129 Topics

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Member Avatar for new_zal

Hi all Just looking a creating a possible java or jsp based messenger for a web site. I have tested java based lan messengers, p2p messengers and even openfire+spark+smack instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber) which I admit I liked a great deal. They say dont try re-invent the wheel …

Member Avatar for M4trixSh4d0w
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

So I have been working on a program lately, or actually was working on it and came back to check on it. The program is being developed for someone else, who unfortunately has not been cooperative in giving me the stuff I need to test it. The program is used …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for communism

Hi I'm creating a socket server in Linux using pthreads. I was just wondering, how does the server send specific messages to its clients (for instance, a PM) if each is in its own standalone thread?

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for PrimePackster

K! Any chance of having a option to not get notifications regarding a single thread updates????? "What are you eating/drinking right now?" have gone out of bound, that i keep getting the mail notifs...... Can i unfollow only that thread only........ Sofar the only option seems to be unsuscribe the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for thendrluca

hi all! :) well i wrote a sample code to test threads and i don't get what i want the problem is that the thread i created is starting directly after i create it? but he must start when my j is equal to 25 and then i joining the …

Member Avatar for thendrluca
Member Avatar for fabio.bozzo

Hi to all, I'm using the WIA Aut. Library [url]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=a332a77a-01b8-4de6-91c2-b7ea32537e29&displaylang=en[/url] , trying to capture photos from 5 digital cameras (Nikon D90) USB-connected to my pc. Now, I partially achieved my goal, what I do is: - loop through the attached devices, connecting to every camera; - fotocamera.ExecuteCommand (WIA.CommandID.wiaCommandTakePicture) ; - …

Member Avatar for vince8290
Member Avatar for Skeldave

Hi, I am creating a simple game and I my game thread and my player2 thread seem to be executing twice each time the Thread.Sleep() expires. This is the output: Starting game: Player 2 thread Game thread Starting game: Player 2 thread Game thread Player 2 thread This is the …

Member Avatar for Skeldave
Member Avatar for sbrohee

Dear all, I am certainly not an expert in C++ development but after some time, I had some code running and compiling for a bio-informatics tool. As always in Science, I changed my area of research of a while and when I came back to my tool, I had changed …

Member Avatar for sbrohee
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hello everyone. As the title suggests i need to implement a type of timer based function inside a UI Thread in MFC. Although CWinThread is a UI Thread and has a message pump it does not have a Timer function as CWnd::OnTimer Is there any way i can implement a …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

HI I have a method update.sendUpdate(TrackManager tm); TrackManager is a class how do i create a thread for methods with parameters appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for JDoggieIII

Hi, I am using C++ MFC and I wouldn't exactly call myself an expert :-). What I have is a thread drawMonitor which monitors when to draw and I would like it to call DrawLines() (which is a member function in the class) to do the drawing. void drawMonitor(void *); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for khalidshakar

package vc_client1; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer; import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine; public class voiceReceiver { public Thread playThread; boolean stopCapture = false; static ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream; AudioFormat audioFormat; static TargetDataLine targetDataLine; AudioInputStream audioInputStream; BufferedOutputStream out = …

Member Avatar for khalidshakar
Member Avatar for jorgmen

Hello everybody... I have been using c++ for a while for console applications, but now I need to make a simulation of a soda factory, implementing multi-threading and GUI. I was using Dev c++ for console apps, and I tried to install some dev-packs for multi-threading and GUI development as …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for rahul.ch

public class Thread7 implements Runnable { public static void main(String r[]) { Thread t = new Thread(new Thread7()); t.start(); public void run() { System.out.println("C"); System.out.println("D"); } System.out.println("A"); try { t.join(); System.out.println("B"); } catch(Exception e){} } } Query1: On compiling this program I get "illegal start of expression" error pointing to …

Member Avatar for delta_frost
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hey, I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me how I can let a user fill out a form and it would create a page with that information for other people to see (Sort of like a forum). I currently have no code for this but I …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for borchu

