Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … to the user prompt and chat history. The following script defines the `history_retriever_chain`. ``` prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([ MessagesPlaceholder…query), AIMessage(content = response)]) return response ``` The following script executes a `while` loop. Inside the loop, the user… Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …openai !pip install pypdf !pip install faiss-cpu ``` The script below imports required libraries. ``` from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from … responses without using the `content` attribute, as shown in the script below. ``` output_parser = StrOutputParser() chain = prompt | llm | output_parser result = … Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …history, we can test our `retrieval_chain` using the following script. ``` retrieval_chain = create_retrieval_chain(history_retriever_chain, document_chain) result = …to generate a chatbot response. Here is the script and a sample output. ``` print("=======================================================================")… How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …</h2> </div> </div> <script> function un(){ x=document.getElementById("like").style…="initial"; } } </script> <script src="../js/script.js"></script> <script src="../js/img.js… Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … must install the PostGreSQL and MySQL connectors. Execute the following script to download these connectors. ``` # connector for PostgreSQL !pip ….png]( The script below returns the final output: ``` print(response['output']) ``` **Output:** ```… How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 …’ object having no attribute ‘read’ after running my script. when it comes to the compressed file that ends with… extension .tar.bz2. I’ve included the Python script and the errors I got after running it. Please… obj2) Below is the error I got after running the script. Python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt… How Build Html form ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …gt;</center> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // Function to … function togglePopup() { $(".content").toggle(); } </script> </div> </form> <… Re: AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by pritaeas You cannot safely use a form to post directly to AirTM. Post to your own PHP script, which can then use curl to make the request, including headers. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt … the story and makes me wish I could write the script myself. And don't even get me started on those… Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 body{ /* background: url(../img/w11.png); */ background: url(../img/m.jpg); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 101vh; overflow-y: hidden; } .container button{ background: transparent; … Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem First, let's prepare two tar files using different compression schemes for demo purposes. $ cat foo_1.txt This is file 1 $ cat foo_2.txt This is file 2 This is file two This is file too # Three tar files, two compressed and one uncompressed for reference $ tar -j -c -f foo.tar.bz2 foo_1.txt foo_2.txt… Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 Good day, Salem. My apologies for taking so long to reply to your suggestion. I refactored my code to read the contents of the tar.bz2 file and then pass them as a file-like object to the 'put_object' and also to change the content type for the file transfer to "application/octet-stream". The first was sent through to object storage … Re: How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Salem I don't understand why you need to extract all the files from the compressed `tar.bz2` just to upload to a backup. Also, line 69 is now meaningless having just posted only a snippet of the code. Before the error, what was the last `` message? Fine Tuning Google Gemma Model for Text Classification in Python Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … without ado. ## Installing and Importing Required Libraries ## The following script installs libraries required to run scripts in this article. ``` !pip3…load_in_4bit=True, bnb_4bit_quant_type="nf4", bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) ``` The script below imports the Gemma 2b tokenizer and model. You can… Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Google Gemma From HuggingFace Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …!pip install kaggle !pip install huggingface-hub ``` The script below imports required libraries. ``` from langchain.text_splitter import … = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=200, length_function=len ) ``` The script below divides all the documents into text chunks using the… Comparing Google Gemini Pro with OpenAI GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …/general/custom-service-account) and API Key information. The following script does that. ``` os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = "PATH_TO_VERTEX_AI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT JSON…, we can evaluate the model's performance using the following script. ``` accuracy = accuracy_score(all_sentiments, dataset["sentiment"]) … Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …Importing and Installing Required Libraries The following script installs the corresponding APIs for importing Claude…google-cloud-aiplatform !pip install openai ``` The script below imports the required libraries. ``` import …` column contains sentiment labels. The following script imports the dataset, prints the dataset shape… 7 NLP Tasks to Perform for Free in Python with Mistral 7b LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … without further ado. ## Importing and Installing Required Libraries The following script installs the libraries required to run scripts in this article… the libraries are pre-installed in the environment. The following script imports the required libraries. ``` from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, logging… PDF Image Table Extractor Web App with Google Gemini Pro and Streamlit Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …, you will need to install the `streamlit` library. The following script installs these libraries: ``` google-cloud-aiplatform streamlit ``` ## Creating Google…code snippets for improved readability. ### Import Required Libraries ### The following script imports required libraries for the `` file. ``` from … Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …unzip -d ./roboto ``` The following script imports the required libraries into your application. ``` from… Importing and Converting PDF to Image The following script defines the `pdf_to_img()` function that converts PDF…this image. ### Detecting Tables The following script imports the preprocessor and model objects for … Converting PDF Image to CSV Using Multimodal Google Gemini Pro Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …can install the Google Cloud API via the following script installs. ``` pip install --upgrade google-cloud-aiplatform… get free credits worth $300. The following script imports the required libraries into our application. ```…writerow(processed_line) ``` Once you execute the above script, you will see the following CSV file in … GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by snah19 …, and it's failing to recognize certain parameters and the script I used to build FFmpeg source code follows: #!/usr/bin… Re: DomContentLoaded vs jQuery Ready fn Programming Web Development by toneewa …/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script> function benchmarkJQueryReady() { var startTime = performance…lt;title>Page Loading Benchmark</title> <script> function benchmarkDomContentLoaded() { var startTime =;… Re: Seeking Help for Creating a Circle Generator Tool Programming Game Development by jackwells …;circle"></div> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>… Re: How Do I address ERROR: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140, Programming Web Development by rproffitt … mine I'd place a logging command in my python script at each step so I could nail down which line… Why am getting different syntax errors when running a Python script Programming Software Development by Tom_45 I am working on an exercise from Google's Python class dealing with popular baby names. I have the program running properly when using only one filename, but when I try to use the wildcard to get all files with baby####.html files I get differing errors every time I run the program. Here is the problem code: matches = re.findall('<… Re: Why am getting different syntax errors when running a Python script Programming Software Development by Tom_45 After I posted this question I noticed that I was missing the raw string indicator and the capture group enclosing parenthesis on the findall, which explains the subscripting error. So, hold off on the answers for now. I'm still having other issues with multiple file runs, though. Re: Why am getting different syntax errors when running a Python script Programming Software Development by Tom_45 Finished the assignment and was able to work out the bugs I was encountering. In addition to the issues I mentioned in my last reply, I had several instances of not indenting properly so that statements like exit() were not executing because their indention made them part of an if statement. Re: Track Faces from Videos with Margins Using Deep Learning in Python Programming Computer Science by EdwardMatthew It's fantastic, I have read this article and it is super amazing. thankyou for the knowledge. Re: Fine-Tuning OpenAI Whisper Model for Audio Classification in PyTorch Programming Computer Science by habi_2 how to use the