How to upload attachments

Click "Go advanced" then the paperclip.

This works in IE7 and Firefox 3, i tried it under both.

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All 16 Replies

Is there a point to this thread?

I guess this is meant for people who are facing problems uploading attachments but yeah, even I am confused.

*yaaaawn* I'm sure it will help all those people that keep asking how to upload attachments.

Its to show Mechabas he keeps sending me angry PMs telling me it wont work for him.

If you don't want to, you are under no obligation to reply to his PM's or entertain him on a personal level just because you are a moderator. If you are troubled by his PM's, bring this up with a super-mod or administrator as PM's with objectionable contents fall under the rules of infrationable offense.

We already have a Daniweb Community Feedback forum for such kind of things; ask him to bring up the issue here.

Its no problem i just made this thread to show him and hopefulyl others where the button is.

If people are too stupid to know that the paperclip is used for attachments, they have no business on a 'IT Discussion Community' IMO.

If people are too stupid to know that the paperclip is used for attachments, they have no business on a 'IT Discussion Community' IMO.

What makes you think people will automatically know what that paper clip is for? I didn't know what it was for until just now when I read your post because I always scrolled down and hit the "Manage Attachments" button.


What makes you think people will automatically know what that paper clip is for? I didn't know what it was for until just now when I read your post because I always scrolled down and hit the "Manage Attachments" button.

Perhaps I was a bit quick on the draw, but the paperclip icon is a pretty standard icon nowadays. Not only by Microsoft standards, but programs like Thunderbird also use it. So I thought it was accepted as a standard like the "open file" icon etc. I was obviously mistaken.


+1 what?

> +1 what?

Maybe James' way of saying that he agrees with the above post? ;-)

yup, +1 to AD.

The paperclip isnt always recognised by non technical users

I've had one problem, and it was a server time out, otherwise no problems :)


I see some of the strangest icons that people think I will know what they mean (or even that they are icons):

- A man 's head on the menu bar
- A globe that looks like it is on roller skates
- A white cross on a red background
- A green hand holding up a building
- Two A s and an X overlapped
- An envelope with a lightning bolt on it
- A smiley face that is spinning
- A picture of a rocket ship from the 1950s
- A finger pointing at a document
- A necktie with a "no" circle on it
- A picture of a clown
- A lighthouse
- A squeeze bulb horn
- A duck in a raincoat

Don't you know the universal icons for... for... heck, I don't know either!!!

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