karatelovr 0 Light Poster

Hi there! Hoping someone who lives on the 'net more than I can answer this. I'm looking to invite a few guests to a dinner party at a local restaurant. Since timing is short, email will be the best way to send an "official" invitation.

Rather than just writing, I wanted something more along the lines of those e greeting cards you see, except I want to design it myself (picture, music, text and maybe links to a map).

I found evite.com and they have very nice choices, the one missing element is background music.

Anyone know of a way I can create something that can be emailed to my invitees? As far as software, I only own Print Shop which won't do anything animated, but might allow music - I have to check. It can then be turned into a PDF for emailing - but can I email music?

What about using Power point? Any ideas there on how to email just one slide?
