Re: Convert C++ to VB.Net Programming Software Development by liangting03 cv::Mat ResultImage11 = cv::Mat::zeros(resu_textpic3.size(), CV_8UC1); cv::drawContours(ResultImage11, contoursTarget, -1, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, 8, Mat()); //cv::RotatedRect ellipse; int rid1 = 480; int rid2 = 600; //去除干扰 vector<vector<Point>> filteredContours; for (int i = 0; i < contoursTarget.… XLS with PHP Programming Web Development by ashneet … making an inventory control system which is at time in xls file and want to transfer it to DB. what the… to use so any hint would be nice... also these xls file will update and will be uploaded alot so i… php but have no idead how to take data in xls into db like what command i use to convert… Re: XLS with PHP Programming Web Development by ashneet Well it is not converting exls file into sql db but taking data out of the xls file and inserting it into the db is what i want. i m pritty sure that that this is long shot but why not give it a try... xls in php format problem with cell width Programming Web Development by happytogether Can somebody help me please? i try to generate an xls(excel) file using this code, all format work fine except …->write($j, $i, $data, $fmt); } } } } $workbook->send('test.xls'); $workbook->close(); ?> [/code] thank you in advance. Sorry… Re: xls in php format problem with cell width Programming Web Development by karthik_ppts I used the following code to generate xls file from php code. I just share the code here. […;."smslist_".date('Y-m-d_H-i',time()).".xls"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary "); xlsBOF(); xlsWriteLabel… XLS to CSV file using php Programming Web Development by umesh314 Hi all, I want to automate the work of uploading excel datas to databases using PHP. I am familiar with working on csv files and databases. But I want the XLS file which i am uploading , to be converted to CSV file using PHP before the process begins. PLEASE HELP.. Re: xls to mysql ???? Programming Web Development by anuj_sharma i have this excel sheet names "marks.xls". The xls file consists of marks of students. I want to add these marks to the mysql database. I read somewhere that it is better to convert the xls file to cvs format and then insert it into the database from the cvs but i m not getting any success. Please suggest. Re: xls to mysql ???? Programming Web Development by kumar pushkar After uploading a excel file from jsp then send to servlet now how to get details from excel file in servlet .........from any drve likec://my.xls is working fine but i dont want to save just get the data and update db thats it...but i am not able to do that plz show the code ho to make a xl file in servlet from input stream ... Review on Spire.Xls For .NET and Silverlight Programming Software Development by Tissing ….NET and Silverlight. These are the features of Spire.xls, if you happen to browse through their official site.…3. Format Cells That really makes me satisfied. Spire.Xls shows powerful functions on cells formatting. It allows you … into Excel. 6. Marker Designer In this field, Spire.XLS for .NET provides Template, Auto Populate, Style Copy and… Convert .csv to .xls Programming Software Development by Ghoztrider …get if I try to merge and convert to .xls. (A1)Moe, Larry, Curly (A2)Joe, Sally… (*.txt)|*.txt|CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel Files (*.xls)|*.xls|Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" sfdMain.Filter = "… (*.txt)|*.txt|CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel Files (*.xls)|*.xls|Excel Files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" Dim FileNameWrite, File,… Make SQL table and insert data from .xls file Programming Web Development by sainigks … to make a programme that read data from .xls file. a sql table will create on the …basis of top row of the xls file, and rest rows will treated as data…for a office, their employees are making reports in xls file. all the files are different format. i… want that my php programme read xls file and create a table in sql and insert… Question with xls querries from sql Programming Software Development by mason12345 Hi: I'm writing a VBA macro in xls to chart various records that I'm querying from MS … of records. The way I have the xls code, I can pull the data into xls and then count rows. However, sometimes… number of rows queried exceeds the 65K max rows in xls...and the program fails. Could anyone suggest how I could… Problem with converting csv file to xls Programming Software Development by Jehanneman …Python that converts a csv file into a xls file. I have to convert about 500 …) = os.path.splitext(filename) newname =shortname + ".xls" outCSV = os.path.join(filedir, newname) excel.Visible…print "...Converted " + shortname + " to xls" ConvertCSVToXLS(fpath) [/CODE] When I execute this file… Re: Convert .csv to .xls Programming Software Development by ChrisPadgham why don't you try opening the csv file as a datasource rather than a file similarly the xls and use SQL INSERT INTO myXLdb (col1, col2, col2) SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM myCSV Re: Convert .csv to .xls Programming Software Development by Ghoztrider Thanks for your input as well