protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CookieWrapper.Username != null && CookieWrapper.Role == "Member")
                hlUsername.Text = CookieWrapper.Username;

In this master page Page_Load event i will check whether the cookies values,
if false will redirect to the error page.
So another words, my child pages also will fire this MasterPage Page_Load event right.
But now my problem is occured, some of the child pages did fire this event, but some does not and result in "Object Reference Null"
And ideas?

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I have had a similar problem where I had to move some code from page_load to another event in the page cycle, say Page.LoadComplete Event

Which mean i just need to move the Page_Load event code from Master Page to Page.LoadComplete Event?

I couldnt say for sure without working with your code. I just wanted to mention to you that I had a similar problem where I had code in the Page_Load method in the Master and "child" pages and encountered an issue where I needed to ensure that one page_load block had to exectute before code in the other page_load block. My solution was to place the code that needed to run after in LoadComplete.

This may not be related to your situation, but I thought I'd metion it to you because your description seemed to be similar to the issue I encountered.

    public partial class MonthlyBudget_Report : System.Web.UI.Page
        private double totalUsage = 0;
        private DateTime dtSelected = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1973");
        private string strUsername = CookieWrapper.Username;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
            dtSelected = Convert.ToDateTime("1/" + ddlMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + ddlYear.SelectedItem.Text);
            insertChart(getColumnName(), getValues());
            lblLoanAmt.Text = "RM " + totalUsage.ToString("n2");

        protected void setDropDownList()
            SqlConnection conSet = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connMSJ"].ConnectionString);
            SqlCommand cmdSet = new SqlCommand("SELECT CurrentMonth FROM MonthlyBudget WHERE Username=@username", conSet);
            cmdSet.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", strUsername);
            SqlDataReader dtrSet = cmdSet.ExecuteReader();
            while (dtrSet.Read())
                string CurrentMonth = dtrSet[0].ToString();
                int dtYear = Convert.ToDateTime(CurrentMonth).Year;
                ListItem liYear = ddlYear.Items.FindByText(dtYear.ToString());
                if(liYear == null)

This is the code where is meet the error "Object Reference Null". My cookies value is null. Any idea with this code?

It is okay if i add one more time check cookies value in the this child page Page_Load event, but if i don't want add extra check cookie value? any tricks?

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