitiator.When I access some other java applet application… at the same time it runs in the JRE in and works fine. When I pass… mysql query runs very slow when run first time Programming Databases by coder123 … selection from multiple tables.The problem is sometimes the query runs very slow, but sometimes it is ok.Acctually when i… to cache. Please suggest what can i do so it runs fast from the beginning. Re: I try to run a program but a different one runs Programming Software Development by Gibran I don't have any kind of errors in these little test programs i am trying to run, i press 'build' and they build, and then i press 'run' and a different program runs. Or i can just directly press 'run' (like i always have done), but this time it skips the building part and goes directly to running the other program. Re: Cricket Runs Programming Software Development by DJSAN10 Well I do know about cricket so can help you but your question is too vague. What i feel is you enter number of 6s,4s,3s,2s,1s and dots. Also you need to enter number of balls played. You take this information from user. Now you calculate the total runs, average and strike rate which is simple mathematics . That is how I see it. Re: PHP and Javascript: Javascript only runs once... Programming Web Development by McLaren are you sure it runs only once? Have you tried alert('somethin') in it? does it also runs only once? if not, maybe there is trouble in something else Re: Problem when accessing applet and oracle forms(runs in jinitiator) Programming Software Development by anand01 Dear jwenting, Thanks for the reply . I have reported to oracle.They will help me . I just having an interest to learn about jinitiator ,Wherether the applications lunches from oracle runs in jinitiator JVM. need help networking my comp that runs on windows 98 Hardware and Software Networking by cbabygem … it again. My other computer that is in the network runs off of win xp. I am not familiar with networking…