Chris, I'm going to dig in a little deeper and take a look at this. [QUOTE=ChrisPadgham;1746871]why don't you try opening the csv file as a datasource rather than a file similarly the xls and use SQL INSERT INTO myXLdb (col1, col2, col2) SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM myCSV[/QUOTE] Need Ideas around xls reading by python to sqlDB Programming Software Development by Acidz …People... I have a question about reading xls files in python then parsing it to …sqlDatabase. The thing is, that the xls file(pricelist) we as a company use are…to sort that out. The problem comes with xls files from other companies. (We are a laptop…s just getting the information from the unordered xls files and parsing them to be sorted into… Re: Make SQL table and insert data from .xls file Programming Web Development by Biiim To confirm it I really doubt there will be any way to import a xls into mysql - microsoft has xls files saved in an encrypted format that you need a program to translate - I would do what Pritaeas says and you can make the top row using the headers in the file etc. Export tables to XLS Programming Databases by soer …; 0. I would like to export all tables to individual XLS files. I've gone through BCP documentation to no avail… tables in a database (with # rows > 0) to individual XLS files?[/B] It should be noted that the tables I… want to output to XLS are created dynamically by a script. So, I wont know… integrating xls files in java Programming Software Development by Prateek Salian Hi All, I am creating an application in JAVA EE for my company where people can upload their .xls files into the fielsystem of the server. Then an administrator can integrate all the .xls files uploaded by the people into a [B]single .xls file.[/B]I am done with the uploading part and need some help with the integrating part. Re: integrating xls files in java Programming Software Development by sivakumarl Hi Prateek, For integrating an excel sheet ,you need to read both xls files and need to be write in new excel.For handling xls there is a POI API which will help you to read and write xls file. Kindly find the below link for reference. [URL=""][/URL] Cheers, Siva Re: integrating xls files in java Programming Software Development by Prateek Salian …, For integrating an excel sheet ,you need to read both xls files and need to be write in new excel.For… handling xls there is a POI API which will help you to… read and write xls file. Kindly find the below link for reference. [URL="… download file in xls format Programming Web Development by himmat.m4 Hi, I upload xls file by using my application but whenever try to download same that time it's not come in xls format. There display some squares and special characters. So help how to download that file in xls format. Thanks in advance......... Display datagrid results on page while exporting to xls Programming Software Development by Misheki … a working code that exports the datagrid into XLS. However, the datagrid results does not show on…comment out the part that exports it to xls. I am not sure whether it should …attachment; filename= ExportPRFs_" & Today() & ".xls" Response.Clear() Response.Charset = "" Response.AddHeader(&… Re: Need Ideas around xls reading by python to sqlDB Programming Software Development by Acidz … csv #book = raw_input("Enter file name (*add .csv or .xls): ") reader= csv.reader(open('Toshiba.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar… unsorted... this ^ way works fine for the bits from the xls->csv file with all the specs in one line… Re: Make SQL table and insert data from .xls file Programming Web Development by pritaeas If you export your XLS as CSV, then MySQL can import it with LOAD DATA. [Here]('s a thread about it. Re: Problem with converting csv file to xls Programming Software Development by ramwins1 …:\Documents and Settings\palappr\Desktop\test\New\CPR sani bagavan.xls' wb.SaveAs(outxl, FileFormat=1) wb.Close(False) excel.Quit… Re: Need Ideas around xls reading by python to sqlDB Programming Software Development by Acidz … sys, os from xlrd import open_workbook,cellname book = open_workbook('Toshiba.xls') sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) print, "name"… Re: Need Ideas around xls reading by python to sqlDB Programming Software Development by TrustyTony …-dmt(Acidz) from xlrd import open_workbook,cellname book = open_workbook('Toshiba.xls') sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) print, "name"… Re: Need Ideas around xls reading by python to sqlDB Programming Software Development by Acidz Oh I see nice... yea I never really got into the or/and... I always made some little screw-up and it seemed not to work (for me :P) anyway yea here is the data file.. : - Sorry there was a limit on DaniWeb so i used dropbox, and its a xls file in a tar Re: security for pdf and xls files Programming Web Development by diafol … link/form rather than a credentials prompt on every pdf/xls link, but it can be done. For example... …,tinyint) - related to filetypes table, e.g. 1=pdf, 2=xls... * filename (varchar, 30) * filedescription (varchar, 100) * permission_id (FK, …s what you need), along with a nice PDF or XLS icon and an userlevel (permissions) icon, such as a…