Back in the Chips: Semiconductors Looking Better and Better Community Center by Brian.oco … these days. According to the SEI, global sales of semiconductors soared to a record $247.7 billion in 2006,… in 2008 - - that the short-term future of semiconductors is attached to the electronics market like a barnacle to…attractive," Gaudois said in his own report.. With semiconductors poised for a rebound and electronic company’s looking … Stock Bounce Back; National Semiconductor Layoffs Community Center by Brian.oco The stock market is up about 10 points, trying to find some buoyancy after yesterday’s big 400-point gain. Traders credit two events for the quick market turnaround: Citi coming out and saying it actually made a profit during the last quarter and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announcing that the TARP bailout money was finally having a … Error when opening a program (was: Help Me!!!!) Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Suandi …; FILE_DESCRIPTION="World Standard Teletext Decoder" COMPANY_NAME="Philips Semiconductors" PRODUCT_NAME="Windows Teletext Browser" FILE_VERSION="1…;WSTDEC.dll" INTERNAL_NAME="wstdec" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Philips Semiconductors 2001" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0"… 2nd Quarter Rebound in Tech Stocks? RIM Could Lead the Way Community Center by Brian.oco … malaise.” But Savitz really seems to like certain sectors, like semiconductors, where stock prices have fallen lower than they should have…, he adds. “In areas like semiconductors, where stock prices have fallen by 30%, a lot of… Broadcom In the Chips with AMD Buy Community Center by Brian.oco … Broadcom and tech stocks. He says that global growth for semiconductors outside the US is at 30% or 40% right now… profits in overseas bourses, especially China, the tech market (especially semiconductors) is looking good for the rest of 2008 and for… AMD buys ATI for $5.5 BILLION! Community Center by mikeandike22 … both companies. Currently Intel is the lead manufacturer of microprocessors, semiconductors, and graphics chips with AMD being the second for microprocessors… Quantum computing Programming Game Development by Mushy-pea … to understand how electrons behave on small distance scales in semiconductors. What quantum mechanics says about electrons is that on small… The 40 billion bits per second chip heralds dawn of tera-scale computing Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek … used, such things as lithium niobate and III-V compound semiconductors do not come cheap apparently, but they are also just… Semiconductor Sector Rare Bright Spot in Tech Stocks Community Center by Brian.oco … market tanked. But enough to give us all hope on semiconductors. Semiconductor Sector Faltering After Positive Q1 Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … increase by approximately 20% in 2009. Consequently, investors looking at semiconductors would do well to wait at least until January to… Layoffs On Tap for Silicon Valley Apple Stock Play Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … the year, it acquired PA Semi to vertically integrate into semiconductors. It currently uses ARM based processors made by Samsung in… Intel Poised for Rebound, Apple Survives Q3 Fallout Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … the world on embedded control. Those are enormous markets for semiconductors today and Intel doesn’t participate in those. And they… Tech Sector Spending; Cramer's Tech Play Community Center by Brian.oco Barrons has a great article today on how tech industry chief information officers and chief financial officers can't keep up with the free-fall in consumer spending. That's why we're seeing so many downward adjustments in industry revenue estimates that, right now, seem to be spread way out into 2009. The magazine is forecasting that with a … Marvel Back in the Chips Community Center by Brian.oco … device that will for notebooks and smart phones what regular semiconductors are doing for regular computers today. That I like. Semiconductor Stocks Rise, But Trouble Lurks Community Center by Brian.oco … aren't buying as many computers and devices that require semiconductors. But signs are evident that the bottom has arrived and… Chip Sector Sledge-Hammered; Outlook Says Sunnier Days in 2010 Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … worldwide economic crisis is having an impact on demand for semiconductors, but to a lesser degree than some other major industry… How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the AI Arms Race Community Center by Johannes C. … trade restrictions aimed at limiting the adversary’s access to semiconductors. The endgame? An AGI with the promise—or threat—of… Re: Good PC Temp Hardware and Software Hardware by Prometheus12345 … limit temperature change as much as possible. The enemy of semiconductors is not just overheating, it is variances of temperature, due… proper for a hard drive, but not burning hot. For semiconductors such as the MB, RAM, and CPU, cool to excess… Re: What are the main skills and knowledge that computer engineers need? Programming Computer Science by pogson … in integrated circuits so I vote for solid-state physics, semiconductors, optics, atoms, particle physics, diffusion, vacuum technology and lots of… in such detail. Accelerators are used to deposit ions in semiconductors. All the neat stuff is done in high-vacuum clean… Re: Tell us about yourself! Community Center Say Hello! by killentyme … you were done raising kids....LOL Spent 20 years in Semiconductors & Systems. Intel, Cirrus Logic, SIlicon Magic and Fujitsu Notebooks… Re: Killing me Hardware and Software Hardware by BeastOverlordH6 … it knows it will overheat.) 2.) A component is dead. (Semiconductors die. A lot.) 2a.) Motherboard got an energy spike. (They… Re: No POST, no beep(s), black screen, drives run? Hardware and Software Hardware by BeastOverlordH6 … apparent bulging capacitors as you mentioned, but most of these semiconductors go down silently. Power is often the issue, and if… Re: Super-optimization! Programming Software Development by asm_2 … voltage & clock-rate higher. & there must be more semiconductors on a 64-bits CPU. Or something that I doesn… Re: memory management in wndows 2000 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by xcellpro6 … silicon, which is the primary component in the manufacture of semiconductors, or "chips." Silicon is extracted from sand, melted… Re: XP Machine starts fine sometimes. Other times refuses to boot properly Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gerbil 24/7. You must be rich. Semiconductors age as current runs through them... of course switching things … Re: XP Machine starts fine sometimes. Other times refuses to boot properly Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jbennet [quote=gerbil;373804]24/7. You must be rich. Semiconductors age as current runs through them... of course switching things on/off every 10 minutes is not good either cos thermal shock is another wearntear factor. [/quote] 1 reboot puts the same amount of wear on the HDD as 16 hours of average use. Thats a lot. PSUs are cheap, hdds arent Re: Site content is not popular, selected audience, so how to improve it Digital Media Digital Marketing by pcbtalk … manufacturing, Pcb Material, Electronics Manufacturing, Pcb Jobs, Pcb Reliable Information, Semiconductors " /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="… Re: Bad Virus locked me out of desktop... Hardware and Software Information Security by derek68 …/02/17 23:01:59 | 000,054,528 | ---- | C] (Philips Semiconductors GmbH) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\dllcache\cap7146.sys [2010/02/17… Re: t-shoot labtop internal power supply ! Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gerbil … overvoltage issue then I doubt the integrity of any related semiconductors. But maybe it just went to a short and the… Re: explorer.exe issue Hardware and Software Information Security by Catalana …/01/18 06:07:19 | 000,054,528 | ---- | C] (Philips Semiconductors GmbH) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\dllcache\cap7146.sys [2011/01/18…