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Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for m.rahman1
Member Avatar for xaznfr33kx

This happens because the game is using so much of the CPU time that the mouse pointer doesn't get refreshed often enough.

Member Avatar for Yehuda_1
Member Avatar for bikitybam15

Go to View and select Print Layout View. The other views do not show the margins. Also, you must select the entire region you wish to change the margins in before setting the margins.

Member Avatar for Pharunee
Member Avatar for tha503girl

Some overlooked possibilities: Power saver mode - turns off the screen lamp when you have not keyboarded or moused within a set time (e.g. while watching a long video?). Power saver sleep mode - puts the laptop into sleep mode after not being moused or keyboarded for a set time. …

Member Avatar for Dani_12
Member Avatar for Todd Cowles

You have to find out the exact probability of each possible hand, given the [B]actual number of decks[/B] you used. There is no "blanket rule" for a hand. The probability of a hand is the total number of different ways to make that hand (counting substituting an identical card as …

Member Avatar for LARRY_11
Member Avatar for rajesanthu
Member Avatar for nate_2
Member Avatar for jamst149

The problem is the assignment of drive letters. All hard drives belong together. If the new hard disk shows up in letter sequence after the CD drive, the computer thinks it is removable. Check the BIOS to see if it says only one hard disk.

Member Avatar for Konstantinos_2
Member Avatar for vivekgalatage

This function belongs to the user, not the webmaster. If the user wants a landscape print, he can open the file menu and select it. Remember that some users have printers which don't do landscape orientation.

Member Avatar for Sara_14
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

Here is the order of what happened. Some of it seems weird: 1. I downloaded a web page with Firefox Save Page As. The site should be trustwoirthy (a local newspaper). 2. I edited the HTML file with Notepad to remove everything (ads, scripts, etc) from the page except the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mmdm

I created a special folder and dragged the IE icon (it is not a shortcut) into it.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for LONGWAY

I have been centering images like this for years: CSS: .cenx {text-align: center;} .ceni {clear: both;} .bxfix {margin: 0; border: none; padding: 0;} HTML: <div class="bxfix cenx" <img src="imgfile.png" alt="Mine" class="ceni" /> </div> The style .cenx makes it work with older IE.

Member Avatar for LONGWAY
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I have an HP 7600 tower. When I try to commect a microphone, the Recording tab on the Sound window says "No audio devices are installed." Right clicked to show hidden and disconnected devices. None found. Troubleshoot recording could not find the trouble. Speaker Driver tests as the current driver: …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I keep getting the following error when using certain websites: "The connection has been reset." I never see it with other websites. Does this indicate a bad internet connection, something wrong with the website, site overload, or a denial of service attack?

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I made the following css: .mo {font-family: monospace; font-size: 9pt;} td {border: solid thin #000000; padding: 4pt;} With the following html (part of a table) <td class="mo">abcdefg <br />hijklmn</td> The text is not displaying in a monospaced font in Firefox. The i is narrower and the m is wider. The …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

My brother has Windows XP with a large number of art programs that don't work in newer versions of Windows. Last thrusday, he got a an art file from a colleague with a .rar extension. He downloaded WinZip to open it. It would not open the art file. Now the …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Erek4

[QUOTE=Erek4;949522]Ok, last question. Thanks by the way, it worked great and I am now an expert in getting fonts to work on my computer. I want to turn my new font into a jpg and put it on my web page. Is there anyway I can just get the font …

Member Avatar for mcdonalds_1
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I found a way to stop it. But if I publish it, then Microsoft will find a way around it. Microsoft does not seem to care that every upgrade it makes causes the real-time hardware people need to quit working. It's time to ban upgrades. Operating systems and software should …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

Several keyboard keys in Daniweb are doing the wrong things. - Occasionally backspace is taking me back to previous pages instead of removing characters. - The END key takes me to the beginning of the line instead of the end of the line. - I occasionally find myself navigating where …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I wrote a web page with one Russian word in it, using the Cyrillic alphabet character entity names (found in a list of all Unicode characters that I have). The page works fine in every browser I tried. But the W3C validator won't validate the page because the Cyrillic character …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for amagab

Adobe Reader has a "Save as text" function. Then you can use the import function to get the data.

Member Avatar for Mark Pontaic
Member Avatar for dragonface415

DANGER: Attempting to recover access to "lost" files stored on a remote computer or file server can actually cause those files to be lost. I have seen it hundreds of times. Here's how it happens: 1. The service (AOL, eBay, or any other ISP which stores user files for you) …

Member Avatar for sandradiaz
Member Avatar for rudasi

Word itself has a "save as web page" function, but it writes the worst code I ever saw.

Member Avatar for John_99
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

Datasheet view shows the data in the database. It also allows you to enter and edit the data. It does not let you change the format of the database, other than minor changes (such as displayed column widths). Design view allows you to create or change the table, form, or …

Member Avatar for hihihihi
Member Avatar for vinomashwin
Member Avatar for esmith3498

This is a setting in Outlook preferences. There are several choices on what to do with read messages.

Member Avatar for Katharine_2
Member Avatar for jonsan32

As much as I hate the hover feature, it seems to be working the way you said you wanted it to in Firefox. Have you tried looking at it in several different browsers? The problem is probably in the stylesheet, which you did not show us. Have you made the …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for happygeek

There is only one way to keep sensitive data safe from hacking: Never connect computers containing sensitive data to the Internet.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A duck quack does echo. But unless the echo has a long enough time delay, you can't tell the echo from the original quack. I once heard duck quack echoes bouncing off a large boathouse at the other end of the lake.

Member Avatar for vegaseat

The End.