Unexpected output Programming Software Development by KAY111 … terroristic chemical attack </T> <T> chemical terrorism </T> <T> chemical-related events <…;/T> <T> terrorism attacks </T> <T> human poisoning <… expect the output to be something like: chemical- and bio-terrorism <C> nerve agents </C> toxic proteins… Re: JavaScript and Radio Buttons Programming Web Development by Airshow …quot;> <h1>Anti-Terrorism Training</h1> Have you completed the …Anti-Terrorism Training? <input id="atN"…<td class="label">Anti-Terrorism Training date.<br /><span>…lt;td class="label">Enter Anti-Terrorism certificate number.</td> <td class… JavaScript and Radio Buttons Programming Web Development by jzimmerman …div> <label>Have you completed the Anti-Terrorism Training?</label><br /> <input …lt;br /> <label>Enter date of Anti-Terrorism Training. Must have been withing the last 365 days.<… disabled/> <br /> <label>Enter Anti-Terrorism certificate number.</label> <input name="atcertificate… Google to Lieberman: Go Pound Sand Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by slfisher … Act, has defined overly broad terms for 'aiding and abetting terrorism,' and with increasingly heavy penalties for doing so. "There….html"] hearing[/URL] on the "Tools to Fight Terrorism Act of 2004." "The government argues that a… Hello to my government Community Center by GuyClapperton … every e-mail everyone makes. It's all to stop terrorism, of course, and they won't be interested in anything… really easily if they're likely to constitute evidence of terrorism. Don't get me wrong, if there were a real… UK mobile phone buyers will need to show passports Programming Databases by happygeek … introduction of a national database to help combat crime and terrorism. The proposed database [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs… web browsing activity. Once again, to reduce crime and prevent terrorism. Having all that data would be pointless, the argument goes… Islamic State, encryption and the Western response Community Center by happygeek … access the evidence we need to prosecute crime and prevent terrorism even with lawful authority." Comey spoke of having the…://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet-security/11216707/David-Blunkett-terrorism-on-the-internet-cant-be-tolerated.html) that "tech… Re: Hello to my government Community Center by airbourne … terrorists. They say they will only use it to stop terrorism, but every societal problem that was later deemed evil or… Hi Community Center Say Hello! by Pyroraptor Hi, I'm CJ. Age: 25 Occupation: CTU Agent (Counter Terrorism Unit) Hobbies: Programming, Martial Arts, gun collecting, and making people laugh. Sex: Male Float Help Programming Software Development by SHWOO … the Rings", 19.95, 246.50 ); Book book1( "Terrorism in the Air", 64.99, 343); cout <<… wow... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by clutchkiller … not once after 9/11 was the US struck by terrorism since Bush put his foot down and did somthing about… Re: wow... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon … not once after 9/11 was the US struck by terrorism since Bush put his foot down and did somthing about… NSA funds research into harvesting social network data Community Center by happygeek … gathering isn’t a requirement in the fight against global terrorism. However, there’s a world of difference between focused, targeted… Internet still at risk from cyber-terrorists Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … big guns. But that doesn’t mean that the cyber-terrorism threat is totally negated either. While the root servers coped… Exposed: Indian visa application data accessible to anyone with a web browser Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … climate in both the UK and India regarding acts of terrorism, by not acting for over a year a door to… SharePoint portal latest US Army weapon Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by newsguy … to coordinate its humanitarian, theater security co-operation and anti terrorism operations in Southern and Central America according to a press… Cyberstalking Hardware and Software Networking by Michael_Knight … anti-stalking laws were enacted to protect individuals against persistent terrorism and physical danger, not against annoyance or vague threats. The… Oops, we nuked YouTube by mistake Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … and does not bode well in the fight against cyber-terrorism. It does not take a genius to make the leap… UK government proposes big brother database of every email sent by Brits Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek …, agrees that the plans are a positive step towards tackling terrorism and protecting its citizens but argues the government needs to… Re: UK government proposes big brother database of every email sent by Brits Hardware and Software Networking by MattEvans … comes in, out of pure childish spite. Any legislation with 'terrorism' in it panders to alarmists, and usually correlates with 'badly… Families in UK face curbs over piracy Community Center by GuyClapperton … warrants an even stricter regime than the constant fight against terrorism (where you'd need a warrant to monitor people's… Yet Another Way Twitter Minds Everyone's Business Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Lisa Hoover … [URL="http://furrier.org/2008/11/26/real-time-terrorism-captured-on-twitter-mumbai-attacks-mumbai-india-attacks/"]massacre… Euro security tsar Hardware and Software Networking by GuyClapperton …/uk/2009/apr/09/bob-quick-terror-raids-leak"]terrorism and how to counter it[/URL], is even more of… Blunkett does U-turn on ID cards at InfoSec Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … personal details - protecting the community against crime, illegal immigration, and terrorism" and that the scheme will roll out as planned… Twitter Users Up in Arms About Reply Change Digital Media Digital Marketing by slfisher … [URL="http://furrier.org/2008/11/26/real-time-terrorism-captured-on-twitter-mumbai-attacks-mumbai-india-attacks/"]Mumbai… The Ideal computer Programming Computer Science by Ying_Yang … very helpful, but also can be used to steel information, terrorism, and other crimes. If we do make better computers, they… Re: The Ideal computer Programming Computer Science by jbennet … very helpful, but also can be used to steel information, terrorism, and other crimes. If we do make better computers, they… 75 percent of enterprises have been hit by multi-million dollar cyber attacks Digital Media Digital Marketing by happygeek …, beating off competition from such things as natural disaster and terrorism and traditional crime. In fact, it is a bigger concern… Big Blue monitors everything that moves in Swedish capital, Bork Bork Bork Programming Databases by happygeek … move, and all under the government spun umbrella of 'preventing terrorism and crime' which is meant to somehow make it appear… Al Quaeda Hit List and Bomb Tips Allegedly Linked to Shut Down of Blogetery Digital Media Digital Marketing by Niki_Fears … thousands of users is the mere mention of the word “terrorism”. This could be a simple issue of law enforcement using…