Which is the best tutorial to learn Java DSA? Programming by ASubhan Hello !! "I want to learn Java data structures and algorithms (DSA). I have recently learned Java object-oriented programming (OOP). Suggest me best tutorials for learning. Re: Which is the best tutorial to learn Java DSA? Programming by Reverend Jim You could start with w3schools.com [java tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/java/) Image Analysis Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …Model](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542030/image-analysis-using-openai-gpt-4o-model),…-4o](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542030/image-analysis-using-openai-gpt-4o-model).…4o](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542030/image-analysis-using-openai-gpt-4o-model… Retrieval Augmented Generation with Claude 3.5 Sonnet Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … my [previous article](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542132/comparing-gpt-4o-vs-claude-3-5-sonnet-for… Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon … course there there will be a link back to the tutorials chain. The name of it "Chat with Quotes"… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani … course, if you could write a tutorial, or series of tutorials, on how to use LLM without a ChatGPT API. I… Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim I'd definitely follow that. My older son does a fair bit of AI work and he exclusively uses Python with Pytorch. I would strongly recommend that over C++. Also, if you aren't familiar with Jupyter notebooks I suggest you have a look - I found that vscode was the interface that was the easiest to set up and use. Re: Thinking to write a simple "AI app" tutorial , should I do it ? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jkon Hello , I have started writing it ( in my free time ) but it is a little difficult because I want it to be safe but also for someone that doesn't know a lot about Python. So I have to start from what pyenv is and why you should use virtual environments in Python. Less than half a year ago , I have written Python here and there in my life (or more… Comparing Fine-tuned and Default GPT-3.5 Turbo for Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … Llama 3 models](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542001/openai-gpt-4o-vs-meta-llama-3-for-zero… the [previous article](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542001/openai-gpt-4o-vs-meta-llama-3-for-zero… Text to Speech Conversion Using Hugging Face Transformers Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … images from text](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/541898/generate-stunning-ai-images-for-free-using-diffusion-models… OpenAI GPT-4o vs Meta Llama 3 for Zero Shot Text Classifiation Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … shot text classification](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/541654/claude-3-opus-vs-google-gemini-vs-gpt-4… Image Analysis Using OpenAI GPT-4o Model Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … my [previous article](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/542001/openai-gpt-4o-vs-meta-llama-3-for-zero… Re: Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by pritaeas …($A, $B, $C); ``` https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/tutorials/437592/introduction-to-php-s-object-orientation Re: RayCasting: why i get a more width vertical lines on square grid size? Programming Software Development by cambalinho maybe you have right... but, for now, i don't understand why and where i'm fail :( i'm learning from: https://permadi.com/1996/05/ray-casting-tutorial-table-of-contents/ theres several tutorials, but not all are so good :( Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by simhakidsden You can build a video player in HTML and CSS by using the <video> element to display the video and styling it with CSS to customize its appearance and layout. You can also use JavaScript to add additional functionality, such as play, pause, and volume controls. Re: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by Harini sri Hi, Thank you so much for the above code. Its giving better results compared to other libraries. I have few questions. In some tables, I have common column name for three columns and further I have sub columns like below.... in these cases the tables are not getting extracted properly...Do you have any suggestions for handling such cases? Also … Re: Tutorials category idea Community Center Meta DaniWeb by happygeek Tutorials cannot simply be given 'official' DaniWeb tutorial status without first … the moment about who is best suited to do this. Tutorials will [B]never[/B] appear immediately with DaniWeb approved status… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by William Hemsworth … better to have no or very few tutorials rather than a lot of substandard tutorials which eventually might >bring down the… to newbies. Obviously you could also allow members to rate tutorials and leave comments, thus meaning people will have an overall… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ~s.o.s~ … a rule is enforced, the fear of sub-standard tutorials turning up would be still there. You've got …FAIL. Though I agree that if Daniweb can afford substandard tutorials which improve over time with user feedback, this clause …would be a good starting point. > Submitted tutorials can then be published when they are reviewed. Re-read… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by William Hemsworth …apples to oranges here. Users learn from both snippets and tutorials. For example, a lot of what I know in …worry too much about small flaws that might occur in tutorials. I guess this is the sort of thing im …talking about. [URL="http://www.actionscript.org/resources/categories/Tutorials/"][link][/URL] I used to be an active member… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by William Hemsworth >Are tutorials reviewed before they are made available to public? You have …"]become an author[/URL] before you can post any tutorials on that site, which requires you to write a quick… biography before being accepted. >Are tutorials reviewed before they are made available to public? My guess… Tutorials? Programming Game Development by Progr4mmer I was watching the java game tutorials by thenewboston on youtube but he stopped making them. Anyone know of any good tutorials for making java 2d or 3d games? Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by serkan sendur [QUOTE=Xlphos;854267]Hi I have just been looking at the tutorial section and noticed their is very little there. I would like to see more stuff up there, who can write the tutorials? Anyone any views on this?[/QUOTE] i like to post some tutorials, as jbennet said it is hard to submit. Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by William Hemsworth … why it should be so hard to post your own tutorials. Presumably it was posters with a low post count / bad… reputation who flooded the tutorial section with bad tutorials. How about restricting the tutorial section for members with a… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ~s.o.s~ … better to have no or very few tutorials rather than a lot of substandard tutorials which eventually might bring down the name… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Xlphos … moderator. We could have something like a submit section on tutorials. Submitted tutorials can then be published when they are reviewed. Could… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ~s.o.s~ > Users learn from both snippets and tutorials. Here you're speaking from the end users' perspective and … copy-paste of someone elses' work and paste there? Are tutorials reviewed before they are made available to public? Is any… Re: Tutorials Community Center Meta DaniWeb by ~s.o.s~ … the original one] > Users learn from both snippets and tutorials. Here you're speaking from the end users' perspective and… copy-paste of someone elses' work and paste there? Are tutorials reviewed before they are made available to public? Is any… tutorials Programming Software Development by bob901 Hey all :) does anyone know of any good tutorials for java?? Ive already done the Invaders one and "Intro to computer science with java". please post with some good ones :) heres the Invaders one.. [URL=http://www.planetalia.com/cursos/index.jsp]here :)[/URL] Tutorials Programming Software Development by danizzil14 Hello Everyone! My question is simple, where are any half decent tutorials out there? I mean, all of the ones I've tried have only skimmed the surface(print, name = raw_input yah know things like that)- or were way to complicated. I've only been doing this for something like a week