Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 ….messages import HumanMessage, AIMessage import os ``` ## Creating Text Documents from YouTube Videos The first step involves converting YouTube…chunks using the LangChain `RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter`. This facilitates more efficient processing and embedding. The embeddings are generated using `OpenAIEmbeddings,` which… '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … marketing psychology paired with AI support, not pure unsupervised generative text. This balancing act between automated solutions and human-centric work… insight into complex psychological dynamics. No amount of data or processing power can yet replicate life experiences and the layered understandings… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim …. worst you can just write the form data to a text file so you can download it from the FTP. I… 7 NLP Tasks to Perform for Free in Python with Mistral 7b LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … to perform various NLP tasks, such as text generation, text classification, and more, without any cost.…-purpose language generation and other natural language processing tasks such as classification. LLMs acquire these… abilities by learning statistical relationships from text documents during a computationally intensive self-supervised … Converting PDF Image to CSV Using Multimodal Google Gemini Pro Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …vision`, a multimodal LLM capable of processing images and text. You will also use a …quot; for response in responses: full_response += response.text return full_response ``` As an example, we will convert… read_image(image_paths) ``` Next, we define our text prompt to extract information from the image receipt. … PDF Image Table Extractor Web App with Google Gemini Pro and Streamlit Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …) full_response = "" for response in responses: full_response += response.text return full_response ``` I have already explained the details for the…-using-multimodal-google-gemini-pro)), we will define two image processing functions: `get_jpg_file_paths()` and `read_image()`. The former returns the … How Do I address ERROR: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140, Programming Web Development by A_957 …web application In Python Flask where users can input text and receive responses generated by a machine learning model…that produces the issue is somewhere in the below text, which I seem to not be able to …generating model response:'{user_input}': {e}") return "Error processing your request." @app.route('/chat', methods=['POST']) … Re: How Do I address ERROR: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140, Programming Web Development by rproffitt Python shouldn't create such an error. Reference I can't duplicate your issue but if this was mine I'd place a logging command in my python script at each step so I could nail down which line of code threw the error. Tutorial on that at … Re: How Do I address ERROR: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140, Programming Web Development by Dani I don't have any python experience, sadly, but I am super awesome at jQuery. Once you solve this server-side problem at hand, if you find yourself with the jQ side of things not working, please don't hesitate to post. Re: Using ChatGPT to Interact with Third-Party Applications in Python Programming Computer Science by catherine_11 Integrating ChatGPT with third-party applications in Python involves utilizing [OpenAI's API]( Begin by obtaining API credentials, then craft Python scripts to send requests and process responses. Adhere to OpenAI's documentation for optimal integration, ensuring secure and efficient interaction with the ChatGPT model. Algorithm for text processing Programming Software Development by Krstevski Hello friends, I want to found some algorithms for text processing. I have a lots of entries in the database and … etc...) but I don't know none algorithm(s) for text processing. So, my question is, what is the most popular algorithms… Using VB for text processing? Programming Software Development by ilikecheese So I have text file that I need to reformat so I can import … are few good classes in Java that are useful for text processing, and the solution in Java would be more complex than… you think would be most suited for this kind of text formating? If I am going to learn a programming language… Re: Quick question about text processing Programming Software Development by ghostdog74 …QUOTE] Tools such as sed/awk/perl are used for text processing. they make use of regular expressions alot. So you …need to research on how regular expressions work. Text processing can also be done without regular expressions. If you … "~" indexes s = "Here's some text and ~this bit gets removed~, where tilda is the delimiter… Re: Text file Convert to pdf Programming Software Development by peter_budo …+ "\t" + getCol4()); }[/code] Somewhere in text processing class [code] ArrayList<MyTable> myTableList = new ArrayList…<MyTable>(); //reading text //sample list entries myTableList.add(new MyTable("….toString(); }[/code] So once you read your text file and populated some collection (in my case … Simple Text Editor using C programming in Linux Environment.. Programming Software Development by Akshay nand …write a simple text processing program with all essential functions (open and save text documents, insert and delete text, search for …function yourself that implements operations/features of a simple text editor. Note that all these functions will be…is used for informing users about selection. “Pico” text editor in Linux is a good example. Extra … reading lines from text file and formating them Programming Software Development by ilikecheese … Java does not have a lot of good classes for text processing. Here is an example of my input file: (store-orders… How do I parse a txt file into its sentences ? Programming Software Development by koveras vehcna Hello everyone, I am currently working on text processing with Python and I want to parse a .txt file … each paragraph into its sentences. How can I split the text into sentences ? -Also, if a sentence is long, does not… Re: Help reading/writing to text files... Programming Software Development by n.aggel … he begun learning c++ being motivated from his problem in text processing... Given the circumstances i think that all answers prior to… end Deadvacahead learned that if he wants to do mainly text processing he should try perl {one reason viji's post was… Re: defining a block of text with wxpython Programming Software Development by vegaseat … wxPython wx.Frame with # a wx.TextCtrl to enter some text # a wx.Button to start process action # a wx.StaticText…;" text = self.edit.GetValue() # optional text processing if not text: text = "any text entered would look like this" text = text.upper() self.label.SetLabel(text) app… I have a problem that needs urgently to resolve many Programming Software Development by bgspace … commented text to all text. 5. Statistical processing of identifiers: The total number of constants in the output text of C program. 6. Text Processing in… C program: Insert spaces in output text - so the writing is… Re: I have a problem that needs urgently to resolve many Programming Software Development by bgspace …quot;); printf("2.Statistical processing of the rows of source text in C program, which is…quot;); printf("3.Statistical processing of the symbols in the text as follows:\n"); printf…processing of the comments in the text:\n"); printf("5.Statistical processing of identifiers:\n"); printf("6.Text Processing Displaying Data from Mysql to a already designed web page Programming Web Development by …="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Text Processing</title> <link…; <body> <div id="nav"> Text Processing System </div> <div id='maintab'> <… trying to display Listbox as each line is added, while ListBox processes 5000+ lines Programming Software Development by roadmaster … StatusUpdateDisplay update = new StatusUpdateDisplay(); update.Show(); statusLabel.Text = "Processing Image files, please stand by."; foreach (string…Images.Add(file.ToString(), map); } update.Show(); statusLabel.Text = "Files processing completed"; progressBar.Value = 0; } [/code]… txt file data save in databse Programming Web Development by bansarisavaliya …database that time progress display that "Processing nth of n records …" I ….ReadAllLines(CurrentPath).Length; //lblmsg1.Text = linecount.ToString(); while (!sw.EndOfStream) { count++; lblmsg1forcount.Text = " processing" + count.ToString() … Re: DataAdapter problem with MS-Access Programming Software Development by x102077@hotmail …long nRecs = new long(); nRecs = 0; string line; txtStatusBar.Text = "Processing DB records..."; // ************************************************ // Major Loop to read FCC DB… Estimate PGF1.3 - a debugger-formater of struct. errors in source codes Pascal+Delphi Programming Software Development by Vasil54 …on a principle of unidirectional text processing. From an initial file the line of the text is entered and there and… at first sight. ___ 5. In the program text the considerable quantity of auxiliary comments of structural character…of functioning. ___ Visually seeing realised in the initial text of the program REAL structure, the programmer can … showing loading image on button click .. Programming Web Development by asasasasasa … state <= 10) { this.lblMessages.Text = "Processing..."; this.PanelProgress.Width = state * 30; this.…lblpercent.Text = state * 10 + "%"; Page.RegisterStartupScript… php script in the "form action" is not working Digital Media UI / UX Design by …Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Text Processing</title> <…link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"…><input name="department" type="text" size="30"/></td>… How to call MontyLingua function in Python? Programming Software Development by LostGurl Hello.. Im doing some simple text processing using Python which include indexing, splitting and tokenizing text from folder. i want to improve the stemming….words=content.split() print 'Words in text:',len(self.words) outfile.write("Words in text:%d\n"%(len(self.words… Reading XML file which is on listbox and bind its data to GridView Programming Software Development by Praise92 …< ListBox1.Items.Count; ix++) { lblMessage.Text = "Processing file: " + ix + 1; string… xmlfile = ListBox1.Items[ix].Text; try {…