Russia vs Ukraine vs The World Community Center by Stuugie …'ve read some interesting articles from different countries that denounce Russia's actions and there's talk of economic sanctions from… The truth about the iPad in Russia revealed Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by happygeek … is one of the leading Internet portals in Russia, and yes they do still use that terminology… start, we learn that iPad use in Russia has rocketed more than six times over from…the iPad only went on sale officially in Russia at the end of 2010. The growth …it revealed over half of iPad owners in Russia come from the Moscow region which suggests that … Apple's Latest Mistake: Selling iPhones In Russia Hardware and Software Hardware by EddieC …reported today that Apple will begin selling iPhones in Russia through agreements with at least two of the …Apple is also reportedly in talks with Mobile TeleSystems, Russia's largest mobile telecom, which according to reports expects …could move in that time. Authorized iPhone sales in Russia will begin in October. Not much information is available… Travel To Russia Community Center Geeks' Lounge by moNkaD8 Please help.Somebody travelled across Russia? How There?I Am going to go here, advise, what … lot of sites offering these services (,,,, etc.), but it were would be desirable… From Russia to Your Toilet, With Love Hardware and Software macOS by H. B. Duran … Is joke. Listen, my Gaming Comrades, Piston Games of Russia says they have [I]just[/I] the game for those…Demin in 1992. Even match-3 mechanics was invented in Russia. PopCap launched first version of Bejeweled in 2000, but…to develop most popular puzzle game nowadays — Bejeweled. Now Russia come back to puzzle gaming scene with The Screetch game… With love from Russia! Community Center Say Hello! by Pupsi Hi all, I am new here. My name is Katerina 20 yrld from russia. Nice to be here!!! <snipped> [URL=""][/URL] RE: Code added to popular NPM package wiped files in Russia and Belarus Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim …/sabotage-code-added-to-popular-npm-package-wiped-files-in-russia-and-belarus/) was in the news a few days ago… Re: Russia vs Ukraine vs The World Community Center by Ancient Dragon If there is a WW3 it won't last long. There's enough nukes in the world to destroy the planet several times over in just a few minutes. So you won't have to worry about WW3 very long. Re: Any questions about the USSR/Russia/Russians here Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 …. I was just asking about vodka cause people always associate Russia with vodka, and I never found a russian / old-eastern… Re: Any questions about the USSR/Russia/Russians here Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Xantipius … thin air the event pass unnoticed for 99.99% of Russia's population. What I think is: Kremlin doesn't simply… Re: The truth about the iPad in Russia revealed Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by UrbanKhoja Interesting article, and also interesting to see how user behaviour is changing Re: The truth about the iPad in Russia revealed Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by sheikhali449 hhmm consumer behaviours are less predictable as always...well info... Re: The truth about the iPad in Russia revealed Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by UrbanKhoja Would be interesting to see revised statistics to see whether they've changed, or whether they're influenced by anything Re: Travel To Russia Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek Where are you travelling from, how long are you likely to be there, when are you planning on going, what kind of budget do you have? I don't have any answers by the way, but I suspect that these questions will need asking if anyone is to help you to any useful degree. :) Re: With love from Russia! Community Center Say Hello! by jasimp Welcome to Daniweb! Re: With love from Russia! Community Center Say Hello! by thunderstorm98 Welcome ! Re: With love from Russia! Community Center Say Hello! by zandiago Welcome aboard…..hope you’ll enjoy it here…..well, start posting!!! Re: With love from Russia! Community Center Say Hello! by ryan_vietnow Hello there,Welcome!!! Re: RE: Code added to popular NPM package wiped files in Russia and Belarus Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt In the past if you issued code that was outside the scope of the app, you would be banned from contributing to the code base. I'll refrain from a long analysis here and say the contributor's rights should be lost. Re: RE: Code added to popular NPM package wiped files in Russia and Belarus Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim So basically, it was a (professional) suicide mission. Regardless of the consequences to him, do you think he did the right thing? Throwing yourself on the grenade to save others is a noble thing, but it comes at a high cost. Re: RE: Code added to popular NPM package wiped files in Russia and Belarus Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt This action could undermine the whole concept of open-source software. Putting the power back in the hands of Microsoft and Apple. Given how this could damage the trust that we gave open-source I'm going to write that the price beyond the personal price is too high. Re: RE: Code added to popular NPM package wiped files in Russia and Belarus Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting Which shows again how important it is to have proper code review processes and things like that in place, even for open source projects. A properly run project wouldn't have had this problem as the code in question would never have been approved for inclusion in the first place. Re: RE: Code added to popular NPM package wiped files in Russia and Belarus Community Center Geeks' Lounge by rproffitt @J At the very least the trust in this author is lost. And such actions are fodder for the anti-open source pundits to write "see, we told you it's not trustworthy." Beyond that, there's the module. Another way to possible break things. Re: The Most Dangerous Countries Online? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BLuv russia being at the top of the list doesn't surprise me. they have a whole cyber army for goodness sake. (as does china i believe) where's the U.S.'s cyber army? =P Re: Name a Country Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mmmmmmmmmmmm Russia! Re: URGENT! need help please! Programming Software Development by skorm909 … system("cls"); cout << "Russia has an entrenched, albeit underfunded, system of socialized medicine. …quot;); } else if (action == 2){ cout << Russia(); system("cls"); } else cin >> action;…quot;); } else if (action == 2){ cout << Russia(); system("cls"); } else cin >> action… Re: Is this the end of days? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by borobhaisab … interpreted this as USA (West Orthodox Church), others as Russia (East Orthodox Church). You do your own research who… the Anti Christ. East Orthodox church (Africa, Asia, Russia) will fight the West. And so fight the agents …, satanists) at the hands of nuclear power Russia regardless of whether Russia itself gets destroyed or not. The fact is… Re: Is this the end of days? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by borobhaisab …, Africans, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddists, Muslims. As for Russia invading Ukraine, Nato provoked it by breaking it's promise… pipeline so they can snare the European market off Russia to sell gas. Thus risking ww3. America is …a democratically elected Ukraine leader who was friendly towards Russia and who never would have joined Nato to have… Question on exception specification in declaration Programming Software Development by Nathan_6 …quot;Ural" }, { //EUROPE "Russia","Scandinavia","Iceland","… East",{"Southern Europe","Russia","Egypt","East Africa&…quot;,"Northern Europe","Russia"}}, {"Russia",{"Scandinavia","Northern… Re: Question on exception specification in declaration Programming Software Development by AssertNull …::vector<string> { //EUROPE "Russia","Scandinavia","Iceland","Great… East",{"Southern Europe","Russia","Egypt","East Africa"…","Northern Europe","Russia"}}, {"Russia",{"Scandinavia","Northern…