Hello guys, I start to learn&code some basic small client/server console applications in java -especially in android- and also I try to learn Threads, in fact, I managed to connect 2 different machine by uploading different projects to these machines, for example one project only consists of client and the …

Member Avatar for borchu
Member Avatar for Viped

Hi, could some one look over my code I by myself dont get where the flaw is. It should paint 1 cube at a time but now it runs all the code through and paints all at once. package net.viped; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

More of a question than feedback if im honest, as i'm not sure if it was just me or not. But I noticed after a while I wasnt getting the emails from threads I had replied to, obviously indicating the auto subscribe to topics I reply to was turned off. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for memomk

hey i heard that there is something called qt signals you can use it to change the GUI out side the main thread coz when i try to change it i get an error that i cant change the gui out of the main thread but i need it to …

Member Avatar for memomk
Member Avatar for JasonWung

Hi, Can anyone give me some examples with threads with win forms. I have one form which make post request to a server. When i start form and hit "start" button my form read one .txt file. I want to make when start .. read 50 rows then stop and …

Member Avatar for JasonWung
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

Since the overhaul, there are some nice feature of the old system that are missing in the thread titles. By thread titles, I mean as they show up in the forum listings (the icon (new, read, etc.), title, # of replies, time of last post, etc.). Some of the features …

Member Avatar for jot121

here is the details I got: 1. Create a class called 'GuessMyNumber'. The constructor should chose a random number between 1 and 100. There should be a method 'guess(int guess)' that returns -1 if the guess is too low, 0 if the guess is correct, and 1 if the guess …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for codeorder

Having a bit of an issue with my file.scanner and that issue is that I cannot figure out how to run multi.threading when searching the files within a folder(8,000+ files). [CODE]Imports System.IO Module x Function xGetFolderFilesCount(ByVal selFolder As String) As Integer If Directory.Exists(selFolder) Then Return Directory.GetFiles(selFolder).Length Else Return 0 End …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Hattoff

Hey everyone, I am new to the site and to programming so please be gentle. I am working on a simple project where I use pre-created classes that define shapes and call the methods within them to create a picture on a canvas. I have most of this down, but …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for sah

You cannot vote on your own post 0 I have loaded many images in a listview using ImageList in c#. When many many images are loaded then it takes a long time. So I call the method in backgroundworker. In the backgroundworker I had to add images to ImageList and …

Member Avatar for mani-hellboy
Member Avatar for mallikaalokam

[CODE]import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; class Login extends Thread { public void run() { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in); while(true) { System.out.println("Enter username:"); String h=br.readLine(); System.out.println("Enter password:"); String d=s.nextLine(); } } } class Display extends Thread { public void run() { while(true) { System.out.println("ur username is:"+" "+h); …

Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp
Member Avatar for warlord902

I have a kind of doubt, suppose I have a class like this: [CODE] public class AA{ public static createUser(String a, int b){ User usr=new User(a,b); BB.storeUser(usr); } } [/CODE] Now, if multiple threads call this createUser() method of this class at the same time, will it cause any kind …

Member Avatar for warlord902
Member Avatar for _neo_

Hi folk. Can I use join() method in implementation of run(), like this: [CODE] public class MyThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { int timeout = 30000; // here is some heavy work join(timeout); } } [/CODE] Is above thread terminated after timeout milliseconds if task takes longer …

Member Avatar for _neo_
Member Avatar for fusionking

I'm creating a C# program that has a sizable textbox that prints out data every 5 seconds. Whatever data that is displayed is (supposed to be) cleared and replaced with new data every 5 seconds. I've created a thread so that the window opens (main thread) and the data is …

Member Avatar for fusionking
Member Avatar for Jean Declaix

In the following code : [COde]#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import Tkinter import os import threading class Fil (threading.Thread): def __init__ (self): threading.Thread.__init__ (self) print "Init Fil" def f1 (self): print 'f1' #app().ecrit(1) class App(Tkinter.Tk): def __init__(self,parent): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self,parent) print "Init App" self.initialize() ping() def initialize(self): self.grid() self.bouton1L = Tkinter.Label(text="-", …

Member Avatar for Jean Declaix

The End.